天彗龍 奇しき赫耀のバルファルクCrimson Glow ValstraxValstrax écarlateValstrax cremisiKarmesin-ValstraxValstrax CarmesíАлый ВалстраксKarmazynowy ValstraxValstrax do Lume Rubro영묘한 광채의 발파루크秘紅赫耀的天彗龍神秘红光天彗龙فالستراكس قرمزي لامع[Unsupported language]
あらゆる場所で遭遇の危険性があるため注意したい。A mutant Valstrax fearsomely dubbed the "Crimson
Glow." This elder dragon typically secludes itself
in the upper atmosphere, but it has been driven mad
by its own rampant energy, causing it to lash out at
anything in its sight. Once it sights its prey, it
swoops down, trampling them beneath its shifting
wingblades. Several have been sighted all over, so
be prepared to encounter one at any time.Un Valstrax mutant terrifiant que l'on appelle la
"Lueur écarlate". Ce dragon ancien s'isole
d'habitude dans les hauteurs, mais son trop-plein
d'énergie l'a rendu fou, et depuis il attaque la
moindre victime qu'il aperçoit. Une fois sa proie
repérée, il s'abat en flèche sur elle, l'écrasant
sous le poids de ses ailes. Plusieurs ont été vus
ces derniers temps, alors restez sur vos gardes.Valstrax mutante soprannominato "bagliore cremisi".
Solitamente questo drago anziano si isola nell'alta
atmosfera, ma la sua incontenibile furia lo spinge a
scagliarsi contro qualunque cosa veda. Una volta
individuata la preda, piomba su di essa
schiacciandola sotto le sue implacabili ali
taglienti. Ne sono già stati avvistati diversi
esemplari, perciò preparati ad affrontarne uno.Ein mutierter Valstrax, den man ehrfürchtig als das
"Karmesin-Leuchten" bezeichnet. Dieser Drachenälteste
zieht sich gewöhnlich hoch in den Lüften zurück,
doch seine eigene ungezügelte Energie hat ihn in den
Wahnsinn getrieben, wodurch er alles in Sichtweite
angreift. Erblickt er seine Beute, stürzt er herab
und zertrampelt sie unter seinen Klingenflügeln.
Zuletzt gab es mehrere Sichtungen, sei also bereit.Un Valstrax mutante que recibe el terrible apodo
de "brillo carmesí". Este dragón anciano suele
retirarse a grandes alturas, pero ha enloquecido por
culpa de su propia energía y ahora acomete contra
todo cuanto ve. Una vez ha elegido una presa,
se abalanza sobre ella y la sacude entre sus alas.
Se han avistado varios en diversos lugares, así que
prepárate para un encuentro en cualquier momento.Мутант-Валстракс, названный теми, кто боялся его,
Алым свечением. Этот древний дракон обычно в
одиночестве летает высоко в небе, но теперь его
собственная неуемная энергия свела его с ума и он
выплескивает безумие на всех, кто ему попадется.
Увидев жертву, дракон камнем падает вниз и бьет ее
острыми лезвиями на крыльях. Уже замечено несколько
таких драконов, так что надо быть готовым к встрече.Zmutowany Valstrax o złowieszczym przydomku
„Karmazynowy”. Ten Starszy Smok żyje w górnych
partiach atmosfery, ale buzująca w nim energia
wprawiła go w szał i teraz potwór atakuje wszystko w
zasięgu wzroku. Gdy spostrzeże ofiarę, spada na nią,
miażdżąc swoimi szablastymi skrzydłami. Ostatnio
widziano kilka osobników, więc uważaj, bo w każdej
chwili też możesz na jednego trafić.Um Valstrax mutante apelidado de "Lume Rubro". Esse
dragão ancião normalmente vive recluso na atmosfera
superior, mas enlouqueceu com sua própria energia
desenfreada, fazendo com que ele atacasse qualquer
coisa à vista. Depois de avistar suas presas, ele
desce, pisoteando-as sob as lâminas das asas. Vários
foram avistados por todo lado, então, prepare-se
para encontrar um a qualquer momento.「천혜룡」의 이명을 가진 발파루크의 변이체.
원래 높은 하늘을 나는 신비한 고룡이지만
흘러넘치는 용의 기운에 지배당해 광폭화했으며
눈에 보이는 것은 뭐든 가리지 않고 공격해 온다.
