爆鱗竜 紅蓮滾るバゼルギウスSeething BazelgeuseBazelgeuse vulcanBazelgeuse vulcanicoBrodelnder BazelgeuseBazelgeuse MagmaВспыльчивый Базел.Rozzłoszczony BazelgezBazelgeuse Vulcânico홍련의 솟구치는 바젤기우스紅蓮爆鱗龍红莲爆鳞龙بازيلجيس الثائر[Unsupported language]
辺り一面を焦土と化すほどの破壊力を持つ。A Bazelgeuse variant whose body seems to smolder,
like it could go critical at any moment. The heat of
their explosive scales have grown, their pale blue
glow worthy of the "Seething" moniker. Their
scales are blisteringly hot in this state, capable of
scorching the very earth with their volatile force.Une variante du Bazelgeuse au corps si brûlant
qu'il donne l'impression d'exploser à tout moment.
La chaleur de ses écailles explosives et sa lueur bleu
pâle sont dignes de son surnom "vulcan".
Ses écailles dégagent une force volatile si ardente
qu'elles peuvent brûler la terre même.Variante di Bazelgeuse il cui corpo sembra bruciare,
come se dovesse scoppiare da un momento all'altro.
Le scaglie esplosive, dal bagliore azzurro tenue,
emanano un calore più intenso, da cui la denominazione
di "vulcanico". Le scaglie sono roventi e possono
bruciare la terra stessa con la loro forza esplosiva.Eine Bazelgeuse-Variante, deren Körper zu glimmen
scheinen, als würden sie jeden Augenblick eine kri-
tische Schwelle erreichen. Die Wärme ihrer explosiven
Schuppen ist gewachsen, das blasse Blau macht dem
Namen "Brodelnd" alle Ehre. In diesem Zustand sind
ihre Schuppen knisternd heiß und können mit ihrer
explosiven Kraft die Erde an sich verbrennen.Variante de Bazelgeuse cuyo cuerpo parece estar
en ascuas, casi a punto de estallar. Sus escamas
explosivas relucen con luz azul pálida, y arden aún
más que las del Bazelgeuse, lo que le vale el apodo
"Magma". Cuando veas el brillo azulado, sus
escamas están tan calientes que podrían incluso
calcinar la propia tierra con su volátil fuerza.Разновидность Базельгейсов, чьи тела
словно разгорячены до предела. Жар от
их чешуи более сильный,
откуда и прозвище "вспыльчивые".
Чешуя в этом состоянии невероятно
горячая, способная опалить даже землю.Wariant Bazelgeza, którego ciało wydaje się tlić,
jakby miało zaraz eksplodować. Ciepło jego
wybuchowych łusek rośnie, a ich niebieski blask
pasuje do przydomku „Rozzłoszczony”. Jego łuski są
tak piekielnie rozgrzane, że mogą wypalić ziemię
swoją nieposkromioną mocą.Variante de Bazelgeuse cujo corpo parece fumegar,
como se pudesse irromper a qualquer momento. O calor
das escamas explosivas aumentou, e o luzir azul
pálido delas lhe valeu o apelido de "Vulcânico". As
escamas ficam quentíssimas nesse estado, capazes de
calcinar o próprio solo.폭린룡 바젤기우스의 특수한 개체.
온몸이 불타는 것처럼 붉게 물들었으며
일촉즉발의 분위기를 자아낸다.
또한 분노하면 온몸의 열량이 높아져 「홍련 상태」가
된다. 홍련 상태의 폭발비늘은 굉장히 뜨겁고
주변 일대를 초토화시킬 만한 파괴력을 가졌다.爆鱗龍的特殊個體。全身宛如沸騰般炙熱無比,
极其强大,能够将周围化作一片焦土。نوع من البازيلجيس يبدو جسده مشتعلاً،
ويبدو أنه سيصبح غاضبًا في أي لحظة. ازدادت حرارة
قشوره المتفجرة، وأصبح وهجه الأزرق
الباهت جديرًا بلقب "الغليان". تزداد سخونة
قشوره في هذه الحالة، ويمكنه
حرق الأرض بقوة انفجارية.[Unsupported language]
大技を使わせないようにしよう。Keep an eye on their head and tail scales when they start
glowing a phosphorescent white. These scales have a wide
blast radius and are extremely dangerous. If left in this state
for too long, Bazelgeuse will unleash a devastating blast attack
that covers the entire area. To avoid this punishing attack,
be aggressive and focus on the head and tail!Attention aux écailles de sa tête et sa queue lorsqu'elles
émettent une lueur blanche. Ces écailles possèdent un grand
rayon d'explosion. Si le Bazelgeuse reste dans cet état trop
longtemps, il déclenche une explosion dévastatrice sur toute
la zone. Attaquez sa tête et sa queue pour l'affaiblir et
l'empêcher d'exploser.Tieni d'occhio la testa e la coda. Quando le scaglie
esplosive brillano di un bianco tenue, hanno un raggio
detonante più ampio. Se le lasci risplendere troppo
a lungo, provocheranno un'esplosione devastante su
tutta l'area. Per prevenire questo attacco feroce,
indebolisci la bestia mirando alla testa e alla coda.Wenn seine explosiven Schuppen im fahlen Weiß zu
Strahlen beginnen, haben sie einen hohen Explosionsradius.
