爵銀龍 メル・ゼナMalzenoMalzenoMalzenoMalzenoMalzenoМалзеноMalzenoMalzeno멜-제나爵銀龍爵银龙مالزينو[Unsupported language]
その姿は「血氣活性状態」と呼ばれ恐れられている。A dragon covered with elegant silver scales. It uses
the Qurio to drain the life energy of other living
creatures, creeping around at night and attacking
its prey from behind. It appears almost regal to
start with, but after draining enough energy, it
can turn a violent, fresh-blood crimson. This form
is known as the "Bloodening" and is widely feared.Dragon couvert d'écailles argentées. Il utilise
les Qurio pour drainer l'énergie vitale des autres
créatures vivantes, se faufilant la nuit et attaquant
ses proies par derrière. Il a une allure quasi
majestueuse, mais une fois suffisamment d'énergie
accumulée, il devient rouge sang. Cette forme,
appelée "Hémorrageur" est extrêmement redoutée.Drago ricoperto di eleganti scaglie d'argento. Usa
i Qurio per sottrarre l'energia vitale delle creature
viventi, muovendosi di notte e attaccando le prede
da dietro. Ha un aspetto regale ma, dopo aver
prosciugato energia a sufficienza, può assumere
un violento colore rosso sangue. Questa forma è
detta insanguinamento ed è molto temuta.Ein mit eleganten Silberschuppen bedeckter Drache.
Er entzieht anderen Lebewesen mithilfe der Qurio
Lebensenergie, schleicht nachts umher und greift
seine Beute von hinten an. Am Anfang wirkt er fast
majestätisch, aber mit genug Energie wird er rot
wie frisches Blut. Diese Form heißt "Bluttaufe"
und ist weithin gefürchtet.Un dragón recubierto de elegantes escamas plateadas.
Ataca a su presa por la espalda y de noche para extraer
energía vital con los Qurio. Aunque tiene un aspecto
casi regio, tras extraer energía puede tornarse de
un agresivo y sangriento color carmesí. Esta forma
se conoce como Sanguinación y son muchos los que la
temen.Дракон, покрытый изящной серебряной чешуей. Он
использует Курио, чтобы вытягивать жизненную
энергию других существ, нападая на жертву со спины
под покровом ночи. Когда он впитает достаточно
энергии, его облик из царственного обращается
в зловещий, кроваво-алый. Эта форма многим внушает
страх и известна как "Кровожадность".Smok pokryty eleganckimi srebrnymi łuskami.
Używa Qurio do wysysania życia z innych stworzeń,
czając się w nocy i atakując od tyłu. Wygląda
dostojnie, ale po wyssaniu energii nabiera
karmazynowego koloru krwi. Ta forma jest
upiorna i znana jako „Krwawa”.Dragão recoberto de elegantes escamas prateadas.
Usa os Qurio para drenar a energia vital de outras
criaturas, espreitando à noite e atacando a presa
por trás. Ele parece quase nobre a princípio, mas,
depois de drenar energia suficiente, pode assumir
um tom violento de vermelho sangue. Essa forma é
conhecida como "Sanguinária" e é muito temida.아름다운 은백색 갑각이 기품 있는 용으로 별명은
「은작룡」. 큐리아를 이용해 생물의 정기를 빼앗기
위해 어둠에 숨어 사냥감의 등 뒤에서 기습한다.
겉모습은 우아하고 당당하지만 정기를 모으면
흉포한 본성을 드러내며 피처럼 붉게 빛난다.
그 모습은 「혈기활성 상태」라 하여,
두려움의 대상이 되고 있다.身披白銀甲殼、散發優美氣質的巨龍,故名「爵銀龍」。
“血气活性状态”,令人闻风丧胆。تنين مغطى بحراشف فضية أنيقة.
يستخدم الكوريو لاستنزاف طاقة المخلوقات الحية الأخرى،
يتسلل في الليل، ويهاجم فريسته
من الخلف. يبدو رائعًا في البداية،
ولكن بعد استنزاف ما يكفي من الطاقة،
يمكنه التحول إلى اللون القرمزي الذي يشبه لون الدم.