사냥감을 찾으면 고속으로 날아와 일격을 날리며
계속 변화하는 날개다리로 제압한다. 활동 범위가 넓고
다양한 장소에서 만날 위험성이 있어 주의가 필요하다.此個體乃是天彗龍之變異體。
在各地都有与之遭遇的危险,还望注意。فالستراكس متحول مخيف يُطلق عليه اسم "الوهج
القرمزي". عادةً ما يعزل هذا التنين المعمر نفسه
في غلاف الجو العلوي، ولكن مع تأججه غضبًا
بسبب طاقته المتفشية، لا يملك إلا أن يصب غيظه
على أي شيء في طريقه. بمجرد أن يرى فريسته،
ينقض لأسفل، ويسحقها تحت شفرات أجنحته
المتحركة. لقد شوهد العديد من تلك الوحوش في كل مكان
لذا استعد لمواجهة أحدها في أي وقت.[Unsupported language]
大きなダメージを与えることができるだろう。After channeling energy into its wings, it will
unleash a powerful attack. It sucks in this energy
from its chest, and that's the moment to wait for.
Prevent it from powering up
and cause the energy to combust, dealing serious
damage to the creature.Après avoir accumulé de l'énergie au sein de ses
ailes, il lance une attaque dévastatrice. Attendez
qu'il absorbe cette énergie depuis sa poitrine pour
l'attaquer, ce qui l'empêchera de charger
son attaque, et libérera toute cette énergie,
lui infligeant de lourds dégâts.Per lanciare attacchi potenti, canalizza tutta la
sua energia nelle ali risucchiandola dal proprio
petto: questo è il momento giusto per agire.
Evita che accumuli troppa energia e causa una
combustione interna in grado di infliggere
gravi lesioni alla creatura.Nachdem er Energie in seinen Flügeln gesammelt hat,
lässt er einen allmächtigen Angriff los. Warte auf
den Moment, wenn er die Energie aus seiner Brust
zieht. Verhindere, dass er sich auflädt, um die
Energie zur Explosion zu bringen und das Monster
schwer zu verletzen.Desatará un todopoderoso ataque tras canalizar
energía con sus alas. Absorbe dicha energía de su
pecho, siendo el momento al que debes esperar.
Evita que prepare su ataque y conseguirás que la
energía se libere en una combustión que le hará
mucho daño.Направив энергию в свои крылья, он проводит мощную
атаку. Дракон черпает энергию из своей груди, этого
момента и нужно выждать в бою. Не дайте дракону
усилить себя — так вы вызовете возгорание энергии,
что нанесет врагу большой урон.Przed wyprowadzeniem swojego potężnego ataku
kumuluje energię w skrzydłach. Wypatruj momentu,
gdy pobiera ją z klatki piersiowej. Próbuj
zapobiec naładowaniu skrzydeł i doprowadzić do
samozapłonu, aby zadać mu poważne obrażenia.Depois de canalizar energia para as asas, ele lança
um ataque poderoso. Ele suga essa energia do peito,
e esse é o momento crucial. Impeça-o de se energizar
e faça com que a energia dele queime, causando danos
sérios à criatura.날개에 용의 기운을 모아 강력한 공격을 한다.
흉부로 용의 기운을 흡수하여 모으기 때문에
그 타이밍이 흉부를 공격할 찬스다.
흡수를 방해하고 기운을 폭발시켜서
큰 대미지를 줄 수 있다.牠會將龍氣聚集在自己的翅膀上,
可对其造成巨大伤害。بعد توجيه الطاقة وصولًا لأجنحتها،
سوف تطلق العنان لهجوم قوي. فهي تمتص هذه الطاقة
من صدرها، وهذه هي اللحظة التي ننتظرها.
امنعها من إطلاق الطاقة
وتتسبب في احتراقها،
مسببًا ضررًا خطيرًا للمخلوق.[Unsupported language]
Basic data
Base HP(LR/HR) 4700, (MR) 4700
Limping threshold(village) 14% / (LR) 14% / (HR) 12% / (MR) 8%
Capturing threshold(village) 0% / (LR) 0% / (HR) 0% / (MR) 0%
Sleep recovering90 seconds / recover 5% HP
Size2040.98 (1836.882,
Threat level10
Type古龍種Elder DragonDragon ancienDrago anzianoDrachenältesterDragón ancianoДревний драконStarszy SmokDragão Ancião고룡종古龍種古龙种تنين معمِّر[Unsupported language], (internal)Other, Arial
GimmickVital(S) 100 / (M) 100 / (L) 100 / (KB) -1
Riding HP(S) 100 / (M) 100 / (L) 100
Caution to combat timer3
Caution to normal timer8
Combat to normal timer10
Enrage threshold(LR) 750 / (HR) 1050 / (Rampage) 1050 / (MR) 1600
State time(enraged) 120sec / (tired) 0sec
State time (rampage)(enraged) 10sec / (tired) 0sec
Motion(enraged) x1.1 / (tired) x1
Attack(enraged) x1.15
Defense(enraged) x1
Enrage add staying time30sec
Default move patternlaunch
Flying stance to movefalse
Sleep time500 ±50
Awake hour7 ~ 19
Eat time500 ±50
Quest | Size | HP | Attack | Parts | Defense | Element | Stun | Exhaust | Ride | Paralyze | Sleep | Stamina |
x3.8 | x6.1 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | ||
x3.8 | x6.1 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | ||
x3.8 | x6.1 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | ||
![]() ![]() | x4.2(±±) | x6.1 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
![]() ![]() | x4.2(±±) | x6.1 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
![]() ![]() | x4.2(±±) | x6.1 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
![]() ![]() | x4.2(±±) | x6.1 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
![]() ![]() | x4.2(±±) | x6.1 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
x3.8 | x6.1 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | ||
x3.8 | x6.1 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | ||
x3.8 | x6.1 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | ||
x3.8 | x6.1 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | ||
x3.8 | x6.1 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | ||
x3.8 | x6.1 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | ||
x3.8 | x6.1 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | ||
x3.8 | x6.1 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | ||
![]() ![]() | x2.9 | x8 | x4.3 | x1 | Ax2, Bx2 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.85 ①x1 | x2 ①x1 | x2 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
