角竜 ディアブロスDiablosDiablosDiablosDiablosDiablosДиаблосDiablosDiablos디아블로스角龍角龙ديابلوسDiablos
草食であり、サボテンを主食としている。Known as the "Tyrant of the Desert." The Diablos
is extremely territorial and will use its massive horns
to charge at invaders. Diablos have the ability to burrow
underground and use this ability to strike from below,
however, their sensitive ears make them susceptible
to Sonic Bombs. Despite their predatory appearance,
they are herbivorous and mostly feed on cactus.Connu sous le nom du "Tyran du désert", le Diablos
est extrêmement territorial et se rue sur les
envahisseurs avec ses énormes cornes. Il peut
s'enfoncer dans le sol pour attaquer par en dessous,
mais ses oreilles sensibles le rendent vulnérable
aux bombes soniques. Malgré son allure de prédateur,
ce monstre est un herbivore qui se nourrit
principalement de cactus.Noto come il tiranno del deserto, il Diablos è
molto territoriale e userà le sue enormi corna per
caricare gli invasori. Il Diablos ha l'abilità di
scavare nel terreno: in questo modo può attaccare
dal sottosuolo. Le sue orecchie fini lo rendono
sensibile alle bombe soniche. Nonostante l'aspetto
minaccioso, è un mostro erbivoro e si ciba
principalmente di cactus.Bekannt als der "Tyrann der Wüste". Der Diablos ist
extrem territorial und geht mit seinen massiven
Hörnern auf Eindringlinge los. Er kann sich im Erd-
reich vergraben und nutzt das für Angriffe von
unten. Seine empfindlichen Ohren machen ihn aller-
dings anfällig für Schallbomben. Seiner räuberischen
Erscheinung zum Trotz ist der Diablos ein Pflanzen-
fresser und ernährt sich hauptsächlich von Kakteen.Un wyvern del desierto que recibe su nombre por los
cuernos de su cabeza. El Diablos carga contra su
presa o ataca desde el suelo, y es más veloz al
enfadarse. Su oído agudo lo hace sensible a bombas
sónicas. La dieta base de este monstruo herbívoro
son los cactus.Известны, как Тираны пустыни. Диаблосы имеют
развитый инстинкт защиты своего участка, разя
вторгающихся массивными рогами. Диаблосы могут
окапываться и разить жертву из-под земли, но из-за
чувствительных ушей уязвимы к звуковым бомбам.
Основа питания этого травоядного монстра, несмотря
на хищный вид — обычные кактусы.Znany jako „tyran pustyni”, Diablos jest bardzo
terytorialny i szarżuje na intruzów swoimi potężnymi
rogami. Potrafi wkopywać się w ziemię, aby atakować
z dołu. Z uwagi na wrażliwy słuch jest podatny na
działanie bomb akustycznych. Pomimo drapieżnego
wyglądu żywi się roślinami – najchętniej
jada kaktusy.Conhecido como o "Tirano do Deserto". Diablos é
extremamente territorial e usará seus enormes
chifres para atacar invasores. Ele possui a
habilidade de escavar a terra e atacar do subsolo.
No entanto, suas orelhas sensíveis o tornam
suscetíveis a Bombas Sônicas. Apesar de parecerem
predadores, são herbívoros e costumam se alimentar
de cactos.사막의 폭군으로 알려진 비룡. 두 개의
비틀린 뿔이 특징으로 「각룡」이라고도 불린다.
굉장히 영역 의식이 강해서 영역에
침입한 자에게 이상할 정도로 적대감을 보인다.
또한, 모래 속에 잠행하는 일이 많아서 그런지
청각이 크게 발달했으며 소리에 굉장히 민감하다.
초식이며 선인장을 주식으로 한다.以沙漠暴君之名受人畏懼的飛龍。
草食性,主食为仙人掌。معروف باسم "طاغية الصحراء". ديابلوس
إقليمي للغاية ويستخدم قرونه الهائلة لشن
الهجوم على الدخلاء. لدى ديابلوس القدرة على الاختباء
تحت الأرض ويستخدم هذه القدرة، لتسديد الضربات من
أسفل ولكن، آذانه الحساسة تجعله حساسًا
للقنابل الصوتية. على الرغم من مظهره العدواني،
فهو آكل للنباتات ويتغذى في الغالب على الصبار.Un wyvern del desierto que recibe su nombre por los
cuernos de su cabeza. El Diablos carga contra su
presa o ataca desde el suelo, y es más veloz al
enfadarse. Su oído agudo lo hace sensible a bombas
sónicas. La dieta base de este monstruo herbívoro
son los cactus.