Wenn ein Bazelgeuse zu lange so glimmert, wird er eine
vernichtende Explosion über den gesamten Bereich
entfesseln. Greife den Kopf und Schwanz an, um ihn zu
schwächen und solchen Angriff zu verhindern.Ojo a la cabeza y la cola cuando veas en sus escamas un brillo
blanco fosforescente: esa es la marca de que pueden estallar
con un amplio radio y mucho peligro. Si dejas al Bazelgeuse en
este estado demasiado tiempo, lanzará una devastadora explosión
que afectará a toda la zona. ¡Para evitarlo, ataca con ahínco
centrándote en la cabeza y la cola!Следите за головой и хвостом. Когда чешуя
начинает светиться бледным светом,
чешуйки разбрасываются очень широко.
Через некоторое время создают
разрушительный взрыв. Атакуйте голову и хвост,
чтобы предотвратить эту ужасную атаку.Uważaj na jego głowę i ogon. Kiedy jego wybuchowe
łuski świecą na biało, mają szeroki promień
eksplozji. Jeśli za długo będą świecić, wyzwoli on
niszczycielski wybuch na całą okolicę. Atakuj
głowę i ogon, aby go osłabić, uniemożliwiając
ten straszliwy atak.Fique de olho na cabeça e cauda. Quando as escamas
explosivas começam a brilhar pálido, as escamas
espalhadas têm um raio de explosão largo. Se
brilharem por muito tempo, ocorre uma detonação
devastadora na área inteira. Ataque a cabeça e a
cauda para enfraquecê-lo, evitando o ataque.머리와 꼬리의 폭발비늘이 청백색으로 빛나면 주의.
이때 흩뿌린 비늘은 폭발 범위가 넓어 위험하다.
청백색으로 빛나는 상태를 얼마간 방치하면
주변을 휩쓰는 강력한 기술을 사용한다.
머리와 꼬리를 집중 공격하여 약화시켜
큰 기술을 사용하지 못하게 하자.當頭部與尾巴上的爆鱗開始發出藍白色光芒後,
攻击头部和尾部,使其弱化,阻止其释放大招。راقب رأسه وذيله. عندما تبدأ قشوره
المتفجرة في اللمعان بلون أبيض شاحب، فإن قشوره
المتناثرة تتمتع بمدي انفجار واسع. إذا لمعت بهذه الطريقة
لفترة طويلة، ستطلق العنان لانفجار مدمر
على المنطقة بأكملها. هاجم الرأس والذيل
لإضعافهما، وامنع هذا الهجوم القوي.[Unsupported language]
Basic data
Base HP(LR/HR) 4600, (MR) 4800
Limping threshold(village) 18% / (LR) 18% / (HR) 16% / (MR) 8%
Capturing threshold(village) 21% / (LR) 21% / (HR) 19% / (MR) 10%
Sleep recovering90 seconds / recover 5% HP
Size1928.38 (1735.542,
Threat level9
Type飛竜種Flying WyvernWyverne volanteWyvern volanteFlugwyvernWyvern voladorЛетающая вивернаWiwerna latającaSerpe Alada비룡종飛龍種飞龙种تنين مجنح طائر[Unsupported language], (internal)Flying wyvern, Arial
GimmickVital(S) 100 / (M) 100 / (L) 100 / (KB) -1
Riding HP(S) 100 / (M) 100 / (L) 100
Caution to combat timer3
Caution to normal timer8
Combat to normal timer10
Enrage threshold(LR) 500 / (HR) 1100 / (Rampage) 1100 / (MR) 1500
State time(enraged) 150sec / (tired) 60sec
State time (rampage)(enraged) 10sec / (tired) 0sec
Motion(enraged) x1.1 / (tired) x0.95
Attack(enraged) x1.2
Defense(enraged) x1.1
Enrage add staying time30sec
Default move patternfly
Flying stance to movetrue
Sleep time160 ±120
Awake hour7 ~ 19
Eat time300 ±240
Quest | Size | HP | Attack | Parts | Defense | Element | Stun | Exhaust | Ride | Paralyze | Sleep | Stamina |
![]() ![]() | x11.9(±±) | x11.9 | x13.2 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
![]() | x6.6 | x14.7 | x11.6 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
![]() | x7 | x14.7 | x11.6 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
![]() ![]() | x11.9(±±) | x11.9 | x13.2 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
Village tour () | x0.1 | x0.3 | x0.1 | x1 | Ax1, Bx1 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 | 0 | |
Low rank tour () | x0.1 | x0.3 | x0.1 | x1 | Ax1, Bx1 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 | 0 | |
High rank tour () | x4.4(±±) | x0.3 | x0.1 | x1 | Ax1, Bx1 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 | 0 | |
Master rank tour (MR 7★) | ![]() ![]() | x11.9(±±) | x11.9 | x13.2 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 |
Anomaly investigation
Appear as afflicted atA7
Appear as normal at"A6" (Lv61)
Main targetfalse
Sub targettrue
Extra monstertrue
Stats table as afflictedTable 4
Stats table as non-afflictedTable 0
Base zenny(A7) 360
Subtarget zenny adjustx1.2
Base research point(A7) 370
Adjust point for requestx1.3
Allowed map
- 大社跡Shrine RuinsTemple oubliéRovine sacreHeilige RuinenTemplo olvidadoРуины святилищаRuiny ŚwiątynneRuínas do Templo사원 폐허大社遺跡废神社أطلال الضريح[Unsupported language]
- 砂原Sandy PlainsPlaines de sablePiane sabbioseSandebeneLlanos arenososПесчаные равниныRówniny PiaskuPlanície Arenosa모래 평원沙原沙原السهول الرملية[Unsupported language]
- 水没林Flooded ForestForêt inondéeForesta inondataFlutwaldBosque inundadoЗатопленный лесZatopiony LasSelva Inundada수몰된 숲水沒林水没林الغابة الغارقة[Unsupported language]