x3.8 | x6.1 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | ||
x3.8 | x6.1 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | ||
x3.8 | x6.1 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | ||
![]() | x6(±) | x12.3 | x6 | x1 | Ax3.8, Bx3.8 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x8 ①x1 | x5 ①x1 | x3.8 ①x1 | x3.8 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
x3.8 | x6.1 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | ||
x3.8 | x6.1 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | ||
x3.8 | x6.1 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | ||
x3.8 | x6.1 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | ||
x3.8 | x6.1 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | ||
x3.8 | x6.1 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | ||
![]() ![]() | x11.9(±±) | x11.2 | x13.2 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
![]() ![]() | x10.4(±±) | x11.2 | x11.6 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
![]() ![]() | x10.4(±±) | x11.2 | x11.6 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
![]() ![]() | x10.4(±±) | x11.2 | x11.6 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
![]() ![]() | x10.4(±±) | x11.2 | x11.6 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
![]() ![]() | x10.4(±±) | x11.2 | x11.6 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
![]() ![]() | x10.4(±±) | x11.2 | x11.6 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
![]() ![]() | x4.7 | x11.5 | x11.6 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
![]() ![]() | x10.4(±±) | x11.2 | x11.6 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
Village tour () | x0.1 | x0.3 | x0.1 | x1 | Ax1, Bx1 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 | 0 | |
Low rank tour () | x0.1 | x0.3 | x0.1 | x1 | Ax1, Bx1 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 | 0 | |
High rank tour (Hall 7★Ex) | ![]() | x4.4(±±) | x6.1 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 |
Master rank tour (MR 7★) | ![]() ![]() | x11.5(±±) | x11.9 | x12.8 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 |
Hitzone data

Hitzone | Phase | Name | Slash | Impact | Shot | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
[0]A:頭 | Normal | 頭部HeadTêteTestaKopfCabezaГоловаGłowaCabeça머리頭部头部الرأس[Unsupported language] | 55 | 60 | 35 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 0 | 100 |
Dragon energy | 55 | 60 | 35 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 0 | 100 | ||
Enraged | 57 | 62 | 35 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100 | ||
Dragon energy & enraged | 57 | 62 | 35 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100 | ||
[1]B:首 | Normal | 首NeckCouColloNackenCuelloШеяSzyjaPescoço목頸部颈部رقبة[Unsupported language] | 40 | 30 | 15 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 0 | 0 |
Dragon energy | 40 | 30 | 15 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 0 | 0 | ||
Enraged | 40 | 30 | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Dragon energy & enraged | 40 | 30 | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
[2]C:胴 | Normal | 胴TorsoTroncTorsoTorsoTorsoТорсTułówTronco몸통身體躯干جذع[Unsupported language] | 30 | 25 | 10 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 0 | 0 |
Dragon energy | 30 | 25 | 10 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 0 | 0 | ||
Enraged | 30 | 25 | 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Dragon energy & enraged | 30 | 25 | 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
[3]D:翼腕 | Normal | 翼脚WingarmPatte ailéeZampa alataFlügelarmBrazo alaЛапа у крылаRamię skrzydłaBraço da Asa날개 다리翼腳翼足جناح[Unsupported language] | 45 | 45 | 45 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 0 | 0 |
Dragon energy | 45 | 45 | 45 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 0 | 0 | ||
Enraged | 45 | 45 | 45 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 0 | 0 | ||
Dragon energy & enraged | 45 | 45 | 45 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 0 | 0 | ||
[4]E:前脚 | Normal | 前脚ForelegPatte avantZampa anterioreVorderbeinPata delanteraПередняя лапаPrzednia nogaPerna Dianteira앞다리前腳前肢قدم أمامية[Unsupported language] | 25 | 24 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 0 | 0 |
Dragon energy | 25 | 24 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 0 | 0 | ||
Enraged | 25 | 24 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 0 | 0 | ||
Dragon energy & enraged | 25 | 24 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 0 | 0 | ||
[5]F:後脚 | Normal | 後脚Hind LegPatte arrièreZampa posterioreHinterbeinPata traseraЗадняя лапаTylna nogaPerna Traseira뒷다리後腳后肢قدم خلفية[Unsupported language] | 25 | 24 | 20 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 0 | 0 |
Dragon energy | 25 | 24 | 20 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 0 | 0 | ||
Enraged | 25 | 24 | 40 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Dragon energy & enraged | 25 | 24 | 40 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
[6]G:翼膜と端 | Normal | 翼WingAileAlaFlügelAlaКрылоSkrzydłoAsa날개翅膀翼جناح[Unsupported language] | 22 | 45 | 10 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 0 | 0 |