その威力を逆手に取り、隙を作ることも可能だ。Diablos can be forcibly brought to the surface by
using loud sounds. And its charging attack, while
devastatingly powerful, can be baited into colliding
with anthills, momentarily getting the Diablos
stuck.Vous pouvez attirer le Diablos à la surface grâce
des sons puissants. Utilisez la force du Diablos
contre lui, en le poussant à attaquer une
fourmilière, pour l'immobiliser.Il Diablos può essere portato con la forza in
superficie provocando suoni molto forti.
È possibile far sì che i suoi devastanti attacchi
gli si ritorcano contro, indirizzandolo verso un
formicaio così da intrappolarlo.Ein Diablos kann mit lauten Geräuschen an die Ober-
fläche gezwungen werden. Dort kannst du den an-
rennenden Angriff der Kreatur gegen sie verwenden,
indem du sie gegen Ameisenhügel rennen lässt, in
denen der Diablos stecken bleibt.Puedes hacer salir a un Diablos a la superficie
con ruidos fuertes. También puedes utilizar su
ataque cargado a tu favor, ya que, si le haces
embestir contra un hormiguero, se puede quedar
atascado en él momentáneamente.Выманите диаблоса с помощью громких звуков.
Он бросается на цель с такой
скоростью и силой, что оглушает себя,
врезавшись в препятствие.Diablosa można wywabić na powierzchnię
głośnym dźwiękiem. Jego potężną szarżę
można nakierować na zderzenie z mrowiskami,
dzięki czemu Diablos na chwilę utknie.O Diablos pode ser forçado a vir à tona usando-se
sons altos. E seu ataque precipitante, embora
devastador, pode ser aproveitado para fazê-lo
colidir com formigueiros, prendendo o Diablos
momentaneamente.땅속으로 숨으면 귀찮아지기에 큰 소리를
발생시켜 지상으로 유인하는 게 효과적이다.
거대한 뿔을 앞세운 돌진은 매우 파괴적이지만,
개밋둑 등으로 유도하면 역으로 틈을 노릴 수도 있다.一旦牠潛入地底,將會變得相當棘手,
就能反过来利用这破坏力制造破绽。يمكن جلب ديابلوس للسطح بعنف باستخدام
الأصوات المرتفعة. ويمكن استدراج هجومه المشحون،
بقوته المدمرة، للاصطدام
بكثبان النمل، التي تصعق ديابلوس
لفترة قصيرة.Puedes hacer salir a un Diablos a la superficie
con ruidos fuertes. También puedes utilizar su
ataque cargado a tu favor, ya que, si le haces
embestir contra un hormiguero, se puede quedar
atascado en él momentáneamente.
Basic data
Base HP(LR/HR) 4500, (MR) 4500
Limping threshold(village) 18% / (LR) 18% / (HR) 16% / (MR) 10%
Capturing threshold(village) 21% / (LR) 21% / (HR) 19% / (MR) 12%
Sleep recovering90 seconds / recover 5% HP
Size2096.25 (1886.625, 2410.6875, 2578.3875)
Threat level7
Type飛竜種Flying WyvernWyverne volanteWyvern volanteFlugwyvernWyvern voladorЛетающая вивернаWiwerna latającaSerpe Alada비룡종飛龍種飞龙种تنين مجنح طائرWyvern volador, (internal)Flying wyvern, Arial
GimmickVital(S) 100 / (M) 100 / (L) 100 / (KB) -1
Riding HP(S) 100 / (M) 100 / (L) 100
Caution to combat timer3
Caution to normal timer8
Combat to normal timer15
Enrage threshold(LR) 550 / (HR) 800 / (Rampage) 450 / (MR) 1400
State time(enraged) 90sec / (tired) 90sec
State time (rampage)(enraged) 10sec / (tired) 0sec
Motion(enraged) x1.05 / (tired) x0.92
Attack(enraged) x1.2
Defense(enraged) x1.1
Enrage add staying time30sec
Default move pattern
Flying stance to movefalse
Sleep time500 ±50
Awake hour7 ~ 19
Eat time500 ±50
Quest | Size | HP | Attack | Parts | Defense | Element | Stun | Exhaust | Ride | Paralyze | Sleep | Stamina |
x1.24 | x2.15 | x1.24 | x1 | Ax1, Bx1 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1 ①x1 | x1.05 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 | 0 | ||
x1.69 | x2.1 | x1.87 | x1 | Ax1.05, Bx1.05 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.2 ①x1 | x1.25 ①x1 | x1.05 ①x1 | x1.05 ①x1 | x1 | 0 | ||
1% | x1.87(±) | x2.1 | x1.87 | x1 | Ax1.05, Bx1.05 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.2 ①x1 | x1.25 ①x1 | x1.05 ①x1 | x1.05 ①x1 | x1 | 0 | |
3%3% | x3.6(±±) | x5.2 | x3.15 | x1 | Ax1.5, Bx1.5 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.3 ①x1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
1% | x3.4 | x5.2 | x3.15 | x1 | Ax1.5, Bx1.5 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.3 ①x1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
3%3% | x2.9 | x5.3 | x3.15 | x1 | Ax1.5, Bx1.5 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.3 ①x1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
x2.9 | x5.3 | x3.15 | x1 | Ax1.5, Bx1.5 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.3 ①x1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | ||
x2.7 | x5.3 | x3.15 | x1 | Ax1.5, Bx1.5 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.3 ①x1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | ||
1%1% | x3.8 | x6.1 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