- 寒冷群島Frost IslandsArchipel de glaceIsole ghiacciateFrostinselnIslas heladasМорозные островаWyspy MroźneIlhas Gélidas한랭 군도寒冷群島冰封群岛الجُزر الثلجية[Unsupported language]
- 溶岩洞Lava CavernsCavernes de laveCaverne lavicheLavahöhlenGrutas de lavaЛавовые пещерыJaskinie LawyCavernas de Lava용암 동굴熔岩洞熔岩洞كهوف الحمم[Unsupported language]
- 密林JungleJungleGiunglaDschungelLa JunglaДжунглиDżunglaSelva밀림密林密林الغابة[Unsupported language]
- 城塞高地CitadelCitadelleCittadellaZitadelleBastiónЦитадельCytadelaForte요새고원城塞高地城塞高地القلعة[Unsupported language]
- 獄泉郷Infernal SpringsSources infernalesSorgenti infern.HöllenquellenFuente infernalАдские ручьиPiekielne ŹródłaFontes Infernais옥천향獄泉鄉狱泉乡الينابيع الجهنمية[Unsupported language]
- 闘技場ArenaArèneArenaArenaArenaАренаArenaArena격투장鬥技場斗技场الساحة[Unsupported language]
- 塔の秘境Forlorn ArenaTour interditeArena desolataVerbotener TurmArena olvidadaЗабытая аренаOpuszczona arenaArena Desolada탑의 비경塔之秘境塔之秘境ساحة فورلورن[Unsupported language]
Hitzone data

Hitzone | Phase | Name | Slash | Impact | Shot | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
[0]A:頭部 | 0 | 頭部HeadTêteTestaKopfCabezaГоловаGłowaCabeça머리頭部头部الرأس[Unsupported language] | 64 | 80 | 45 | 0 | 10 | 25 | 20 | 15 | 100 |
1 | 64 | 80 | 45 | 0 | 10 | 25 | 20 | 15 | 100 | ||
[1]B:腹部 | 0 | 腹部AbdomenAbdomenAddomeBauchAbdomenБрюхоPodbrzuszeAbdômen복부腹部腹部بطن[Unsupported language] | 45 | 45 | 25 | 0 | 5 | 15 | 10 | 5 | 0 |
1 | 45 | 45 | 25 | 0 | 5 | 15 | 10 | 5 | 0 | ||
[2]C:背中 | 0 | 背中BackDosDorsoRückenEspaldaСпинаGrzbietCostas등背部背部عودة[Unsupported language] | 30 | 30 | 15 | 0 | 0 | 10 | 5 | 5 | 0 |
1 | 30 | 30 | 15 | 0 | 0 | 10 | 5 | 5 | 0 | ||
[3]D:脚 | 0 | 脚LegPatteZampaBeinPataЛапаNogaPerna다리腳腿قدم[Unsupported language] | 36 | 34 | 25 | 0 | 5 | 15 | 10 | 5 | 0 |
1 | 36 | 34 | 25 | 0 | 5 | 15 | 10 | 5 | 0 | ||
[4]E:翼 | 0 | 翼WingAileAlaFlügelAlaКрылоSkrzydłoAsa날개翅膀翼جناح[Unsupported language] | 44 | 44 | 35 | 0 | 5 | 15 | 10 | 5 | 0 |
1 | 44 | 44 | 35 | 0 | 5 | 15 | 10 | 5 | 0 | ||
[5]F:尻尾, F:尻尾(位置補正あり) | 0 | 尻尾TailQueueCodaSchwanzColaХвостOgonCauda꼬리尾巴尾巴ذيل[Unsupported language] | 70 | 65 | 55 | 0 | 5 | 25 | 15 | 10 | 0 |
1 | 70 | 65 | 55 | 0 | 5 | 25 | 15 | 10 | 0 | ||
[6] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
[7] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
[8] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
[9] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
[10] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
[11] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
[12] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
[13] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
[14] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
[15] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

Part | Stagger | Break | Sever | Extract | Anomaly cores (3x active) |
[0]ダメージアタリ 頭 | (LR/HR) 270, (MR) 270 | (x1) (LR/HR) 600, (MR) 600 | Red | 30% probability, 60 HP | |
[1]ダメージアタリ 胴 | (LR/HR) 320, (MR) 250 | (x1) (LR/HR) 320, (MR) 250 | Orange | - | |
[2]ダメージアタリ 両脚 | (LR/HR) 240, (MR) 240 | Orange | 25% probability, 30 HP | ||
[3]ダメージアタリ 左翼 | (LR/HR) 180, (MR) 180 | (x1) (LR/HR) 180, (MR) 180 | White | 10% probability, 30 HP | |
[4]ダメージアタリ 右翼 | (LR/HR) 180, (MR) 180 | (x1) (LR/HR) 180, (MR) 180 | White | 10% probability, 30 HP | |
[5]ダメージアタリ 尻尾 | (LR/HR) 280, (MR) 280 | (Slash) (LR/HR) 900, (MR) 900 | Red | 25% probability, 30 HP | |
[6] | -1 | None | - | ||
[7] | -1 | None | - | ||
[8] | -1 | None | - | ||
[9] | -1 | None | - | ||
[10] | -1 | None | - | ||
[11] | -1 | None | - | ||
[12] | -1 | None | - | ||
[13] | -1 | None | - | ||
[14] | -1 | None | - | ||
[15] | -1 | None | - |
Multi-part vital
Index | Part | priority | Attributes | HP |
Apex shutdown (rampage) | 4 | Unique | ||
Hellfire knockdown | All | 4 | UniqueRampage enableMulti rate EX | 1 / 150 / 700 |
Apex shutdown (normal quest) | 4 | Unique | ||
Unique0 | [0] | 2 | UniqueMulti rate EX | 175 / 300 / 450 |
Unique1 | [5] | 2 | UniqueMulti rate EX | 110 / 200 / 300 |
Abnormal status
Threshold | Decay | Max stock | Active time | Add tired time | Damage | Additional information | |
![]() | 180 (+130) → 570180 (+130) → 570 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
![]() | 150 (+100) → 550150 (+100) → 550 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
![]() | 200 (+150) → 800200 (+150) → 800 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 7 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
![]() | 225 (+75) → 900225 (+75) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Stamina reduction = 250 |