يسمى هذا الشكل "الهجوم الدامي"، وهو مخيف للغاية.[Unsupported language]
ダメージを与えることで強化解除とダウンが狙える。Certain attacks will cause Bloodblight, causing your
life to continuously drain but your attacks to also
heal you; keep the pressure on. The Bloodening will
occur after a certain amount of time, leading to
raging attacks; end it and get a knock down by
hitting the red flashing areas on the arms and neck.Certaines attaques provoquent l'Hémorragie,
ce qui draine votre vie, mais vous soigne lorsque
vous attaquez. L'Hémorrageur apparaît après
un certain temps, entraînant des attaques
rageuses. Mettez-y fin et terrassez-le en frappant
les zones rouges sur les pattes et le cou.Alcuni attacchi provocano malus da sangue, che
prosciuga costantemente la vita, ma i tuoi attacchi
possono guarirti. Continua a fare pressione!
L'insanguinamento accadrà dopo un certo periodo
di tempo, causando attacchi violenti: per fermarlo,
colpisci le zone rosse lampeggianti su zampe e collo.Bestimmte Angriffe verursachen Blutpest, durch die
deine Gesundheit kontinuierlich nachlässt – aber deine
Angriffe heilen dich. Die Bluttaufe tritt nach einer
bestimmten Zeit auf und führt zu tobenden Angriffen.
Beende das und schlage ihn nieder, indem du die rot
blinkenden Bereiche an den Armen und am Hals triffst.Algunos ataques provocan Plaga sangrienta, con
lo que tu vida se agotará continuamente, pero te
curarás al atacar. Mantén la presión. Pasado cierto
tiempo, ocurrirá la Sanguinación y sus ataques se
volverán furiosos; remátalo golpeando las zonas
rojas que brillan en sus brazos y cuello.Некоторые атаки могут вызвать Кровавую порчу, что
будет постоянно вытягивать ваше здоровье, но ваши
атаки будут вас исцелять. Не ослабляйте натиска.
Через какое-то время монстра охватит Кровожадность
и его атаки станут яростнее. Чтобы вывести его из
этого состояния, атакуйте алые зоны на шее и лапах.Niektóre ataki wywołują krwioplagę, co powoduje
ciągłą utratę zdrowia. Jednak zarazem twoje ataki cię
leczą, więc nie przestawaj nacierać. Po pewnym
czasie bestia uzyska krwawą formę i będzie wściekle
atakować. Zakończ to i znokautuj wroga, uderzając
w migające czerwone miejsca na przedramionach i szyi.Certos ataques causarão Praga de Sangue, fazendo sua
vida cair sem parar, mas seus ataques curam você;
mantenha a pressão. "Sanguinária" acontecerá depois
de um período, levando a ataques furiosos; acabe com
ela e obtenha uma derrubada atingindo as áreas
vermelhas piscantes nos braços e pescoço.일부 공격에 당하면 겁혈 피해를 입으며 체력이
깎이지만, 공격을 맞히면 회복할 수 있으니
적극적으로 공격하는 것이 좋다.
또한, 일정 시간이 지나면 혈기활성 상태가 되어 공격이
거세지지만, 팔과 목이 붉게 빛나며 그 부위에 일정량의
대미지를 입히면 강화를 해제하고 다운을 노릴 수 있다.受到牠的部分攻擊後會陷入劫血異常,
红光的部位造成一定伤害,即可令它解除强化并倒地。سوف تتسبب هجمات معينة في الإصابة بوباء الدم،
مما يؤدي إلى استنزاف حياتك بشكل مستمر،
ولكن هجماتك ستشفيك أيضًا؛ لذا استمر في الضغط.
