MR6Survey激昂せし金色の獣の調査Operation Furious Golden FurOpération Fourrure d'or furieuseIndagine sulla bestia dorataOperation Wütendes GoldfellOperación pelo dorado furiosoИспыт. "Ярость золот. зверя"Śledztwo: wściekła złota bestiaInvest. Fera Dourada Furiosa격앙된 금빛 야수 조사調查激昂的金色猛獸调查激昂的金色野兽مسبار الوحش الذهبي الشرس[Unsupported language]
Objective: 激昂したラージャン1頭の狩猟Hunt a Furious RajangChasser un Rajang orageCaccia un Rajang furiosoErjage einen Zornigen Rajang.Caza un Rajang RabiosoВыследить взбешенного РаянгаUpoluj Wściekłego RajangaCace um Rajang Furioso격앙 라잔 1마리 사냥狩獵1頭激昂金獅子狩猎1头激昂金狮子اصطد راجانج غاضب[Unsupported language]
From: 王国騎士フィオレーネDame FiorayneDame FiorayneDama FiorayneFiorayneFiorayneРыцарь ФиорайнаPani FiorayneDama Fiorayne왕국 기사 피오레네王國騎士菲歐莉尼王国骑士菲奥莱娜السيدة فيوراين[Unsupported language]
くれぐれも油断なきようにな。{Player}, you've
received orders from The Kingdom
to commence an investigation.
It must be thorough, so enlist allies
to aid you. I wish you and your
chosen comrades the best of luck.
Do not let your guard down.{Player}, nous avons
reçu des ordres du Royaume
concernant une tâche. Tu n'as
pas le droit à l'erreur, donc
recrute des alliés. Je vous
souhaite à tous bonne chance,
et faites attention !Salve, {Player}, hai
ricevuto ordini dal regno di
avviare un'indagine. Dovrà
essere approfondita, dunque
arruola alleati al tuo fianco.
Auguro buona fortuna a te e ai
tuoi colleghi. State all'erta.{Player}, das Königreich
befiehlt dir, eine Unter-
suchung einzuleiten. Suche dir
hierfür die Unterstützung von
Verbündeten. Ich wünsche dir
und den von dir gewählten Kame-
raden viel Glück. Sei wachsam!El reino te ha dado órdenes de
emprender una investigación,
La misión es compleja, por lo
que debes rodearte de aliados.
Os deseo buena suerte a ti y a
tus camaradas. Estad alerta.{Player}, Королевство
приказывает вам начать
расследование. Оно должно быть
всесторонним, поэтому вам
понадобится помощь. Желаю
удачи вам и вашим соратникам.
Не теряйте бдительности.{Player}, Królestwo
wysłało rozkazy, aby rozpocząć
dochodzenie. Musi być dokładne,
więc zwerbuj sojuszników do
pomocy. Życzę tobie i twoim
towarzyszom powodzenia.
Bądźcie czujni.{Player}, você recebeu
ordens do Reino para iniciar
uma investigação. Ela tem que
ser meticulosa, então recrute
aliados para ajudar você.
Desejo toda a sorte a vocês.
Não baixem a guarda.{Player}, 왕국으로부터
조사 의뢰가 도착했다.
되도록 다양한 조사 결과를
얻을 수 있도록, 맹우와 함께
퀘스트에 임해 주겠나?
귀공과 맹우의 건투를 빈다.
부디 방심하지 말도록.{Player},
得胜。请千万不要大意。{Player} لقد تلقيت أوامر
من المملكة لبدء التحقيق.
يجب أن يكون تحقيقًا شاملًا،
لذا اطلب من الحلفاء مساعدتك.
أتمنى لك ولرفاقك المختارين
حظًّا سعيدًا.
لا تتخلَ عن حذرك.[Unsupported language]
Basic data
Base time11
Time variation3
Time limit50
RequirementMR 10, Solo
TargetHunt 1x 激昂したラージャンFurious RajangRajang orageRajang furiosoZorniger RajangRajang RabiosoВзбешенный РаянгWściekły RajangRajang Furioso격앙 라잔激昂金獅子激昂金狮子راجانج الغاضب[Unsupported language]
Reward money19800z
Reward village point400
Reward rank point1800
Is tutorialfalse
Auto match HR10051
Monster swapNone
Monster swap preventionNone 0
Monster stats
Monster | Size | HP | Attack | Parts | Defense | Element | Stun | Exhaust | Ride | Paralyze | Sleep | Stamina |
![]() ![]() | x10.4(±±) | x11.2 | x11.6 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 |
Multiplayer factor
Monster | HP | Attack | Parts | Other parts | Multi parts | Defense | Element A | Element B | Stun | Exhaust | Ride | Monster to monster | Qurio |
Monster | Spawning condition | Initial area | ||
Initial | Zone 3, ID @0, 60% | Zone 11, ID @0, 30% | Zone 5, ID @0, 10% |
Supply items
- 4x
- 3x
- 2x
- 30x
- 40x
- 40x
- 25x
Addtional target rewards: 0
Addtional quest rewards: 0
See monster's page for target rewards.
Quest rewards First one fixed | Probability |
2x | 8% |
1x | 14% |
1x | 18% |
1x | 26% |
1x | 16% |
2x | 8% |
1x | 7% |
1x | 3% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 20% |
2x | 50% |
3x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
2x | 40% |
2x | 40% |
1x | 20% |
Monster route
Current zone | Next zone | ||
1 | Normal, prev zone 4
| Normal
| |
2 | Normal, prev zone 9
| Normal, prev zone 1
| Normal
3 | Normal, prev zone 2
| Normal
| |
4 | Normal, prev zone 5
| Normal
| |
5 | Normal
| ||
6 | Normal, prev zone 3
| Normal
| |
7 | Normal, prev zone 9
| Normal
| |
8 | Normal
| ||
9 | Normal, prev zone 12
| Normal
| |
10 | Normal, prev zone 8
| Normal
| |
11 | Normal, prev zone 8
| Normal
| |
12 | Normal
| ||
13 | Normal, prev zone 14
| Normal
| |
14 | Normal