1%1% | x3.8 | x6.1 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
1%1% | x3.8 | x6.1 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
1%1% | x3.8 | x6.1 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
3%3% | x2.7 | x8 | x4.3 | x1 | Ax2, Bx2 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.85 ①x1 | x2 ①x1 | x2 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
1%1% | x3.8 | x6.1 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
100% | x3.1 | x6.2 | x4 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
1%1% | x3.8 | x6.1 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
1%1% | x3.8 | x6.1 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
3%3% | x2.5 | x5.3 | x3.15 | x1 | Ax1.5, Bx1.5 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.3 ①x1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
6%10% | x7.6(±±) | x9.25 | x7.6 | x1 | Ax2.4, Bx2.4 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.05 ①x1 | x2.4 ①x1 | x2.4 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
100% | x4.7 | x9.5 | x7.6 | x1 | Ax2.4, Bx2.4 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.05 ①x1 | x2.4 ①x1 | x2.4 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
100% | x4.3 | x9.5 | x7.6 | x1 | Ax2.4, Bx2.4 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.05 ①x1 | x2.4 ①x1 | x2.4 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
6%10% | x3.7 | x9.5 | x7.6 | x1 | Ax2.4, Bx2.4 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.05 ①x1 | x2.4 ①x1 | x2.4 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
1%1% | x7.6 | x10.3 | x8.8 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
1%1% | x7.6 | x10.3 | x8.8 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
6%10% | x4.9 | x10.6 | x8.8 | x1 | Ax2.5, Bx2.5 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.1 ①x1 | x2.5 ①x1 | x2.5 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
1%1% | x9.2 | x10.6 | x11.6 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
1%1% | x9.2 | x10.6 | x11.6 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
1%1% | x10.1 | x10.6 | x11.6 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
1%1% | x10.1 | x10.6 | x11.6 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
x3.7 | x10 | x7.6 | x1 | Ax2.4, Bx2.4 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.05 ①x1 | x2.4 ①x1 | x2.4 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | ||
100% | x4.4 | x10 | x7.6 | x1 | Ax2.4, Bx2.4 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.05 ①x1 | x2.4 ①x1 | x2.4 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
6%10% | x18.5(±) | x14.7 | x20 | x1 | Ax2.85, Bx2.85 ①Ax1.2, Bx1.2 | x2.5 ①x2.5 | x2.65 ①x1.2 | x3.25 ①x2.5 | x3.25 ①x2.5 | x1 | 3 | |
1%1% | x10.1 | x10.6 | x11.6 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
1%1% | x10.1 | x10.6 | x11.6 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
1%1% | x6.8 | x9.25 | x7.6 | x1 | Ax2.4, Bx2.4 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.05 ①x1 | x2.4 ①x1 | x2.4 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
6%10% | x4.9 | x10.6 | x8.8 | x1 | Ax2.5, Bx2.5 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.1 ①x1 | x2.5 ①x1 | x2.5 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
1%1% | x9.2 | x10.6 | x11.6 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
1%1% | x6.8 | x9.25 | x7.6 | x1 | Ax2.4, Bx2.4 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.05 ①x1 | x2.4 ①x1 | x2.4 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
6%10% | x4.9 | x10.6 | x8.8 | x1 | Ax2.5, Bx2.5 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.1 ①x1 | x2.5 ①x1 | x2.5 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
Village tour (Village 6★) | x1.24 | x2.15 | x1.24 | x1 | Ax1, Bx1 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1 ①x1 | x1.05 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 | 0 | |
Low rank tour (Hub 3★) | 1% | x1.87(±) | x2.1 | x1.87 | x1 | Ax1.05, Bx1.05 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.2 ①x1 | x1.25 ①x1 | x1.05 ①x1 | x1.05 ①x1 | x1 | 0 |
High rank tour (Hub 7★) | 3%3% | x3.6(±±) | x5.2 | x3.15 | x1 | Ax1.5, Bx1.5 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.3 ①x1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1 | 1 |
Master rank tour (MR 4★) | 6%10% | x7.8(±±) | x9.75 | x7.6 | x1 | Ax2.4, Bx2.4 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.05 ①x1 | x2.4 ①x1 | x2.4 ①x1 | x1 | 3 |
Anomaly investigation
Appear as afflicted atA5 (Lv51)