فالهجوم الدامي سيحدث بعد وقت محدد، ويؤدي إلى
هجمات مستعرة. ويمكنك إنهاؤه عن طريق ضرب
الأجزاء المضيئة باللون الأحمر على الأذرع والرقبة.[Unsupported language]
Basic data
Base HP(LR/HR) 5000, (MR) 5000
Limping threshold(village) 25% / (LR) 20% / (HR) 18% / (MR) 9%
Capturing threshold(village) 0% / (LR) 0% / (HR) 0% / (MR) 0%
Sleep recovering90 seconds / recover 5% HP
Size2081.64 (1873.4758,
Threat level8
Type古龍種Elder DragonDragon ancienDrago anzianoDrachenältesterDragón ancianoДревний драконStarszy SmokDragão Ancião고룡종古龍種古龙种تنين معمِّر[Unsupported language], (internal)Other, Arial
GimmickVital(S) 100 / (M) 100 / (L) 100 / (KB) -1
Riding HP(S) 100 / (M) 100 / (L) 100
Caution to combat timer3
Caution to normal timer8
Combat to normal timer15
Enrage threshold(LR) 600 / (HR) 800 / (Rampage) 0 / (MR) 1000
State time(enraged) 80sec / (tired) 0sec
State time (rampage)(enraged) 10sec / (tired) 0sec
Motion(enraged) x1.15 / (tired) x1
Attack(enraged) x1.1
Defense(enraged) x1
Enrage add staying time30sec
Default move patternfly
Flying stance to movetrue
Sleep time150 ±15
Awake hour7 ~ 19
Eat time500 ±50
Quest | Size | HP | Attack | Parts | Defense | Element | Stun | Exhaust | Ride | Paralyze | Sleep | Stamina |
![]() ![]() | x8.8(±±) | x10.9 | x8.8 | x1 | Ax2.5, Bx2.5 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.1 ①x1 | x2.5 ①x1 | x2.5 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
![]() ![]() | x10.1 | x11.2 | x11.6 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
![]() ![]() | x10.1 | x11.2 | x11.6 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
![]() ![]() | x5.7 | x11.5 | x11.6 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
![]() ![]() | x5.7 | x11.5 | x11.6 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
![]() ![]() | x6.2 | x12.7 | x13.2 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
![]() ![]() | x6.2 | x13.5 | x11.6 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
![]() | x12.3(±±) | x13.1 | x13.2 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
![]() ![]() | x5.7 | x11.5 | x11.6 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
![]() ![]() | x5.1 | x11.5 | x11.6 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
![]() ![]() | x6.6 | x14.7 | x11.6 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
![]() ![]() | x8.8(±±) | x10.9 | x8.8 | x1 | Ax2.5, Bx2.5 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.1 ①x1 | x2.5 ①x1 | x2.5 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
![]() ![]() | x6.6 | x11.5 | x11.6 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
Village tour () | x0.1 | x0.3 | x0.1 | x1 | Ax1, Bx1 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 | 0 | |
Low rank tour () | x0.1 | x0.3 | x0.1 | x1 | Ax1, Bx1 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 | 0 | |
High rank tour () | x4.4(±±) | x0.3 | x0.1 | x1 | Ax1, Bx1 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 | 0 | |
Master rank tour (MR 5★) | ![]() ![]() | x9.2(±±) | x10.9 | x8.8 | x1 | Ax2.5, Bx2.5 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.1 ①x1 | x2.5 ①x1 | x2.5 ①x1 | x1 | 3 |
Anomaly investigation
Appear as afflicted atNone
Appear as normal at"A5" (Lv41)
Main targetfalse
Sub targettrue
Extra monstertrue
Stats table as afflictedTable 3
Stats table as non-afflictedTable 0
Base zenny
Subtarget zenny adjustx1.1
Base research point(A6) 320
Adjust point for requestx1.3
Allowed map
- 大社跡Shrine RuinsTemple oubliéRovine sacreHeilige RuinenTemplo olvidadoРуины святилищаRuiny ŚwiątynneRuínas do Templo사원 폐허大社遺跡废神社أطلال الضريح[Unsupported language]
- 溶岩洞Lava CavernsCavernes de laveCaverne lavicheLavahöhlenGrutas de lavaЛавовые пещерыJaskinie LawyCavernas de Lava용암 동굴熔岩洞熔岩洞كهوف الحمم[Unsupported language]
- 城塞高地CitadelCitadelleCittadellaZitadelleBastiónЦитадельCytadelaForte요새고원城塞高地城塞高地القلعة[Unsupported language]
- 獄泉郷Infernal SpringsSources infernalesSorgenti infern.HöllenquellenFuente infernalАдские ручьиPiekielne ŹródłaFontes Infernais옥천향獄泉鄉狱泉乡الينابيع الجهنمية[Unsupported language]
- 闘技場ArenaArèneArenaArenaArenaАренаArenaArena격투장鬥技場斗技场الساحة[Unsupported language]
- 塔の秘境Forlorn ArenaTour interditeArena desolataVerbotener TurmArena olvidadaЗабытая аренаOpuszczona arenaArena Desolada탑의 비경塔之秘境塔之秘境ساحة فورلورن[Unsupported language]
Hitzone data

Hitzone | Phase | Name | Slash | Impact | Shot | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
[0]A:頭部_肉質, A:頭部_肉質(頭専用) | 0 | 頭部HeadTêteTestaKopfCabezaГоловаGłowaCabeça머리頭部头部الرأس[Unsupported language] | 46 | 48 | 45 | 15 | 0 | 15 | 0 | 25 | 100 |