![]() | 180 (+130) → 570180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
![]() | 100 (+90) → 370180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 40 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
![]() | 120 (+100) → 520180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
![]() | 225 (+75) → 900180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Stamina reduction = 150 |
Flash | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-2 sec) → 3 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Activate count = 0, Active time = 0 Activate count = 0, Active time = 0 Ignore refresh stance = Distance = 0 ~ 10, Angle = 30 |
Flash | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-3 sec) → 3 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Activate count = 4, Active time = 20 Activate count = 3, Active time = 10 Ignore refresh stance = stand, fly, diving, wall, ceiling Distance = 3 ~ 8, Angle = 120 |
![]() | Flash0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Activate count = 3, Active time = 10 Activate count = 2, Active time = 5 Ignore refresh stance = stand, fly, diving, wall, ceiling Distance = 3 ~ 8, Angle = 120 |
![]() | 150 (+100) → 550150 (+100) → 550 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 20 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 8 / 2 sec | |
![]() | 120 (+90) → 1920120 (+90) → 1920 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Blast damage = 100 |
![]() | 150 (+100) → 550180 (+900) → 1080 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 20 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 10 / 1 sec | |
![]() | 120 (+90) → 1920180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Blast damage = 100 |
Ride | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Non-target monster first ride limit = 0 |
Ride | 500 (+2000) → 61000 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 15 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Non-target monster first ride limit = 65 |
![]() | 180 (+130) → 570180 (+130) → 570 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 20 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Melee hzv adjust: hard = 25, soft = 3, judge = 60 Shot hzv adjust: hard = 25, soft = 3, judge = 60 |
![]() | 180 (+130) → 570180 (+130) → 570 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 30 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 2 / 15 sec | Hit-damage rate = 2 |
![]() | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Motion speed rate = 1 |
![]() | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Stun hzv adjust: rate = 1, min = 0, max = 0, default = 1 Normal hzv adjust: rate = 1, min = 0, max = 0, default = 1 Stun active limit = 0 |
Pitfall trap | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-2 sec) → 2 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Quicksand | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Poison purr-ison | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Poison stacking = 0 |
Shock trap | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 8 sec (-2 sec) → 2 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Shock purr-ison | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Capture | 150 (+5) → 3000 (+0) → 0 | 5 / 5 sec0 / 0 sec | 300 | 3.402823e38 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
![]() | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
![]() | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Active limit = 0, Unique target param = false Distance = 0 ~ 0, Angle = 0 |
![]() | 180 (+130) → 570180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 30 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Melee hzv adjust: hard = 25, soft = 3, judge = 60 Shot hzv adjust: hard = 25, soft = 3, judge = 60 |
![]() | 180 (+130) → 570180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 20 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 15 / 2 sec | Hit-damage rate = 1.5 |
![]() | 180 (+130) → 570180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 40 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Motion speed rate = 0.9 |
![]() | 180 (+130) → 570180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 30 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Stun hzv adjust: rate = 0.5, min = 1, max = 40, default = 1 Normal hzv adjust: rate = 0.2, min = 1, max = 20, default = 1 Stun active limit = 1 |