Appear as normal at"A4" (Lv31)
Main targettrue
Sub targettrue
Extra monstertrue
Stats table as afflictedTable 3
Stats table as non-afflictedTable 0
Base zenny(A5) 300
Subtarget zenny adjust-
Base research point(A5) 380
Adjust point for requestx1.4
Allowed map
- 砂原Sandy PlainsPlaines de sablePiane sabbioseSandebeneLlanos arenososПесчаные равниныRówniny PiaskuPlanície Arenosa모래 평원沙原沙原السهول الرمليةLlanos arenosos
- 獄泉郷Infernal SpringsSources infernalesSorgenti infern.HöllenquellenFuente infernalАдские ручьиPiekielne ŹródłaFontes Infernais옥천향獄泉鄉狱泉乡الينابيع الجهنميةCascada infernal
- 闘技場ArenaArèneArenaArenaArenaАренаArenaArena격투장鬥技場斗技场الساحةArena
- 塔の秘境Forlorn ArenaTour interditeArena desolataVerbotener TurmArena olvidadaЗабытая аренаOpuszczona arenaArena Desolada탑의 비경塔之秘境塔之秘境ساحة فورلورنArena olvidada
Hitzone data
Hitzone | Phase | Name | Slash | Impact | Shot | Fire | Water | Ice | Thunder | Dragon | Dizzy |
[0]A:角 | 0 | 角HornCorneCornoHornCuernoРогRógChifre뿔角角قرنCuerno | 21 | 42 | 20 | 0 | 20 | 25 | 10 | 20 | 100 |
[1]B:頭部 | 0 | 頭部HeadTêteTestaKopfCabezaГоловаGłowaCabeça머리頭部头部الرأسCabeza | 45 | 60 | 40 | 0 | 15 | 25 | 10 | 15 | 100 |
[2]C:首 | 0 | 首NeckCouColloNackenCuelloШеяSzyjaPescoço목頸部颈部رقبةCuello | 40 | 40 | 25 | 0 | 15 | 20 | 5 | 15 | 0 |
[3]D:腹部 | 0 | 腹部AbdomenAbdomenAddomeBauchAbdomenБрюхоPodbrzuszeAbdômen복부腹部腹部بطنAbdomen | 65 | 70 | 40 | 0 | 25 | 30 | 10 | 25 | 0 |
[4]E:背中 | 0 | 背中BackDosDorsoRückenEspaldaСпинаGrzbietCostas등背部背部عودةEspalda | 25 | 42 | 35 | 0 | 20 | 25 | 10 | 20 | 0 |
[5]F:翼 | 0 | 翼WingAileAlaFlügelAlaКрылоSkrzydłoAsa날개翅膀翼جناحAla | 40 | 30 | 60 | 0 | 25 | 30 | 10 | 25 | 0 |
[6]G:脚 | 0 | 脚LegPatteZampaBeinPataЛапаNogaPerna다리腳腿قدمPata | 35 | 35 | 35 | 0 | 10 | 15 | 5 | 10 | 0 |
[7]H:尻尾 | 0 | 尻尾TailQueueCodaSchwanzColaХвостOgonCauda꼬리尾巴尾巴ذيلCola | 50 | 24 | 45 | 0 | 20 | 15 | 10 | 20 | 0 |
[8]I:尻尾先端 | 0 | 尻尾先端Tail TipBout de la queuePunta della codaSchwanzspitzePunta de la colaКончик хвостаKoniec ogonaPonta da Cauda꼬리 끝尾巴前端尾巴尖طرف الذيلPunta de la cola | 23 | 26 | 10 | 0 | 20 | 25 | 10 | 20 | 0 |
[9] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
[10] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
[11] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
[12] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
[13] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
[14] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
[15] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Part | Stagger | Break | Sever | Extract | Anomaly cores (3x active) |
[0]damage_頭部, 頭部 | 230 | (x1) 350 / (x2) 350 | Red | 40% probability, 60 HP | |
[1]damage_胴, 胴 | 350 | (x1) 350 | White | - | |
[2]damage_左翼, 左翼 | 170 | White | 5% probability, 30 HP | ||
[3]damage_右翼, 右翼 | 170 | White | 5% probability, 30 HP | ||
[4]damage_左脚, 左脚 | 220 | White | 15% probability, 30 HP | ||
[5]damage_右脚, 右脚 | 220 | White | 15% probability, 30 HP | ||
[6]damage_尻尾, 尻尾 | 170 | (Slash) 500 | Orange | 20% probability, 30 HP | |
[7] | 100 | None | - | ||
[8] | 100 | None | - | ||
[9] | 100 | None | - | ||
[10] | 100 | None | - | ||
[11] | 100 | None | - | ||
[12] | 100 | None | - | ||
[13] | 100 | None | - | ||
[14] | 100 | None | - | ||
[15] | 100 | None | - |
Multi-part vital
Index | Part | priority | Attributes | HP |
Apex shutdown (rampage) | 4 | Unique | ||
Hellfire knockdown | All | 4 | UniqueRampage enableMulti rate EX | 1 / 150 / 700 |
Apex shutdown (normal quest) | 4 | Unique |
Abnormal status
Threshold | Decay | Max stock | Active time | Add tired time | Damage | Additional information | |
Paralyze | 180 (+130) → 570180 (+130) → 570 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Sleep | 180 (+130) → 570180 (+130) → 570 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Stun | 120 (+100) → 520120 (+100) → 520 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Exhaust | 225 (+75) → 900225 (+75) → 900 | 10 / 5 sec10 / 5 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Stamina reduction = 250 |
Paralyze | 100 (+50) → 300180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 7 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Sleep | 150 (+100) → 550180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 40 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Stun | 200 (+150) → 800180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Exhaust | 225 (+75) → 900180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Stamina reduction = 150 |