1 | 55 | 58 | 30 | 15 | 0 | 20 | 0 | 30 | 100 | ||
[1]B:胴体_肉質 | 0 | 胴TorsoTroncTorsoTorsoTorsoТорсTułówTronco몸통身體躯干جذع[Unsupported language] | 32 | 30 | 15 | 10 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 15 | 0 |
[2]C:前脚_肉質, C:前脚_肉質(おまけ用) | 0 | 前脚ForelegPatte avantZampa anterioreVorderbeinPata delanteraПередняя лапаPrzednia nogaPerna Dianteira앞다리前腳前肢قدم أمامية[Unsupported language] | 45 | 40 | 30 | 10 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 20 | 0 |
1 | 58 | 55 | 45 | 15 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 25 | 0 | ||
[3]D:後脚_肉質 | 0 | 後脚Hind LegPatte arrièreZampa posterioreHinterbeinPata traseraЗадняя лапаTylna nogaPerna Traseira뒷다리後腳后肢قدم خلفية[Unsupported language] | 30 | 28 | 5 | 10 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 15 | 0 |
[4]E:翼_肉質 | 0 | 翼WingAileAlaFlügelAlaКрылоSkrzydłoAsa날개翅膀翼جناح[Unsupported language] | 28 | 28 | 5 | 10 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 15 | 0 |
[5]F:尻尾_肉質 | 0 | 尻尾TailQueueCodaSchwanzColaХвостOgonCauda꼬리尾巴尾巴ذيل[Unsupported language] | 35 | 32 | 10 | 10 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 15 | 0 |
[6]G:尻尾先端_肉質 | 0 | 尻尾先端Tail TipBout de la queuePunta della codaSchwanzspitzePunta de la colaКончик хвостаKoniec ogonaPonta da Cauda꼬리 끝尾巴前端尾巴尖طرف الذيل[Unsupported language] | 26 | 22 | 10 | 10 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 15 | 0 |
1 | 50 | 48 | 40 | 10 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 15 | 0 | ||
[7] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
[8] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
[9] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
[10] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
[11] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
[12] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
[13] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
[14] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
[15] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

Part | Stagger | Break | Sever | Extract | Anomaly cores |
[0]頭部, 頭部_ダメージアタリ, 頭部_部位分け | 320 | (x1) 300 | Red | ||
[1]胴体, 胴体_ダメージアタリ, 胴体_部位分け | 350 | Orange | |||
[2]左前脚, 左前脚_ダメージアタリ, 左前脚_部位分け | 250 | (x1) 200 | White | ||
[3]右前脚, 右前脚_ダメージアタリ, 右前脚_部位分け | 250 | (x1) 200 | White | ||
[4]後脚, 後脚_ダメージアタリ, 後脚_部位分け | 250 | Orange | |||
[5]翼, 翼_ダメージアタリ, 翼_部位分け | 320 | (x1) 320 | White | ||
[6]尻尾, 尻尾_ダメージアタリ, 尻尾_部位分け | 280 | (Slash) 280 | Orange | ||
[7] | -1 | None | |||
[8] | -1 | None | |||
[9] | -1 | None | |||
[10] | -1 | None | |||
[11] | -1 | None | |||
[12] | -1 | None | |||
[13] | -1 | None | |||
[14] | -1 | None | |||
[15] | -1 | None |
Multi-part vital
Index | Part | priority | Attributes | HP |
Apex shutdown (rampage) | 4 | Unique | ||
Hellfire knockdown | All | 4 | UniqueRampage enable | 1 / 150 / 700 |
Apex shutdown (normal quest) | 4 | Unique | ||
Unique0 | All | 3 | Unique | 700 / 900 / 1100 / 1400 |
Abnormal status
Threshold | Decay | Max stock | Active time | Add tired time | Damage | Additional information | |
![]() | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
![]() | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
![]() | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
![]() | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Stamina reduction = 0 |
![]() | 300 (+100) → 700180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 7 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
![]() | 250 (+150) → 700180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 40 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
![]() | 150 (+120) → 630180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
![]() | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Stamina reduction = 0 |
Flash | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Activate count = 0, Active time = 0 Activate count = 0, Active time = 0 Ignore refresh stance = Distance = 0 ~ 0, Angle = 0 |
Flash | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-3 sec) → 3 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Activate count = 4, Active time = 20 Activate count = 3, Active time = 10 Ignore refresh stance = stand, fly, diving, wall, ceiling Distance = 3 ~ 8, Angle = 120 |
![]() | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
![]() | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Blast damage = 0 |
![]() | 250 (+150) → 700180 (+900) → 1080 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 15 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 10 / 1 sec | |