Dragon energy | 64 | 70 | 45 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Enraged | 22 | 45 | 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Dragon energy & enraged | 64 | 70 | 45 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
[7]H:尻尾 | Normal | 尻尾TailQueueCodaSchwanzColaХвостOgonCauda꼬리尾巴尾巴ذيل[Unsupported language] | 45 | 24 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 0 | 0 |
Dragon energy | 45 | 24 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 0 | 0 | ||
Enraged | 45 | 24 | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Dragon energy & enraged | 45 | 24 | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
[8]I:胸 | Normal | 80 | 90 | 50 | 15 | 25 | 25 | 20 | 0 | 0 | |
Dragon energy | 80 | 90 | 50 | 15 | 25 | 25 | 20 | 0 | 0 | ||
Enraged | 80 | 90 | 50 | 15 | 25 | 25 | 20 | 0 | 0 | ||
Dragon energy & enraged | 80 | 90 | 50 | 15 | 25 | 25 | 20 | 0 | 0 | ||
[9]J:吸気中以外胸 | Normal | 胸部ChestTorseToraceBrustPechoГрудьTułówPeito흉부胸部胸部صدر[Unsupported language] | 30 | 25 | 10 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 0 | 0 |
Dragon energy | 30 | 25 | 10 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 0 | 0 | ||
Enraged | 30 | 25 | 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Dragon energy & enraged | 30 | 25 | 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
[10] | Normal | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
[11] | Normal | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
[12] | Normal | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
[13] | Normal | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
[14] | Normal | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
[15] | Normal | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

Part | Stagger | Break | Sever | Extract | Anomaly cores |
[0]頭 | 350 | (x1) 700 / (x0) 1050 | Red | ||
[1]胴 | 200 | (x1) 400 | White | ||
[2]左翼 | 400 | (x1) 600 | Red | ||
[3]右翼 | 400 | (x1) 600 | Red | ||
[4]左前脚 | 150 | (x1) 300 | Orange | ||
[5]右前脚 | 150 | (x1) 300 | Orange | ||
[6]尻尾 | 250 | (Slash) 300 | White | ||
[7]後脚 | 150 | Orange | |||
[8]胸 | 250 | (x1) 350 | Red | ||
[9] | -1 | None | |||
[10] | -1 | None | |||
[11] | -1 | None | |||
[12] | -1 | None | |||
[13] | -1 | None | |||
[14] | -1 | None | |||
[15] | -1 | None |
Multi-part vital
Index | Part | priority | Attributes | HP |
Apex shutdown (rampage) | 4 | Unique | ||
Hellfire knockdown | All | 4 | UniqueRampage enableMulti rate EX | 1 / 150 / 700 |
Apex shutdown (normal quest) | 4 | Unique | ||
Unique0 | [1][4][5][8] | 2 | Unique | 100 / 300 / 400 |
Abnormal status
Threshold | Decay | Max stock | Active time | Add tired time | Damage | Additional information | |
![]() | 200 (+200) → 800200 (+200) → 800 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 9 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
![]() | 200 (+200) → 800200 (+200) → 800 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 30 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
![]() | 180 (+170) → 800180 (+170) → 800 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
![]() | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Stamina reduction = 0 |
![]() | 300 (+100) → 700180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 7 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
![]() | 250 (+150) → 700180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 40 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
![]() | 200 (+150) → 800180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
![]() | 375 (+150) → 1575180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Stamina reduction = 150 |
Flash | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-4 sec) → 4 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Activate count = 0, Active time = 0 Activate count = 0, Active time = 0 Ignore refresh stance = Distance = 6 ~ 20, Angle = 180 |
Flash | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-3 sec) → 3 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Activate count = 3, Active time = 10 Activate count = 2, Active time = 5 Ignore refresh stance = stand, fly, diving, wall, ceiling Distance = 3 ~ 8, Angle = 120 |
![]() | 150 (+100) → 650150 (+100) → 650 | 10 / 10 sec10 / 10 sec | 0 | 30 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 10 / 1 sec | |
![]() | 200 (+100) → 800200 (+100) → 800 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Blast damage = 200 |
![]() | 250 (+150) → 700180 (+900) → 1080 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 15 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 10 / 1 sec | |
![]() | 70 (+30) → 670180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Blast damage = 150 |
Ride | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Non-target monster first ride limit = 0 |
Ride | 500 (+2000) → 61000 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 15 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Non-target monster first ride limit = 65 |
![]() | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 20 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Melee hzv adjust: hard = 25, soft = 3, judge = 60 Shot hzv adjust: hard = 25, soft = 3, judge = 60 |