Flash | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 20 sec (-4 sec) → 5 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Activate count = 0, Active time = 0 Activate count = 0, Active time = 0 Ignore refresh stance = Distance = 3 ~ 8, Angle = 90 |
Flash | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-3 sec) → 3 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Activate count = 4, Active time = 20 Activate count = 3, Active time = 10 Ignore refresh stance = stand, fly, diving, wall, ceiling Distance = 3 ~ 8, Angle = 120 |
Flash | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Activate count = 3, Active time = 10 Activate count = 2, Active time = 5 Ignore refresh stance = stand, fly, diving, wall, ceiling Distance = 3 ~ 8, Angle = 120 |
Poison | 180 (+130) → 570180 (+130) → 570 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 40 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 5 / 2 sec | |
Blast | 70 (+30) → 67070 (+30) → 670 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Blast damage = 100 |
Poison | 150 (+100) → 550180 (+900) → 1080 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 20 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 10 / 1 sec | |
Blast | 70 (+30) → 670180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Blast damage = 150 |
Ride | 1000 (+800) → 54000 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 10 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 15 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Non-target monster first ride limit = 0 |
Ride | 500 (+2000) → 61000 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 15 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Non-target monster first ride limit = 65 |
Water | 180 (+130) → 570180 (+130) → 570 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 20 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Melee hzv adjust: hard = 25, soft = 3, judge = 60 Shot hzv adjust: hard = 25, soft = 3, judge = 60 |
Fire | 180 (+130) → 570180 (+130) → 570 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 30 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 2 / 15 sec | Hit-damage rate = 5 |
Ice | 180 (+130) → 570180 (+130) → 570 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 30 sec (-1 sec) → 15 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Motion speed rate = 0.5 |
Thunder | 180 (+130) → 570180 (+130) → 570 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 30 sec (-1 sec) → 15 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Stun hzv adjust: rate = 1, min = 0, max = 0, default = 1 Normal hzv adjust: rate = 1, min = 0, max = 0, default = 1 Stun active limit = 0 |
Pitfall trap | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-0 sec) → 3 sec | +5 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Quicksand | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Poison purr-ison | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Poison stacking = 0 |
Shock trap | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-0 sec) → 3 sec | +5 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Shock purr-ison | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Capture | 150 (+300) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 5 / 5 sec0 / 0 sec | 200 | 3.402823e38 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Dung | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Steel fang | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Active limit = 0, Unique target param = false Distance = 0 ~ 0, Angle = 0 |
Water | 180 (+130) → 570180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 30 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Melee hzv adjust: hard = 25, soft = 3, judge = 60 Shot hzv adjust: hard = 25, soft = 3, judge = 60 |
Fire | 180 (+130) → 570180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 20 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 15 / 2 sec | Hit-damage rate = 1.5 |
Ice | 180 (+130) → 570180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 40 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Motion speed rate = 0.9 |
Thunder | 180 (+130) → 570180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 30 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Stun hzv adjust: rate = 0.5, min = 1, max = 40, default = 1 Normal hzv adjust: rate = 0.2, min = 1, max = 20, default = 1 Stun active limit = 1 |
