MR6高難度:毒を以て、薬と為すAdvanced: Toxic TrioAvancé : Trio toxiqueAvanzata: Trio tossicoFortgeschritten: Toxisches TrioAvanzada: trío tóxicoПродвинутый: Токсичное триоZaawansowane: Toksyczne trioAvançado: Trio Tóxico고난이도: 독으로 만든 약高難度:以毒製藥高难度:以毒攻毒متقدم: الثلاثي السام
Objective: 全てのターゲットの狩猟Hunt all target monstersChasser tous les monstresCaccia tutti i mostri assegnatiErjage alle Zielmonster.Caza todos los objetivosВыследить все целиUpoluj wszystkie celeCace todos os monstros-alvo모든 타겟 사냥狩獵所有目標狩猎所有目标صيد كل الوحوش المستهدفة
From: 薬師のタドリDoctor TadoriDocteur TadoriDottor TadoriTadoriDoctor TadoriДоктор ТадориDoktor TadoriDoutor Tadori약사 타도리溯藥師游方医沿الطبيب تادوري
狩猟をお願いいたします。I have spent much of my time
researching the medicinal benefits
of using various poisons and toxins
to overcome a myriad of illnesses.
I ask that you hunt the poisonous
monsters in the Tower to advance
my apothecary research.J'ai passé beaucoup de temps à
étudier les bénéfices médicinaux
des divers poisons et toxines. J'ai
ainsi pu guérir une myriade de
maladies. Je te demande de chasser
les monstres venimeux de la Tour
pour faire avancer mes recherches.Ai miei tempi, la gente
ricavava medicine dai veleni,
curando così molte malattie.
Ti imploro di cacciare i
mostri velenosi presso la
Torre per far avanzare le mie
ricerche farmacologiche.Ich habe einen Großteil meiner Zeit
mit der Erforschung der medizinischen
Vorteile der Verwendung verschiedener
Gifte und Toxine bei der Behandlung
von Krankheiten verbracht. Bitte jage
die giftigen Monster im Turm, um
meine Forschung voranzutreiben.He pasado largo tiempo
investigando las propiedades
medicinales de varios venenos y
toxinas. Te pido que caces a los
monstruos venenosos de la Torre
para poder progresar en mi afán
de boticario.Я уже давно изучаю
положительные эффекты ядов
в лечении разных болезней.
Прошу тебя, разделайся
с монстрами в Башне, они нужны
мне для аптекарских изысканий.Wiele czasu poświęciłem na
badanie efektów leczniczych
różnych trucizn i toksyn.
Udało mi się wyleczyć wiele
chorób. Upoluj trujące potwory
w Wieży, aby pomóc mi
w badaniach.Passei muito tempo pesquisando
os benefícios medicinais do
uso de vários venenos e toxinas
para vencer uma série de doen-
ças. Peço que cace os monstros
venenosos na Torre para que eu
possa avançar em minha pesquisa.원래 독은 조금만 손보면
약이 됩니다… 사람들은 그렇게
수많은 병을 극복했었죠.
약사로서 더 많은 조사와
연구를 위해, 탑에서 날뛰는
독을 가진 몬스터들을…
사냥해 주셨으면 합니다.將毒素加工製成藥物……
毒怪物们……就麻烦你去狩猎了。لقد أمضيت وقتًا طويلًا في
البحث عن الفوائد الطبية
لاستخدام أنواع السموم المختلفة
للتغلب على عدد لا يحصى من
الأمراض. عليك صيد الوحوش
السامة في البرج لتعزيز
بحثي الصيدلي.
Basic data
Base time21
Time variation3
Time limit50
RequirementMR 10
TargetHunt all 3
Reward money115920z
Reward village point2320
Reward rank point5040
Is tutorialfalse
Auto match HR10011
Monster swapNone
Monster swap preventionNone 0
Unlock by clearing following quests. Auto-clear: false
Monster stats
Monster | Size | HP | Attack | Parts | Defense | Element | Stun | Exhaust | Ride | Paralyze | Sleep | Stamina |
![]() ![]() | x5.3 | x13.5 | x13.2 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
![]() ![]() | x5.5 | x13.5 | x11.6 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
![]() ![]() | x6.2 | x13.5 | x11.6 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 |
Multiplayer factor
Monster | HP | Attack | Parts | Other parts | Multi parts | Defense | Element A | Element B | Stun | Exhaust | Ride | Monster to monster | Qurio |
| |
| |
Monster | Spawning condition | Initial area |
Initial | Zone 1, ID @0, 100% | |
One monster 25% hp left | Zone 1, ID @0, 100% | |
One monster 25% hp left | Zone 1, ID @0, 100% |
Supply items
- 4x
- 4x
- 4x
- 4x
- 3x
- 3x
- 3x
- 3x
- 1x
- 1x
- 1x
- 1x
- 30x
- 30x
- 40x
- 40x
- 40x
- 40x
- 25x
- 25x
Addtional target rewards: 0
Addtional quest rewards: 0
See monster's page for target rewards.
Quest rewards First one fixed | Probability |
2x | 7% |
1x | 30% |
2x | 15% |
1x | 25% |
2x | 10% |
1x | 7% |
1x | 6% |
Addtional target rewards Get three | Probability |
1x | 16% |
1x | 12% |
1x | 5% |
1x | 15% |
1x | 12% |
1x | 9% |
1x | 16% |
1x | 12% |
1x | 3% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 70% |
2x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get two | Probability |
1x | 30% |
2x | 10% |
1x | 27% |
1x | 25% |
1x | 8% |
Monster route
Route number: 10
Current zone | Next zone |
1 | Normal
Route number: 10
Current zone | Next zone |
1 | Normal
Route number: 10
Current zone | Next zone |
1 | Normal