Pitfall trap | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-2 sec) → 3 sec | +5 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Quicksand | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Poison purr-ison | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 8 sec (-0 sec) → 3 sec | +5 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Poison stacking = 300 |
Shock trap | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 8 sec (-2 sec) → 3 sec | +5 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Shock purr-ison | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 8 sec (-2 sec) → 3 sec | +5 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
![]() | Pitfall trap0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 8 sec (-2 sec) → 3 sec | +5 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
![]() | Quicksand0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 8 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
![]() | Poison purr-ison0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 8 sec (-0 sec) → 3 sec | +5 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Poison stacking = 300 |
![]() | Shock trap0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 6 sec (-2 sec) → 3 sec | +5 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
![]() | Shock purr-ison0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 6 sec (-2 sec) → 3 sec | +5 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Capture | 150 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 5 / 5 sec0 / 0 sec | 200 | 3.402823e38 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
![]() | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 120 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
![]() | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Active limit = 4, Unique target param = false Distance = 0 ~ 0, Angle = 0 |
Afflicted stats
Return to great activity time50 sec
Damage to releasex15 (carry over x9) / x20 (carry over x11.25) / x25 (carry over x13.5)
Release count to topple1
Maximum activity min continue time60 sec
Anomaly burst time90 sec
Add enragex1
Core break damage1.2%
Core break part break100%
Attack(normal) x1 / (great) x1 / (max) x1
Motion(normal) x1 / (great) x1.02 / (max) x1.04
Bloodblight timex1
Master rank reward
Target rewards | Probability |
1x | 21% |
1x | 24% |
1x | 16% |
1x | 17% |
1x | 15% |
1x | 4% |
1x | 3% |
Part | Carves | Probability |
Main body (x3) | 1x | 37% |
2x | 12% | |
2x | 9% | |
1x | 14% | |
1x | 23% | |
1x | 3% | |
1x | 2% | |
Severed part A | 1x | 70% |
1x | 26% | |
1x | 4% |
Capture rewards | Probability |
1x | 21% |
1x | 15% |
1x | 19% |
1x | 24% |
1x | 10% |
1x | 7% |
1x | 4% |
Part | Broken part rewards | Probability |
頭部HeadTêteTestaKopfCabezaГоловаGłowaCabeça머리頭部头部الرأس[Unsupported language] All of:
| 1x | 70% |
2x | 18% | |
1x | 8% | |
1x | 4% | |
翼WingAileAlaFlügelAlaКрылоSkrzydłoAsa날개翅膀翼جناح[Unsupported language] Any of:
| 1x | 70% |
1x | 30% | |
背中BackDosDorsoRückenEspaldaСпинаGrzbietCostas등背部背部عودة[Unsupported language] All of:
| 1x | 68% |
1x | 30% | |
1x | 2% |
Part | Dropped materials | Probability |
Drop 0 - 100% Drop 1 - 100% Drop 2 - 100% Drop 3 - 100% | 1x | 49% |
1x | 10% | |
1x | 1% | |
1x | 40% | |
Riding | 1x | 60% |
1x | 30% | |
1x | 10% |
From buddy | Probability |
1x | 47% |
1x | 22% |
1x | 15% |
1x | 16% |
Anomaly investigation reward (lv1 ~ lv100)
Carve & part break | Probability |
Multi-target fixed rewards Get one | Probability |
6x | 20% |
7x | 60% |
8x | 20% |
Anomaly investigation reward (lv101 ~ lv120)
Carve & part break | Probability |
Multi-target fixed rewards Get one | Probability |
10x | 30% |
11x | 30% |
12x | 40% |
Move set
Internal name | Damage | Status | Guardable | Power | Type | To object | To other monster | Flags |
尻尾ウロコ飛ばし |
| Yes | 40 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | S | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPosAllDirGuardable |
頭ウロコ飛ばし |
| Yes | 15 | Tripping | PowerM | S | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos | |
突進・滑空 |
| Yes | 40 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | M | |
突進・滑空(操竜用) |
| Yes | 40 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | M | |
衝撃・地震(特攻噛みつき用) | Yes | 80 | Major tremor 180 | None | None | AllDirGuardable | ||
衝撃・地震(倒れこみプレス用) | Yes | 50 | Major tremor 90 | None | None | AllDirGuardable | ||
ブレス・頭 |
| Yes | 10 | Knockbacks | PowerM | None | |
サイドタックル (左) |
| Yes | 40 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | M | |
サイドタックル (右) |