Pitfall trap | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-2 sec) → 3 sec | +5 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Quicksand | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Poison purr-ison | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 8 sec (-0 sec) → 3 sec | +5 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Poison stacking = 300 |
Shock trap | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 8 sec (-2 sec) → 3 sec | +5 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Shock purr-ison | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 8 sec (-2 sec) → 3 sec | +5 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Pitfall trap | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 8 sec (-2 sec) → 3 sec | +5 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Quicksand | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 8 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Poison purr-ison | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 8 sec (-0 sec) → 3 sec | +5 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Poison stacking = 300 |
Shock trap | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 6 sec (-2 sec) → 3 sec | +5 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Shock purr-ison | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 6 sec (-2 sec) → 3 sec | +5 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Capture | 150 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 5 / 5 sec0 / 0 sec | 200 | 3.402823e38 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Dung | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 120 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Steel fang | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Active limit = 4, Unique target param = false Distance = 0 ~ 0, Angle = 0 |
Afflicted stats
Return to great activity time50 sec
Damage to releasex12 (carry over x7.2) / x15 (carry over x9) / x18 (carry over x10.8)
Release count to topple1
Maximum activity min continue time60 sec
Anomaly burst time120 sec
Add enragex1
Core break damage1.2%
Core break part break100%
Attack(normal) x1 / (great) x1 / (max) x1
Motion(normal) x0.97 / (great) x1.02 / (max) x1.04
Bloodblight timex1
Special anomaly investigation(HP) Default / (attack) x1 / (motion) x1
Low rank reward
Target rewards | Probability |
1x | 16% |
1x | 33% |
1x | 25% |
1x | 7% |
1x | 12% |
1x | 7% |
Part | Carves | Probability |
Main body (x3) | 1x | 40% |
1x | 32% | |
1x | 23% | |
1x | 5% | |
Severed part A | 1x | 70% |
1x | 18% | |
1x | 12% |
Capture rewards | Probability |
1x | 28% |
1x | 25% |
1x | 21% |
1x | 16% |
1x | 10% |
Part | Broken part rewards | Probability |
両角Both HornsLes deux cornesEntrambe le cornaBeide HörnerAmbos cuernosОба рогаOba rogiAmbos os Chifres양쪽뿔雙角双角كلا القرنينAmbos cuernos All of:
| 1x | 100% |
背中BackDosDorsoRückenEspaldaСпинаGrzbietCostas등背部背部عودةEspalda All of:
| 1x | 80% |
1x | 20% |
Part | Dropped materials | Probability |
Drop 0 - 100% Drop 1 - 100% | 1x | 35% |
1x | 15% | |
1x | 50% | |
Riding | 1x | 50% |
1x | 35% | |
2x | 15% |
From buddy | Probability |
1x | 42% |
1x | 33% |
1x | 25% |
High rank reward
Target rewards | Probability |
1x | 18% |
1x | 35% |
2x | 13% |
1x | 5% |
2x | 9% |
1x | 10% |
1x | 7% |
1x | 3% |
Part | Carves | Probability |
Main body (x3) | 1x | 40% |
1x | 33% | |
2x | 12% | |
1x | 7% | |
1x | 5% | |
1x | 3% | |
Severed part A | 1x | 70% |
1x | 13% | |
1x | 12% | |
1x | 5% |
Capture rewards | Probability |
1x | 29% |
1x | 23% |
2x | 11% |
1x | 9% |
1x | 13% |
1x | 10% |
1x | 5% |
Part | Broken part rewards | Probability |
両角Both HornsLes deux cornesEntrambe le cornaBeide HörnerAmbos cuernosОба рогаOba rogiAmbos os Chifres양쪽뿔雙角双角كلا القرنينAmbos cuernos All of:
| 1x | 100% |
背中BackDosDorsoRückenEspaldaСпинаGrzbietCostas등背部背部عودةEspalda All of:
| 1x | 50% |
1x | 30% | |
1x | 20% |
Part | Dropped materials | Probability |
Drop 0 - 100% Drop 1 - 100% | 2x | 25% |
1x | 24% | |
1x | 1% | |
1x | 10% | |
1x | 40% | |
Riding | 1x | 50% |
1x | 35% | |
2x | 15% |
From buddy | Probability |
1x | 45% |
1x | 37% |
2x | 15% |
1x | 3% |
Master rank reward
Target rewards | Probability |
1x | 24% |
1x | 42% |
1x | 10% |
2x | 9% |
1x | 12% |
1x | 3% |
Part | Carves | Probability |
Main body (x3) | 1x | 48% |
1x | 39% | |
1x | 10% | |
1x | 3% | |
Severed part A | 1x | 70% |
1x | 13% | |
1x | 12% | |
1x | 5% |
Capture rewards | Probability |
1x | 40% |
1x | 33% |
1x | 12% |
1x | 10% |
1x | 5% |
Part | Broken part rewards | Probability |
両角Both HornsLes deux cornesEntrambe le cornaBeide HörnerAmbos cuernosОба рогаOba rogiAmbos os Chifres양쪽뿔雙角双角كلا القرنينAmbos cuernos All of:
| 1x | 100% |
背中BackDosDorsoRückenEspaldaСпинаGrzbietCostas등背部背部عودةEspalda All of:
| 1x | 80% |
1x | 20% |
Part | Dropped materials | Probability |
Drop 0 - 100% Drop 1 - 100% | 2x | 25% |
1x | 24% | |
1x | 1% | |
1x | 50% | |
Riding | 1x | 50% |
1x | 35% | |
2x | 15% |
From buddy | Probability |
1x | 55% |
1x | 42% |
1x | 3% |
Anomaly quest reward
Anomaly investigation reward (lv1 ~ lv80)
Quest rewards First one fixed | Probability |
1x | 25% |
1x | 25% |
2x | 10% |
3x | 10% |
2x | 5% |
2x | 5% |
2x | 10% |
2x | 10% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 30% |
2x | 40% |
3x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
6x | 40% |
7x | 40% |
9x | 20% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 70% |
2x | 30% |
Multi-target quest rewards Get one | Probability |
5x | 20% |
7x | 50% |
9x | 30% |
Multi-target fixed rewards Get one | Probability |
2x | 60% |
3x | 40% |
Anomaly investigation reward (lv81 ~ lv90)
Quest rewards First one fixed | Probability |
1x | 25% |
1x | 25% |
2x | 10% |
3x | 10% |
2x | 5% |
2x | 5% |
2x | 10% |
2x | 10% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
3x | 30% |
4x | 40% |
5x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
8x | 30% |
9x | 40% |
10x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 70% |
2x | 30% |
Multi-target quest rewards Get one | Probability |
6x | 40% |
7x | 40% |
9x | 20% |
Multi-target fixed rewards Get one | Probability |
2x | 60% |
3x | 40% |
Anomaly investigation reward (lv91 ~ lv100)
Quest rewards First one fixed | Probability |
1x | 25% |
1x | 25% |
2x | 10% |
3x | 10% |
2x | 5% |
2x | 5% |
2x | 10% |
2x | 10% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
3x | 30% |
4x | 40% |
5x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
8x | 30% |
9x | 40% |
10x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 70% |
2x | 30% |
Special quest rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 40% |
1x | 20% |
2x | 40% |
Multi-target quest rewards Get one | Probability |
6x | 40% |
7x | 40% |
9x | 20% |
Multi-target fixed rewards Get one | Probability |
2x | 60% |
3x | 40% |
Anomaly investigation reward (lv101 ~ lv120)
Quest rewards First one fixed | Probability |
2x | 10% |
1x | 10% |
2x | 15% |
8x | 10% |
5x | 5% |
3x | 5% |
2x | 10% |
1x | 15% |
2x | 20% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 40% |
2x | 60% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
15x | 30% |
16x | 40% |
17x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 30% |
2x | 40% |
3x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
2x | 30% |
3x | 50% |
4x | 20% |
Multi-target quest rewards Get one | Probability |
8x | 30% |
9x | 40% |
10x | 30% |
Multi-target fixed rewards Get one | Probability |
5x | 30% |
6x | 40% |
7x | 30% |
Anomaly investigation reward (lv121 ~ lv160)
Quest rewards First one fixed | Probability |
2x | 20% |
1x | 10% |
2x | 15% |
12x | 10% |
8x | 5% |
5x | 5% |
2x | 15% |
2x | 20% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
2x | 40% |
3x | 50% |
4x | 10% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
6x | 10% |
8x | 70% |
12x | 20% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 30% |
2x | 40% |
3x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
3x | 30% |
4x | 50% |
5x | 20% |
Multi-target quest rewards Get one | Probability |
11x | 30% |
12x | 40% |
14x | 30% |
Multi-target fixed rewards Get one | Probability |
7x | 30% |
8x | 40% |
9x | 30% |
Anomaly investigation reward (lv161 ~ lv199)
Quest rewards First one fixed | Probability |
3x | 20% |
1x | 15% |
2x | 20% |
12x | 10% |
8x | 5% |
5x | 5% |
2x | 25% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 40% |
2x | 60% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
10x | 15% |
12x | 70% |
14x | 15% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 30% |
2x | 40% |
3x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
3x | 30% |
4x | 50% |
5x | 20% |
Multi-target quest rewards Get one | Probability |
6x | 10% |
8x | 70% |
12x | 20% |
Multi-target fixed rewards Get one | Probability |
10x | 30% |
12x | 40% |
14x | 30% |
Anomaly investigation reward (lv200 ~ lv200)
Quest rewards First one fixed | Probability |
3x | 20% |
1x | 15% |
2x | 20% |
12x | 10% |
8x | 5% |
5x | 5% |
2x | 25% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 40% |
2x | 60% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
10x | 15% |
12x | 70% |
14x | 15% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 30% |