![]() | 70 (+30) → 670180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Blast damage = 100 |
Ride | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Non-target monster first ride limit = 0 |
Ride | 500 (+2000) → 61000 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 15 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Non-target monster first ride limit = 65 |
![]() | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Melee hzv adjust: hard = 25, soft = 3, judge = 60 Shot hzv adjust: hard = 25, soft = 3, judge = 60 |
![]() | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Hit-damage rate = 1 |
![]() | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Motion speed rate = 1 |
![]() | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Stun hzv adjust: rate = 1, min = 0, max = 0, default = 1 Normal hzv adjust: rate = 1, min = 0, max = 0, default = 1 Stun active limit = 0 |
Pitfall trap | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Quicksand | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Poison purr-ison | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Poison stacking = 0 |
Shock trap | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Shock purr-ison | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Capture | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 3.402823e38 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
![]() | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
![]() | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Active limit = 0, Unique target param = false Distance = 0 ~ 0, Angle = 0 |
![]() | 180 (+130) → 570180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 30 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Melee hzv adjust: hard = 25, soft = 3, judge = 60 Shot hzv adjust: hard = 25, soft = 3, judge = 60 |
![]() | 180 (+130) → 570180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 20 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 15 / 2 sec | Hit-damage rate = 1.5 |
![]() | 180 (+130) → 570180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 40 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Motion speed rate = 0.9 |
![]() | 180 (+130) → 570180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 30 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Stun hzv adjust: rate = 0.5, min = 1, max = 40, default = 1 Normal hzv adjust: rate = 0.2, min = 1, max = 20, default = 1 Stun active limit = 1 |
Pitfall trap | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Quicksand | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Poison purr-ison | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Poison stacking = 0 |
Shock trap | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Shock purr-ison | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Capture | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 3.402823e38 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
![]() | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 120 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
![]() | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Active limit = 4, Unique target param = false Distance = 0 ~ 0, Angle = 0 |
Master rank reward
Target rewards | Probability |
1x | 22% |
1x | 29% |
1x | 20% |
1x | 16% |
1x | 10% |
1x | 3% |
Part | Carves | Probability |
Main body (x4) | 1x | 37% |
1x | 28% | |
1x | 21% | |
1x | 13% | |
1x | 1% | |
Severed part A | 1x | 80% |
1x | 17% | |
1x | 3% |
Capture rewards | Probability |
Part | Broken part rewards | Probability |
角HornCorneCornoHornCuernoРогRógChifre뿔角角قرن[Unsupported language] All of:
| 1x | 80% |
2x | 17% | |
1x | 3% | |
翼WingAileAlaFlügelAlaКрылоSkrzydłoAsa날개翅膀翼جناح[Unsupported language] All of:
| 1x | 85% |
1x | 15% | |
前脚ForelegPatte avantZampa anterioreVorderbeinPata delanteraПередняя лапаPrzednia nogaPerna Dianteira앞다리前腳前肢قدم أمامية[Unsupported language] Any of:
| 1x | 70% |
2x | 30% |
Part | Dropped materials | Probability |
Drop 0 - 100% Drop 1 - 100% | 1x | 27% |
1x | 20% | |
1x | 3% | |
1x | 10% | |
1x | 40% | |
Riding | 1x | 50% |
1x | 30% | |
2x | 20% |
From buddy | Probability |
1x | 45% |
1x | 33% |
1x | 22% |
Anomaly investigation reward (lv1 ~ lv100)
Carve & part break | Probability |
Multi-target fixed rewards Get one | Probability |
6x | 20% |
7x | 60% |
8x | 20% |
Anomaly investigation reward (lv101 ~ lv120)
Carve & part break | Probability |
Multi-target fixed rewards Get one | Probability |
10x | 30% |
11x | 30% |
12x | 40% |
Move set
Internal name | Damage | Status | Guardable | Power | Type | To object | To other monster | Flags |