![]() | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 30 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 2 / 15 sec | Hit-damage rate = 1 |
![]() | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Motion speed rate = 1 |
![]() | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Stun hzv adjust: rate = 1, min = 0, max = 0, default = 1 Normal hzv adjust: rate = 1, min = 0, max = 0, default = 1 Stun active limit = 0 |
Pitfall trap | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-0 sec) → 3 sec | +5 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Quicksand | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Poison purr-ison | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Poison stacking = 0 |
Shock trap | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-0 sec) → 3 sec | +5 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Shock purr-ison | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Capture | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 3.402823e38 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
![]() | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
![]() | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Active limit = 0, Unique target param = false Distance = 0 ~ 0, Angle = 0 |
![]() | 180 (+130) → 570180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 30 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Melee hzv adjust: hard = 25, soft = 3, judge = 60 Shot hzv adjust: hard = 25, soft = 3, judge = 60 |
![]() | 180 (+130) → 570180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 20 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 15 / 2 sec | Hit-damage rate = 1.5 |
![]() | 180 (+130) → 570180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 30 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Motion speed rate = 0.9 |
![]() | 180 (+130) → 570180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 30 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Stun hzv adjust: rate = 0.5, min = 1, max = 40, default = 1 Normal hzv adjust: rate = 0.2, min = 1, max = 20, default = 1 Stun active limit = 1 |
Pitfall trap | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-2 sec) → 3 sec | +5 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Quicksand | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Poison purr-ison | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Poison stacking = 0 |
Shock trap | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 8 sec (-2 sec) → 3 sec | +5 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Shock purr-ison | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 8 sec (-2 sec) → 3 sec | +5 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Capture | 150 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 5 / 5 sec0 / 0 sec | 200 | 3.402823e38 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
![]() | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 120 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
![]() | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Active limit = 2, Unique target param = false Distance = 0 ~ 0, Angle = 0 |
High rank reward
Target rewards | Probability |
1x | 14% |
1x | 26% |
1x | 20% |
1x | 13% |
1x | 10% |
1x | 15% |
1x | 2% |
Part | Carves | Probability |
Main body (x4) | 1x | 36% |
1x | 28% | |
1x | 14% | |
1x | 21% | |
1x | 1% | |
Severed part A | 1x | 80% |
1x | 17% | |
1x | 3% |
Capture rewards | Probability |
Part | Broken part rewards | Probability |
頭部HeadTêteTestaKopfCabezaГоловаGłowaCabeça머리頭部头部الرأس[Unsupported language] All of:
| 1x | 77% |
2x | 20% | |
1x | 3% | |
背中BackDosDorsoRückenEspaldaСпинаGrzbietCostas등背部背部عودة[Unsupported language] All of:
| 1x | 90% |
2x | 10% | |
翼WingAileAlaFlügelAlaКрылоSkrzydłoAsa날개翅膀翼جناح[Unsupported language] Any of:
| 1x | 90% |
1x | 10% | |
前脚ForelegPatte avantZampa anterioreVorderbeinPata delanteraПередняя лапаPrzednia nogaPerna Dianteira앞다리前腳前肢قدم أمامية[Unsupported language] Any of:
| 1x | 80% |
1x | 20% | |
胸部ChestTorseToraceBrustPechoГрудьTułówPeito흉부胸部胸部صدر[Unsupported language] All of:
| 1x | 79% |
1x | 20% | |
1x | 1% |
Part | Dropped materials | Probability |
Drop 0 - 100% Drop 1 - 100% | 1x | 34% |
1x | 25% | |
1x | 1% | |
1x | 40% | |
Riding | 2x | 25% |
1x | 50% | |
1x | 25% |
From buddy | Probability |
1x | 33% |
1x | 25% |
1x | 42% |
Master rank reward
Target rewards | Probability |
1x | 14% |
1x | 24% |
1x | 19% |
1x | 12% |
1x | 10% |
1x | 15% |
1x | 4% |
1x | 2% |
Part | Carves | Probability |
Main body (x4) | 1x | 36% |
1x | 28% | |
1x | 14% | |
1x | 21% | |
1x | 1% | |
Severed part A | 1x | 80% |
1x | 17% | |
1x | 3% |
Capture rewards | Probability |
Part | Broken part rewards | Probability |
頭部HeadTêteTestaKopfCabezaГоловаGłowaCabeça머리頭部头部الرأس[Unsupported language] All of:
| 1x | 77% |
2x | 20% | |
1x | 3% | |
背中BackDosDorsoRückenEspaldaСпинаGrzbietCostas등背部背部عودة[Unsupported language] All of:
| 1x | 90% |
2x | 10% | |
翼WingAileAlaFlügelAlaКрылоSkrzydłoAsa날개翅膀翼جناح[Unsupported language] Any of:
| 1x | 90% |
1x | 10% | |
前脚ForelegPatte avantZampa anterioreVorderbeinPata delanteraПередняя лапаPrzednia nogaPerna Dianteira앞다리前腳前肢قدم أمامية[Unsupported language] Any of:
| 1x | 80% |
1x | 20% | |
胸部ChestTorseToraceBrustPechoГрудьTułówPeito흉부胸部胸部صدر[Unsupported language] All of:
| 1x | 79% |
1x | 20% | |
1x | 1% |
Part | Dropped materials | Probability |
Drop 0 - 100% Drop 1 - 100% | 1x | 32% |
1x | 24% | |
1x | 3% | |
1x | 1% | |
1x | 40% | |
Riding | 2x | 25% |
1x | 50% | |
1x | 25% |
From buddy | Probability |
1x | 33% |
1x | 25% |
1x | 41% |
1x | 1% |
Move set
Internal name | Damage | Status | Guardable | Power | Type | To object | To other monster | Flags |
槍攻撃 |
| Yes | 40 | Flying away | PowerL | M | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos |
槍攻撃薙ぎ払い |
| Yes | 40 | Flying away | PowerL | M | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPosAllDirGuardable |
突進 |
| Yes | 50 | Quick recovery flying | AbsolutePower | M | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos |
振り向きパンチ |
| Yes | 40 | Quick recovery flying | PowerL | M | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPosAllDirGuardable |
ウィング薙ぎ払い |
| Yes | 50 | Quick recovery flying | PowerL | M | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos |
咆哮 | Yes | 30 | Strong roar 90 | None | None | CalcHitDirection | ||
小パンチ |
| Yes | 30 | Quick recovery flying | PowerS | S | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos |
小パンチ二段目 |
| Yes | 40 | Quick recovery flying | PowerL | M | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPosAllDirGuardable |
猛ダッシュ |
| Yes | 15 | Tripping | PowerS | M | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos | |
段差登り着地 |
| Yes | 15 | Tripping | PowerS | S | CalcHitDirection | |
大技着地 |
| No | 80 | Wirefall disabled flying | AbsolutePower | L | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos |
大技離陸 |
| Yes | 40 | Flying away | PowerL | M | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos |
突進停止 |
| Yes | 50 | Quick recovery flying | PowerL | M | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos |
ジャンプ薙ぎ払い |
| Yes | 40 | Flying away | PowerL | M | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos |
かみつき小 |
| Yes | 30 | Tripping | PowerS | S | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos |
かみつき大 |
| Yes | 40 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | M | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos |
二段パンチ |
| Yes | 30 | Quick recovery flying | PowerS | S | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos |
二段パンチ二段目 |
| Yes | 30 | Slam down | PowerM | M | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPosAllDirGuardable |
猛ダッシュ小かみつき |
| Yes | 30 | Flying away | PowerM | S | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos |
段差ジャンプダメージ |
| Yes | 20 | Flying away | None | S | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos | |
ホバリング突進(翼) |
| Yes | 80 | Special flying | PowerL | M | AllDirGuardable |
ホバリング突進(体) |
| Yes | 80 | Special flying | PowerL | M | AllDirGuardable |
【操竜】回避パリィ | Yes | 0 | Knockbacks | None | None | |||
【操竜】離脱突進 | Yes | 30 | Quick recovery flying | AbsolutePower | None | TriggerRidingStart | ||
ウィング薙ぎ払い(スーパーモード) |
| Yes | 80 | Quick recovery flying | PowerL | M | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos |
操竜確定ヤラレ(かみつき小) |
| Yes | 30 | Tripping | PowerS | S | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPosTriggerRidingStart |
操竜確定ヤラレ(槍攻撃) |
| Yes | 40 | Flying away | PowerL | M | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPosTriggerRidingStart |
大技着地_対ボス敵用 |
| No | 80 | Wirefall disabled flying | AbsolutePower | L | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos |
大技着地_対ボス敵PLノーダメ用 | No | 80 | Wirefall disabled flying | AbsolutePower | L | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos | ||
突進_操竜時用 |
| Yes | 50 | Quick recovery flying | AbsolutePower | M | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos |
対空(かみつき小) |
| Yes | 0 | Flying away | None | None | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos | |
対空(中) |
| Yes | 0 | Flying away | None | None | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos | |
対空(大) |
| Yes | 0 | Flying away | None | None | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos | |
対空(かみつき大) |
| Yes | 0 | Flying away | None | None | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos | |
空中槍ステ |
| Yes | 40 | Tripping | PowerL | M | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos |
空中槍ステ二連 |
| Yes | 40 | Quick recovery flying | PowerL | M | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos |
龍属性弾 |
| Yes | 30 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | S | ShellIgnoreEndDelay |
龍属性弾(着弾) |
| Yes | 30 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | S | ShellCalcHitDirectionAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
龍属性ブレス(左右) |
| Yes | 60 | Flying up recoverable | PowerM | M | ShellAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
龍属性ブレス(正面) |
| Yes | 60 | Special flying | PowerL | M | ShellIgnoreEndDelay |
バックステップブレス |
| Yes | 50 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | M | ShellAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
大技メテオ |
| No | 80 | Wirefall disabled flying | PowerL | L | ShellCalcHitDirectionIgnoreEndDelay |
ジャンプ薙ぎ払い |