| Yes | 40 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | M | |
尻尾たたきつけ |
| Yes | 45 | Flying away | PowerM | M | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos |
倒れ込みプレス |
| Yes | 80 | Flying away | PowerM | M | |
倒れ込みプレス(操竜受付確定) |
| Yes | 80 | Flying away | PowerM | M | TriggerRidingStart |
バインドボイス | Yes | 50 | Strong roar 150 | None | None | CalcHitDirectionAllDirGuardable | ||
着火衝撃 | No | 0 | None | None | None | |||
倒れ込みプレス(操竜用) |
| Yes | 80 | Flying away | PowerM | M | |
爆破突進・翼(操竜技用) |
| Yes | 30 | Tripping | PowerM | S | |
段差ジャンプアタリ |
| Yes | 20 | Flying away | None | None | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPosAllDirGuardable | |
空中噛みつき(捕食用) |
| Yes | 20 | Tripping | PowerM | M | ForceKill |
爆破突進 |
| Yes | 60 | Wirefall disabled flying | PowerM | M | |
爆破突進・翼 |
| Yes | 30 | Tripping | PowerM | S | |
着地プレス全身 |
| Yes | 70 | Flying away | PowerM | M | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos |
着地プレス風圧 | Yes | 50 | Major wind pressure | None | None | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos | ||
空中噛みつき |
| Yes | 20 | Tripping | PowerM | M | |
特攻噛みつき |
| Yes | 80 | Wirefall disabled flying | AbsolutePower | M | |
回避パリィ | Yes | 0 | Knockbacks | None | None | |||
操獣離脱突進 | Yes | 30 | Quick recovery flying | AbsolutePower | None | TriggerRidingStart | ||
爆破突進(操竜受付確定) |
| Yes | 60 | Wirefall disabled flying | PowerM | M | TriggerRidingStart |
爆破突進・翼(操竜受付確定) |
| Yes | 30 | Tripping | PowerM | S | TriggerRidingStart |
噛みつき・頭 |
| Yes | 15 | Tripping | PowerS | S | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos |
ダッシュ噛みつき・胴 |
| Yes | 25 | Tripping | PowerM | M | |
ダッシュ噛みつき・頭 |
| Yes | 25 | Tripping | PowerM | M | |
噛みつき・尻尾 |
| Yes | 15 | Tripping | PowerS | S | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPosAllDirGuardable |
対空小 |
| Yes | 30 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | M | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos |
対空中 |
| Yes | 50 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | M | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos |
対空大 |
| Yes | 70 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | M | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos |
組み技 | Yes | 0 | Turf war | None | None | |||
【MR】前方連続尻尾叩きつけ |
| Yes | 60 | Flying away | PowerL | M | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos |
【MR】大ボディプレス |
| Yes | 70 | Flying away | PowerL | M | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPosAllDirGuardable |
【MR】地震 | Yes | 0 | Minor tremor | None | None | AllDirGuardable | ||
【MR】不足分 |
| Yes | 70 | Flying away | PowerL | M | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPosAllDirGuardable |
【紅蓮】グライド突進 |
| Yes | 70 | Flying away | PowerM | M | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPosAllDirGuardable |
【紅蓮】紅蓮滾る大爆撃 |
| Needs Guard Up | 80 | Wirefall disabled flying | PowerM | M | AllDirGuardable |
【紅蓮】爆破突進 |
| Yes | 60 | Flying away | PowerM | M | AllDirGuardable |
【紅蓮】頭突き |
| Yes | 80 | Flying away | PowerM | M | |
【紅蓮】引きずり滑空突進 |
| Yes | 80 | Flying away | PowerM | M | |
【紅蓮】風圧 | Yes | 50 | Minor wind pressure | None | None | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPosIgnoreEndDelay | ||
【紅蓮】サイドタックル |
| Yes | 50 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | M | |
ウロコ爆弾 | No | 0 | None | None | None | ShellIgnoreEndDelay | ||
ウロコ爆弾(赤熱) | No | 0 | None | None | None | ShellIgnoreEndDelay | ||
組技用特攻噛みつき爆発 |
| Yes | 70 | Wirefall disabled flying | AbsolutePower | M | ShellCalcHitDirectionAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
ウロコ爆弾爆発 |
| Yes | 50 | Flying away | PowerS | M | ShellCalcHitDirectionAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
起爆用爆発 | No | 0 | None | None | None | ShellIgnoreEndDelay | ||
ウロコ爆弾爆発(赤熱) |
| Yes | 60 | Flying away | PowerS | M | ShellCalcHitDirectionAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
起爆用爆発 | No | 0 | None | None | None | ShellIgnoreEndDelay | ||
特攻噛みつき爆発 |
| Yes | 70 | Wirefall disabled flying | AbsolutePower | M | ShellCalcHitDirectionAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
ウロコ爆弾(赤熱) | No | 0 | None | None | None | ShellIgnoreEndDelay | ||
ウロコ爆弾爆発(赤熱) |
| Yes | 60 | Flying away | PowerS | M | ShellCalcHitDirectionAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
起爆用爆発 | No | 0 | None | None | None | ShellIgnoreEndDelay | ||
ウロコ爆弾爆発(赤熱) |
| Yes | 60 | Flying away | PowerS | M | ShellCalcHitDirectionAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
引きずり滑空突進(赤熱化) |