近距離かみつき |
| Yes | 10 | Tripping | PowerS | S | |
2連かみつき |
| Yes | 30 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | M | SuckBlood |
ひっかきかみつき(ひっかき)_DMG |
| Yes | 15 | Tripping | PowerM | S | |
回転突進_DMG |
| Yes | 50 | Flying up | PowerM | M | |
ひっかきかみつき(かみつき)_DMG |
| Yes | 20 | Flying away | PowerM | M | |
飛び込みかみつき_DMG |
| Yes | 10 | Tripping | PowerM | M | |
拘束攻撃_DMG | Yes | 80 | Catch | PowerM | S | |||
尻尾振り(一発目)_DMG |
| Yes | 45 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | M | |
後方尻尾振り(一発目・尻尾先)_DMG |
| Yes | 50 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | M | |
尻尾振り(二発目)_DMG |
| Yes | 20 | Tripping | PowerM | S | CalcHitDirectionAllDirGuardable |
尻尾振り(二発目・尻尾先)_DMG |
| Yes | 25 | Tripping | PowerM | S | CalcHitDirectionAllDirGuardable |
急接近着地_DMG | Yes | 0 | None | PowerM | M | |||
叩きつけかみつき_DMG |
| Yes | 50 | Flying away | PowerM | M | SuckBlood |
その場ひっかき(左)_DMG |
| Yes | 10 | Knockbacks | PowerS | S | |
その場ひっかき(右)_DMG |
| Yes | 10 | Knockbacks | PowerS | S | |
振り向きひっかき_DMG |
| Yes | 15 | Tripping | PowerS | S | |
尻尾サマー_DMG |
| Yes | 40 | Flying away | PowerM | M | CalcHitDirectionAllDirGuardable |
尻尾サマー(尻尾先)_DMG |
| Yes | 55 | Flying away | PowerM | M | CalcHitDirectionAllDirGuardable |
操竜_離脱突進_DMG |
| Yes | 30 | Quick recovery flying | AbsolutePower | None | TriggerRidingStart | |
操竜_ブロッキングアタリ_DMG | Yes | 0 | Knockbacks | None | None | |||
全身ぶっ飛ばし_DMG |
| Yes | 35 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | None | AllDirGuardable | |
組み技開始攻撃 | Yes | 0 | Turf war | None | None | |||
回転攻撃(翼)_DMG |
| Yes | 70 | Flying away | PowerM | M | AllDirGuardable |
回転攻撃(尻尾)_DMG |
| Yes | 75 | Flying away | PowerM | M | AllDirGuardable |
回転攻撃(尻尾先)_DMG |
| Yes | 75 | Flying away | PowerM | M | AllDirGuardable |
ひっかき風飛ばし_DMG |
| Yes | 30 | Flying away | PowerM | M | |
拘束攻撃スリップダメージ_DMG |
| Yes | 0 | None | None | None | RestraintPlOnlySuckBlood | |
捕食用攻撃_DMG | Yes | 0 | None | None | None | ForceKill | ||
サイドひっかき_DMG |
| Yes | 30 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | M | |
高速移動接近攻撃_DMG |
| Yes | 30 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | M | |
尻尾突き刺し(突き刺し部分) |
| Yes | 60 | Special flying | PowerM | M | |
翼振り払い_DMG |
| Yes | 45 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | S | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos |
ジャンプ攻撃翼 |
| Yes | 30 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | S | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos |
対空アタリ(中) |
| Yes | 40 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | S | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos |
対空アタリ(大) |
| Yes | 60 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | S | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos |
地面抉り→噛みつき(抉り) |
| Yes | 25 | Flying away | PowerM | None | |
地面抉り→噛みつき(噛みつき) |
| Yes | 50 | Flying away | PowerM | M | SuckBlood |
叩きつけかみつき_操竜確定 |
| Yes | 50 | Flying away | PowerM | M | TriggerRidingStartSuckBlood |
超火球_発射 |
| Needs Guard Up | 100 | Quick recovery flying | AbsolutePower | L | ShellIgnoreEndDelay |
超火球_着弾 |
| Needs Guard Up | 100 | Flying up | AbsolutePower | L | ShellCalcHitDirectionIgnoreEndDelay |
火炎放射_発射 |
| Yes | 40 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | M | ShellAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
暴れ火炎放射_発射1 |
| Yes | 40 | Flying up | PowerM | M | ShellAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
咆哮 | Yes | 60 | Strong roar | None | None | ShellCalcHitDirectionIgnoreEndDelay | ||
風圧 | Yes | 0 | Minor wind pressure | None | None | ShellAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay | ||
空中クロス攻撃 |
| Yes | 80 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | M | ShellAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
溜めブレス_発射 |
| Yes | 25 | Flying away | PowerM | M | ShellIgnoreEndDelay |
溜めブレス_着弾 |
| Yes | 25 | Flying away | PowerM | M | ShellCalcHitDirectionBasedRootPosAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
溜めブレス_滞留 |
| Yes | 25 | Flying away | PowerM | M | ShellIgnoreEndDelay |
溜めブレス_竜巻 |
| Yes | 80 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | M | ShellIgnoreEndDelay |
暴れ火炎放射_発射2 |
| Yes | 40 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | M | ShellAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
地面引っかき衝撃破 |
| Yes | 45 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | None | ShellAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
EX版地面引っかき衝撃破 |
| Yes | 45 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | None | ShellAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
