HR7ExEventプリンセスたちの宴Princesses' BanquetBanquet festifBanchetto principescoBankett der PrinzessinnenBanquete de princesasБанкет принцессBankiet księżniczkiBanquete das Princesas공주들의 연회公主們的盛宴公主们的盛宴مأدبة الأميرات
Objective: 全てのターゲットの狩猟Hunt all target monstersChasser tous les monstresCaccia tutti i mostri assegnatiErjage alle Zielmonster.Caza todos los objetivosВыследить все целиUpoluj wszystkie celeCace todos os monstros-alvo모든 타겟 사냥狩獵所有目標狩猎所有目标صيد كل الوحوش المستهدفة
From: ギルドマネージャー・ゴコクGuild Master HojoHojo le M. de la GuildeHojo il capo della GildaGildenmeister HojoHojo el maestro del gremioМастер Гильдии ХодзёMistrz Gildii HojoMestre de guilda Hojo길드 매니저 고코쿠公會經紀人・風登公会经纪人・岁丰稔زعيم النقابة هوجو
との交流に使って欲しいでゲコ!Ah, {Player}!
There's a custom in a far-off land
of giving sweets to express one's
feelings. I thought it was such a nice
idea that I made stickers about it!
If you complete my request, I'll give
them to you. Now, hop to it-to it!Ah, {Player} ! Apparemment,
on s'échange des sucreries pour
exprimer ce que l'on ressent à
l'étranger. Ça m'a donné l'idée de
nouveaux stickers ! Occupe-toi de
ma requête et ils sont à toi !
Allez, et que ça saute !Ah, {Player}! In una
terra lontana si usa regalare
dolci per esprimere i propri
sentimenti. Mi è parsa un'idea
così bella che ho creato degli
adesivi! Se completi la mia
richiesta, saranno tuoi. Vai!Ah, {Player}! Kennst du
den Brauch, wo man Süßes ver-
schenkt, um seine Liebe zu
gestehen? Ich find das so süß,
dass ich Sticker dazu gemacht
habe! Erfüll meine Bitte, dann
kannst du sie haben. Los, los!Hay una lejana tierra con una
costumbre que consiste en dar
dulces para expresar lo que se
siente. Me ha gustado tanto
que he hecho pegatinas sobre
ello. ¡Te las doy si completas
mi petición!А, {Player}!
В дальних землях есть обычай
выражать чувства, даря
конфеты. Я подумал, что это
так мило, и сделал стикеры на
эту тему. Если выполнишь мою
просьбу — подарю их тебе!O, {Player}! W jednym dalekim
kraju jest zwyczaj wyrażania uczuć
przez dawanie słodkich prezentów. Tak
mi się to spodobało, że zrobiłem z tej
okazji obrazki! Jeśli wykonasz moje
zlecenie, będą twoje! Więc hop,
do dzieła!Ah, {Player}! Existe um
costume em uma terra distante
de dar doces pra expressar seus
sentimentos. Achei uma ideia tão
boa que fiz adesivos sobre isso!
Se você completar o meu pedido,
eles serão seus. Mãos à obra!오~ {Player}.
과자에 마음을 담아 선물하는
이국의 풍습을 참고해서
스탬프를 만들어 봤다개골~!
이 의뢰를 달성하면 자네에게도
나눠 줄 테니 다른 헌터와의
교류에 사용해 보거라개골!哦~{Player}啊。
用在和其他猎人的交流上呱!يا {Player}،
هناك عادة في الأراضي البعيدة
تتمثل في إعطاء الحلوى ليعبر الشخص
عن مشاعره. أعتقد أنها فكرة
رائعة دفعتني لصنع ملصقات عنها!
إذا انهيت مهمتك، فسأعطيها لك.
والآن انطلق لتنفيذها!
Basic data
Base time21
Time variation3
Time limit50
RequirementHR 8
TargetHunt all 3
Reward money21240z
Reward village point640
Reward rank point1440
Is tutorialfalse
Auto match HR0
Monster swapNone
Monster swap preventionLowerHp 0
Monster stats
Monster | Size | HP | Attack | Parts | Defense | Element | Stun | Exhaust | Ride | Paralyze | Sleep | Stamina |
![]() ![]() | x2.44 | x6.2 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
![]() ![]() | x2.6 | x6.2 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
![]() ![]() | x2.7 | x6.2 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 |
Multiplayer factor
Monster | HP | Attack | Parts | Other parts | Multi parts | Defense | Element A | Element B | Stun | Exhaust | Ride | Monster to monster | Qurio |
| |
| |
Monster | Spawning condition | Initial area |
Initial | Zone 1, ID @0, 100% | |
Initial | Zone 1, ID @0, 100% | |
After one hunted (type2) | Zone 1, ID @0, 100% |
Supply items
- 4x
- 4x
- 4x
- 4x
- 3x
- 3x
- 3x
- 3x
- 1x
- 1x
- 1x
- 1x
- 30x
- 30x
- 40x
- 40x
- 40x
- 40x
- 25x
- 25x
Addtional target rewards: 0
Addtional quest rewards: 0
See monster's page for target rewards.
Quest rewards First one fixed | Probability |
1x | 17% |
2x | 9% |
1x | 7% |
1x | 21% |
1x | 27% |
1x | 14% |
1x | 5% |
Addtional target rewards Get three | Probability |
2x | 18% |
1x | 12% |
1x | 3% |
2x | 13% |
1x | 17% |
1x | 4% |
2x | 8% |
1x | 14% |
1x | 11% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 100% |
Quest bonus rewards Get two | Probability |
1x | 40% |
2x | 20% |
2x | 40% |
Outfit voucher Get one | Probability |
1x | 70% |
2x | 30% |