| Yes | 60 | Flying away | PowerL | M | ShellCalcHitDirectionAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
翼叩きつけ |
| Yes | 60 | Flying up | PowerM | M | ShellAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
ロケットパンチ(地割れ) |
| Yes | 60 | Flying away | PowerL | M | ShellCalcHitDirectionBasedRootPosAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
ロケットパンチ(地割れ爆発) |
| Yes | 60 | Flying up | PowerL | M | ShellAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
予兆 | No | 0 | Invalid | None | None | ShellIgnoreEndDelay | ||
スーパー龍属性弾 |
| Yes | 40 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | M | ShellIgnoreEndDelay |
スーパー龍属性弾(着弾) |
| Yes | 40 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | M | ShellCalcHitDirectionAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
スーパーバックステップブレス |
| Yes | 50 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | M | ShellAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
ホバリング突進地面爆発 |
| Yes | 50 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | M | ShellAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
大技離陸爆発 |
| Yes | 50 | Quick recovery flying | PowerL | M | ShellCalcHitDirectionIgnoreEndDelay |
地震 | Yes | 30 | Major tremor | None | None | ShellIgnoreEndDelay | ||
落下龍属性弾 |
| Yes | 30 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | S | ShellAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
落下龍属性弾(着弾) |
| Yes | 30 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | S | ShellCalcHitDirectionAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
スーパー落下龍属性弾 |
| Yes | 40 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | M | ShellAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
スーパー落下龍属性弾(着弾) |
| Yes | 40 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | M | ShellCalcHitDirectionAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
吸気完了(風圧弱) | Yes | 50 | Major wind pressure | None | None | ShellCalcHitDirectionBasedRootPosIgnoreEndDelay | ||
彗星離陸用風圧(龍風圧) | Yes | 50 | Dragon wind pressure | None | None | ShellCalcHitDirectionBasedRootPosIgnoreEndDelay | ||
ブロック移動離陸爆発 |
| Yes | 50 | Quick recovery flying | PowerS | S | ShellCalcHitDirectionIgnoreEndDelay |
龍属性レーザー |
| Yes | 80 | Special flying | PowerL | M | ShellIgnoreEndDelay |
龍属性レーザー跡爆発 |
| Yes | 80 | Special flying | PowerL | M | ShellIgnoreEndDelay |
彗星旋回龍属性弾 | Yes | 0 | None | PowerM | None | Shell | ||
彗星旋回龍属性弾(着弾) |
| Yes | 40 | Flying up recoverable | PowerM | M | ShellAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
龍属性ブレス(ホバリング) |
| Yes | 60 | Special flying | PowerL | M | ShellIgnoreEndDelay |
突進時風圧(風圧弱) | Yes | 50 | Minor wind pressure | None | None | ShellCalcHitDirectionBasedRootPosIgnoreEndDelay | ||
大技メテオ_対ボス敵用 | Yes | 80 | Wirefall disabled flying | PowerL | L | ShellCalcHitDirectionIgnoreEndDelay | ||
ブロック移動離陸用風圧(龍風圧) | Yes | 50 | Dragon wind pressure | None | None | ShellCalcHitDirectionBasedRootPosIgnoreEndDelay | ||
龍属性レーザー_正面大範囲 |
| Yes | 80 | Special flying | PowerL | M | ShellIgnoreEndDelay |
クリアリングバーナー |
| No | 0 | None | None | None | ShellIgnoreEndDelay |
設置炎 |
| No | 0 | None | None | None | ShellIgnoreEndDelay |
ステップ龍属性弾 |
| Yes | 30 | Tripping | PowerM | S | ShellIgnoreEndDelay |
Map behavior
大社跡Shrine RuinsTemple oubliéRovine sacreHeilige RuinenTemplo olvidadoРуины святилищаRuiny ŚwiątynneRuínas do Templo사원 폐허大社遺跡废神社أطلال الضريح[Unsupported language]
Allow area type
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 150sec | 240sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
2 | 150sec | 240sec | false | ||||
3 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
4 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
5 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @1057,[1058],[1059]. flag:false | |||
6 | 150sec | 240sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
7 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
8 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
9 | 150sec | 240sec | false | ||||
10 | 150sec | 240sec | false | ||||
11 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
12 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
13 | 90sec | 120sec | false |
砂原Sandy PlainsPlaines de sablePiane sabbioseSandebeneLlanos arenososПесчаные равниныRówniny PiaskuPlanície Arenosa모래 평원沙原沙原السهول الرملية[Unsupported language]
Allow area type
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
2 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @2001,[2002],[2003]. flag:false | |||
3 | 90sec | 120sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
4 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
5 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
6 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
7 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
8 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
9 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
10 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
11 | 90sec | 120sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
12 | 90sec | 120sec | false |
水没林Flooded ForestForêt inondéeForesta inondataFlutwaldBosque inundadoЗатопленный лесZatopiony LasSelva Inundada수몰된 숲水沒林水没林الغابة الغارقة[Unsupported language]
Allow area type
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