| Yes | 60 | Flying away | PowerS | M | ShellCalcHitDirectionAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
引きずり滑空突進(紅蓮) |
| Yes | 60 | Flying away | PowerS | M | ShellCalcHitDirectionAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
頭突き(紅蓮) |
| Yes | 80 | Flying away | PowerS | M | ShellAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
紅蓮滾る大爆撃(紅蓮) |
| Needs Guard Up | 70 | Wirefall disabled flying | PowerM | M | ShellCalcHitDirectionAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
起爆用爆発 | No | 0 | None | None | None | ShellIgnoreEndDelay | ||
ブレス |
| Yes | 60 | Flying away | PowerM | M | ShellIgnoreEndDelay |
爆撃滑空爆発 |
| Yes | 25 | Flying away | PowerM | M | ShellCalcHitDirectionAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
爆撃滑空爆発(赤熱) |
| Yes | 30 | Flying away | PowerM | M | ShellCalcHitDirectionAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
ブレス着弾部分 |
| Yes | 40 | Flying away | PowerS | M | ShellCalcHitDirectionAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
Map behavior
大社跡Shrine RuinsTemple oubliéRovine sacreHeilige RuinenTemplo olvidadoРуины святилищаRuiny ŚwiątynneRuínas do Templo사원 폐허大社遺跡废神社أطلال الضريح[Unsupported language]
Allow area type
Special behaviortrue
Eat itemfalse
Eat item typeGrass
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
2 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
3 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
4 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @3057. flag:false | |||
5 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
6 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
7 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
8 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
9 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @3057. flag:false | |||
10 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
11 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
12 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @1059,[1057],[1058]. flag:false | @0. flag:false | ||
13 | 90sec | 120sec | false |
砂原Sandy PlainsPlaines de sablePiane sabbioseSandebeneLlanos arenososПесчаные равниныRówniny PiaskuPlanície Arenosa모래 평원沙原沙原السهول الرملية[Unsupported language]
Allow area type
Special behaviortrue
Eat itemfalse
Eat item typeGrass
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 90sec | 120sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
2 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @2001,[2002],[2003]. flag:false | |||
3 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
4 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
5 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @1001. flag:false | |||
6 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
7 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @1002. flag:false | @0. flag:false | ||
8 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @1003. flag:false | @0. flag:false | ||
9 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
10 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
11 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
12 | 90sec | 120sec | false |
水没林Flooded ForestForêt inondéeForesta inondataFlutwaldBosque inundadoЗатопленный лесZatopiony LasSelva Inundada수몰된 숲水沒林水没林الغابة الغارقة[Unsupported language]
Allow area type
Special behaviortrue
Eat itemfalse
Eat item typeGrass
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
2 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
3 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @1001,[1002],[1003]. flag:false | |||
4 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
5 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
6 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
7 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
8 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
9 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @3001. flag:true | @0. flag:false | ||
10 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
11 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
12 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
13 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @3001. flag:true | |||
14 | 90sec | 120sec | false |
寒冷群島Frost IslandsArchipel de glaceIsole ghiacciateFrostinselnIslas heladasМорозные островаWyspy MroźneIlhas Gélidas한랭 군도寒冷群島冰封群岛الجُزر الثلجية[Unsupported language]
Allow area type
Special behaviortrue
Eat itemfalse
Eat item typeGrass