キュリアシェル(かまいたち) |
| Yes | 70 | Flying away | PowerM | S | ShellAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelayTriggerRidingStart |
火炎放射new |
| Yes | 50 | Flying up | PowerM | M | ShellAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
血鎌 |
| Yes | 80 | Special flying | PowerL | S | ShellIgnoreEndDelay |
翼振り払いシェル |
| Yes | 45 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | M | ShellAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
EXクロス用時限アタリ |
| Yes | 100 | Wirefall disabled flying | PowerM | M | ShellCalcHitDirectionBasedRootPosAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay | |
【操竜必殺用】血鎌 |
| Yes | 80 | Special flying | PowerL | S | ShellIgnoreEndDelay |
Map behavior
大社跡Shrine RuinsTemple oubliéRovine sacreHeilige RuinenTemplo olvidadoРуины святилищаRuiny ŚwiątynneRuínas do Templo사원 폐허大社遺跡废神社أطلال الضريح[Unsupported language]
Allow area type
Special behaviortrue
Eat itemfalse
Eat item type
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
2 | 90sec | 120sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
3 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
4 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
5 | 150sec | 240sec | false | @1057,[1058],[1059]. flag:false | |||
6 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
7 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
8 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
9 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
10 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
11 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
12 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
13 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @0. flag:false |
溶岩洞Lava CavernsCavernes de laveCaverne lavicheLavahöhlenGrutas de lavaЛавовые пещерыJaskinie LawyCavernas de Lava용암 동굴熔岩洞熔岩洞كهوف الحمم[Unsupported language]
Allow area type
Special behaviortrue
Eat itemfalse
Eat item type
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 90sec | 120sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
2 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
3 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
4 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
5 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
6 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
7 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
8 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
9 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
10 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
11 | 150sec | 240sec | false | @2005,[2006],[2007]. flag:false | |||
12 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
13 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
14 | 90sec | 120sec | false |
獄泉郷Infernal SpringsSources infernalesSorgenti infern.HöllenquellenFuente infernalАдские ручьиPiekielne ŹródłaFontes Infernais옥천향獄泉鄉狱泉乡الينابيع الجهنمية[Unsupported language]
Allow area type
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 10000sec | 10000sec | false |
闘技場ArenaArèneArenaArenaArenaАренаArenaArena격투장鬥技場斗技场الساحة[Unsupported language]
Allow area type
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 10000sec | 10000sec | false | ||||
11 | 0sec | 0sec | false | ||||
12 | 0sec | 0sec | false |
城塞高地CitadelCitadelleCittadellaZitadelleBastiónЦитадельCytadelaForte요새고원城塞高地城塞高地القلعة[Unsupported language]
Allow area type
Special behaviortrue
Eat itemfalse
Eat item type
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
2 | 120sec | 200sec | false | ||||
3 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
4 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
5 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
6 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
7 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
8 | 120sec | 200sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
9 | 90sec | 130sec | false | ||||
10 | 120sec | 200sec | false | ||||
11 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
12 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
13 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
14 | 150sec | 240sec | false | @1000,[1001],[1002]. flag:false | @0. flag:false |
塔の秘境Forlorn ArenaTour interditeArena desolataVerbotener TurmArena olvidadaЗабытая аренаOpuszczona arenaArena Desolada탑의 비경塔之秘境塔之秘境ساحة فورلورن[Unsupported language]
Allow area type
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 10000sec | 10000sec | false |