2 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
3 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
4 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
5 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
6 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
7 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
8 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
9 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
10 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
11 | 150sec | 240sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
12 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
13 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @1001,[1002],[1003]. flag:false | |||
14 | 90sec | 120sec | false |
寒冷群島Frost IslandsArchipel de glaceIsole ghiacciateFrostinselnIslas heladasМорозные островаWyspy MroźneIlhas Gélidas한랭 군도寒冷群島冰封群岛الجُزر الثلجية[Unsupported language]
Allow area type
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 90sec | 120sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
2 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
3 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
4 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
5 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
6 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
7 | 150sec | 240sec | false | ||||
8 | 90sec | 120sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
9 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @2001,[2002],[2003]. flag:false | |||
10 | 150sec | 240sec | false | ||||
11 | 90sec | 120sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
12 | 90sec | 120sec | false |
溶岩洞Lava CavernsCavernes de laveCaverne lavicheLavahöhlenGrutas de lavaЛавовые пещерыJaskinie LawyCavernas de Lava용암 동굴熔岩洞熔岩洞كهوف الحمم[Unsupported language]
Allow area type
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
2 | 150sec | 240sec | false | ||||
3 | 150sec | 240sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
4 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
5 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
6 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
7 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
8 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
9 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
10 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
11 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
12 | 150sec | 240sec | false | @2004,[2005],[2006]. flag:false | @0. flag:false | ||
13 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
14 | 120sec | 180sec | false |
獄泉郷Infernal SpringsSources infernalesSorgenti infern.HöllenquellenFuente infernalАдские ручьиPiekielne ŹródłaFontes Infernais옥천향獄泉鄉狱泉乡الينابيع الجهنمية[Unsupported language]
Allow area type
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 10000sec | 10000sec | false |
闘技場ArenaArèneArenaArenaArenaАренаArenaArena격투장鬥技場斗技场الساحة[Unsupported language]
Allow area type
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 10000sec | 10000sec | false | ||||
11 | 0sec | 0sec | false | ||||
12 | 0sec | 0sec | false |
龍宮砦跡Coral PalacePalais de corauxPalazzo coral.KorallenpalastPalacio coralinoДворец коралловKoralowy PałacPalácio Coralino용궁성터龍宮要塞遺跡龙宫古城قصر المرجان[Unsupported language]
Allow area type
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 10000sec | 10000sec | false | ||||
2 | 10000sec | 10000sec | false |
密林JungleJungleGiunglaDschungelLa JunglaДжунглиDżunglaSelva밀림密林密林الغابة[Unsupported language]
Allow area type
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
2 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
3 | 150sec | 240sec | false | @1000,[1001],[1002]. flag:false | @0. flag:false | ||
4 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
5 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
6 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
7 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
8 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
9 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
10 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
11 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @0. flag:false |
城塞高地CitadelCitadelleCittadellaZitadelleBastiónЦитадельCytadelaForte요새고원城塞高地城塞高地القلعة[Unsupported language]
Allow area type
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
2 | 120sec | 200sec | false | ||||
3 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
4 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
5 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
6 | 90sec | 120sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
7 | 150sec | 240sec | false | @1000,[1001],[1002]. flag:false | |||
8 | 120sec | 200sec | false | ||||
9 | 90sec | 130sec | false | ||||
10 | 120sec | 200sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
11 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
12 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
13 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
14 | 90sec | 120sec | false |
[Unsupported language]
Allow area type
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 10000sec | 10000sec | false |