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 90sec | 120sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
2 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
3 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @1001. flag:false | |||
4 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
5 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @1002. flag:false | |||
6 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
7 | 150sec | 240sec | false | ||||
8 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
9 | 150sec | 240sec | false | @2001,[2002],[2003]. flag:false | @1003. flag:false | ||
10 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
11 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
12 | 90sec | 120sec | false | @0. flag:false |
溶岩洞Lava CavernsCavernes de laveCaverne lavicheLavahöhlenGrutas de lavaЛавовые пещерыJaskinie LawyCavernas de Lava용암 동굴熔岩洞熔岩洞كهوف الحمم[Unsupported language]
Allow area type
Special behaviortrue
Eat itemfalse
Eat item typeGrass
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
2 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
3 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
4 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
5 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @1003. flag:true | |||
6 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
7 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
8 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
9 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
10 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
11 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
12 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @2004,[2005],[2006]. flag:false | |||
13 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
14 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @1007. flag:true | @0. flag:false |
翡葉の砦Red StrongholdForteresse rougeFortezza rossaRote FestungFortaleza rojaКрасная ТвердыняCzerwona TwierdzaFortaleza Vermelha비취잎의 요새翡葉要塞翡叶要塞القلعة الحمراء[Unsupported language]
Allow area type
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 60sec | 120sec | false | ||||
2 | 60sec | 120sec | false | ||||
3 | 60sec | 120sec | false | ||||
4 | 60sec | 120sec | false | ||||
11 | 60sec | 120sec | false | ||||
12 | 60sec | 120sec | false |
闘技場ArenaArèneArenaArenaArenaАренаArenaArena격투장鬥技場斗技场الساحة[Unsupported language]
Allow area type
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 10000sec | 10000sec | false | ||||
11 | 0sec | 0sec | false | ||||
12 | 0sec | 0sec | false |
密林JungleJungleGiunglaDschungelLa JunglaДжунглиDżunglaSelva밀림密林密林الغابة[Unsupported language]
Allow area type
Special behaviortrue
Eat itemfalse
Eat item typeGrass
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @9000. flag:false | |||
2 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
3 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
4 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @9000. flag:false | @0. flag:false | ||
5 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
6 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
7 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
8 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
9 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
10 | 150sec | 240sec | false | @1000,[1001],[1002]. flag:false | |||
11 | 120sec | 180sec | false |
城塞高地CitadelCitadelleCittadellaZitadelleBastiónЦитадельCytadelaForte요새고원城塞高地城塞高地القلعة[Unsupported language]
Allow area type
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
2 | 120sec | 200sec | false | @9000. flag:false | |||
3 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
4 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
5 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
6 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
7 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
8 | 120sec | 200sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
9 | 90sec | 130sec | false | ||||
10 | 120sec | 200sec | false | ||||
11 | 90sec | 120sec | false | @1000,[1001],[1002]. flag:false | |||
12 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
13 | 90sec | 120sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
14 | 90sec | 120sec | false |
塔の秘境Forlorn ArenaTour interditeArena desolataVerbotener TurmArena olvidadaЗабытая аренаOpuszczona arenaArena Desolada탑의 비경塔之秘境塔之秘境ساحة فورلورن[Unsupported language]
Allow area type
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 10000sec | 10000sec | false |