LR2迫り来る白い影A Pale ShadowUne ombre pâleUn'ombra pallidaEin blasser SchattenUna sombra pálidaБледная теньBlady cieńUma sombra pálida다가오는 하얀 그림자逼近的白影迫近的白影ظل شاحب[Unsupported language]
Objective: フルフル1頭の狩猟Hunt a KhezuChasser un KhezuCaccia un KhezuErjage einen Khezu.Caza un KhezuВыследить КезуUpoluj KhezuCace um Khezu푸루푸루 1마리 사냥狩獵1頭奇怪龍狩猎1头奇怪龙صيد خيزو[Unsupported language]
From: とあるアイルーの日誌A Felyne's JournalJournal de FelyneDiario di un FelyneTagebuch eines FelynenDiario de un FelyneДневник КоттаDziennik felinaDiário de um Felyno어떤 아이루의 일기某個艾路的日記某艾露猫的日志جريدة فيلاين[Unsupported language]
救出すべく、対象の狩猟を求む。" Whiskers
fur-ozen... Tail fur-ozen... Paws—
Wha...What's that? A fur-iendly
smile? So...warm...meow...
(The diary ends there. You feel
compelled to rescue its owner.)"Il f-fait si froid... J'ai les
m-moustaches gelées... Chapristi !
Q-Qu'est ce que c'est que ç-ça ?
Un s-sourire ? Oooh, il... fait...
si chaud... si... chaud..."
(Le journal s'arrête. Vous sentez
le besoin d'aller sauver son auteur.)"Fa freddo... Tanto freddo.
Ho i baffi gelati, la coda
gelata, le zampe... E quello?
Un sorriso amichevole? Fa
caldo...! Miao, fa tanto...
cal..." (Il diario finisce
qui e vuoi salvare l'autore.)"So... so... kalt... Schnurrhaare
gefroren... Schwanz gefroren...
Pfoten... Wa-- Was ist das? Ein
heiteres Lächeln? So... warm...
miau... Alles... warm--"
(Hier endet der Eintrag. Du
rettest den Schreiber besser.)"Qué f-f-frío... Los bigotes,
la cola... T-todo congelado...
¿Q-qué es eso? ¿Un amigo?
Qué cálido... Todo es cál...".
(El diario acaba así. Sientes
que debes ayudar al autor)."Как же холодно... Усики...
замерзли... Хвост замерз...
Лапы... Что это? Дружеская
улыбка? Такая теплая... Так
тепло..." На этом дневник
оборвался. Надо спасти автора.„Strasznie zimno... Wąsy jak z
lodu... Ogon jak z lodu...
Łapki... Co... co to? Uśmiech?
Ale... ciepło... Miau...
Wszystko... ciepłe...” (Na tym
tekst się urywa. Czujesz, że
musisz uratować właściciela)."Que... que... frio... Bigodes
congelados... Cauda congelada...
Patas— O que... O que é isso? Um
sorriso amiaugável? Que... quente...
miau... Tudo... quente—"
(O diário termina aqui. Você sente
que precisa resgatar seu dono.)으~ 춥다냥… 얼어 죽겠다냥…
너무 추워서 헛것이 보인다냥…
하얀데 눈이 없고, 입이 크면서
통통한게… 아, 만지고 있으니까
일기는 여기서 끊겨있다. 구출을
위해 대상의 사냥을 부탁한다.「嗚~好冷喵……要凍僵了喵……
为了解救它,请狩猎目标怪物。"بارد...جدًا... شوارب
مجمدة... ذيل مُجمد... مخالب...
ما...ما هذا؟ ابتسامة
ودودة؟ دافئ...جدًا...مياو كل
شيء...دافئ..." (تنتهي المفكرة
هناك. {تشعر أنك مجبر} {تشعرين أنكِ مجبرة}
على إنقاذ صاحبها.)[Unsupported language]
Basic data
Base time11
Time variation3
Time limit50
TargetHunt 1x フルフルKhezuKhezuKhezuKhezuKhezuКезуKhezuKhezu푸루푸루奇怪龍奇怪龙خيزو[Unsupported language]
Reward money3960z
Reward village point80
Reward rank point260
Is tutorialfalse
Auto match HR2
Monster swapNone
Monster swap preventionNone 0
Monster stats
Monster | Size | HP | Attack | Parts | Defense | Element | Stun | Exhaust | Ride | Paralyze | Sleep | Stamina |
![]() | x1.69(±) | x1.41 | x1.69 | x1 | Ax1, Bx1 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.1 ①x1 | x1.2 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 | 0 | |
x1.54 | x1.41 | x1.69 | x1 | Ax1, Bx1 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.1 ①x1 | x1.2 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 | 0 | ||
x1.69 | x1.41 | x1.69 | x1 | Ax1, Bx1 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.1 ①x1 | x1.2 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 | 0 |
Multiplayer factor
Monster | HP | Attack | Parts | Other parts | Multi parts | Defense | Element A | Element B | Stun | Exhaust | Ride | Monster to monster | Qurio |
| |
| |
Monster | Spawning condition | Initial area | ||
Initial | Zone 12, ID @0, 60% | Zone 2, ID @0, 30% | Zone 5, ID @0, 10% | |
100% chance initial | Zone 10, ID @0, 100% | |||
100% chance initial | Zone 6, ID @0, 100% |
Supply items
- 4x
- 4x
- 4x
- 4x
- 3x
- 3x
- 3x
- 3x
- 2x
- 2x
- 2x
- 2x
- 30x
- 30x
- 40x
- 40x
- 40x
- 40x
- 25x
- 25x
Addtional target rewards: 0
Addtional quest rewards: 0
See monster's page for target rewards.
Quest rewards First one fixed | Probability |
1x | 12% |
1x | 21% |
1x | 14% |
1x | 14% |
1x | 13% |
1x | 26% |
Monster route
Current zone | Next zone | |||
1 | Normal, prev zone 2
| Normal
| ||
2 | Normal, prev zone 3
| Normal, prev zone 5
| Normal
| |
3 | Normal, prev zone 4
| Normal, prev zone 2
| Normal, prev zone 7
| Normal
4 | Normal, prev zone 3
| Normal, prev zone 5
| Normal
| |
5 | Normal, prev zone 4
| Normal, prev zone 2
| Normal
| |
6 | Normal, prev zone 3
| Normal
| ||
7 | Normal, prev zone 10
| Normal, prev zone 11
| Normal
| |
8 | Normal, prev zone 5
| Normal
| ||
9 | Normal, prev zone 10
| Normal
| ||
10 | Normal
| |||
11 | Normal
| |||
12 | Normal, prev zone 10
| Normal
Current zone | Next zone | ||
1 | Normal
| ||
2 | Normal
| ||
3 | Normal
| ||
4 | Normal
| ||
5 | Normal
| ||
6 | Normal, prev zone 7
| Normal
| |
7 | Normal, prev zone 11
| Normal, prev zone 3
| Normal
8 | Normal, prev zone 5
| Normal
| |
9 | Normal, prev zone 10
| Normal
| |
10 | Normal, prev zone 7
| Normal
| |
11 | Normal
| ||
12 | Normal
Current zone | Next zone | ||
1 | Normal
| ||
2 | Normal
| ||
3 | Normal, prev zone 6
| Normal
| |
4 | Normal, prev zone 7
| Normal
| |
5 | Normal, prev zone 7
| Normal
| |
6 | Normal
| ||
7 | Normal
| ||
8 | Normal, prev zone 10
| Normal
| |
9 | Normal
| ||
10 | Normal, prev zone 7
| Normal, prev zone 12
| Normal
11 | Normal
| ||
12 | Normal