2x | 40% |
3x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
3x | 30% |
4x | 50% |
5x | 20% |
Special quest rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 20% |
2x | 45% |
4x | 35% |
Multi-target quest rewards Get one | Probability |
6x | 10% |
8x | 70% |
12x | 20% |
Multi-target fixed rewards Get one | Probability |
10x | 30% |
12x | 40% |
14x | 30% |
Anomaly investigation reward (lv201 ~ lv219)
Quest rewards First one fixed | Probability |
4x | 15% |
6x | 5% |
1x | 15% |
2x | 20% |
15x | 10% |
10x | 5% |
7x | 5% |
2x | 25% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
3x | 30% |
4x | 40% |
5x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
14x | 40% |
16x | 50% |
18x | 10% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 30% |
2x | 40% |
3x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
3x | 30% |
4x | 50% |
5x | 20% |
Multi-target quest rewards Get one | Probability |
12x | 30% |
14x | 60% |
18x | 10% |
Multi-target fixed rewards Get one | Probability |
14x | 30% |
16x | 40% |
18x | 25% |
22x | 5% |
Anomaly investigation reward (lv220 ~ lv220)
Quest rewards First one fixed | Probability |
4x | 15% |
6x | 5% |
1x | 15% |
2x | 20% |
15x | 10% |
10x | 5% |
7x | 5% |
2x | 25% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
3x | 30% |
4x | 40% |
5x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
14x | 40% |
16x | 50% |
18x | 10% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 30% |
2x | 40% |
3x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
3x | 30% |
4x | 50% |
5x | 20% |
Special quest rewards Get one | Probability |
2x | 40% |
3x | 45% |
5x | 15% |
Multi-target quest rewards Get one | Probability |
12x | 30% |
14x | 60% |
18x | 10% |
Multi-target fixed rewards Get one | Probability |
14x | 30% |
16x | 40% |
18x | 25% |
22x | 5% |
Anomaly investigation reward (lv221 ~ lv260)
Quest rewards First one fixed | Probability |
5x | 15% |
7x | 5% |
2x | 17% |
1x | 3% |
3x | 18% |
17x | 10% |
12x | 5% |
8x | 5% |
3x | 22% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
3x | 30% |
4x | 40% |
5x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
26x | 55% |
27x | 25% |
28x | 20% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 30% |
2x | 40% |
3x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
3x | 30% |
4x | 50% |
5x | 20% |
Multi-target quest rewards Get one | Probability |
14x | 40% |
16x | 50% |
18x | 10% |
Multi-target fixed rewards Get one | Probability |
18x | 30% |
20x | 40% |
22x | 25% |
26x | 5% |
Anomaly investigation reward (lv261 ~ lv280)
Quest rewards First one fixed | Probability |
5x | 15% |
7x | 5% |
2x | 17% |
1x | 3% |
3x | 18% |
17x | 10% |
12x | 5% |
8x | 5% |
3x | 22% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
5x | 30% |
6x | 40% |
7x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
27x | 45% |
29x | 40% |
30x | 15% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
3x | 30% |
4x | 50% |
5x | 20% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
3x | 30% |
4x | 50% |
5x | 20% |
Multi-target quest rewards Get one | Probability |
26x | 55% |
27x | 25% |
28x | 20% |
Multi-target fixed rewards Get one | Probability |
18x | 30% |
20x | 40% |
22x | 25% |
26x | 5% |
Anomaly investigation reward (lv281 ~ lv299)
Quest rewards First one fixed | Probability |
8x | 18% |
2x | 20% |
1x | 5% |
3x | 18% |
20x | 10% |
15x | 5% |
10x | 4% |
4x | 20% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
5x | 30% |
6x | 40% |
7x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
27x | 45% |
29x | 40% |
30x | 15% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
3x | 30% |
4x | 50% |
5x | 20% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
3x | 30% |
4x | 50% |
5x | 20% |
Multi-target quest rewards Get one | Probability |
26x | 55% |
27x | 25% |
28x | 20% |
Multi-target fixed rewards Get one | Probability |
22x | 30% |
24x | 40% |
26x | 25% |
30x | 5% |
Anomaly investigation reward (lv300 ~ lv300)
Quest rewards First one fixed | Probability |
8x | 18% |
2x | 20% |
1x | 5% |
3x | 18% |
20x | 10% |
15x | 5% |
10x | 4% |
4x | 20% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
8x | 35% |
9x | 45% |
11x | 20% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
27x | 45% |
29x | 40% |
30x | 15% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
5x | 30% |
6x | 40% |
8x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
3x | 30% |
4x | 50% |
5x | 20% |
Special quest rewards Get one | Probability |
3x | 35% |
4x | 45% |
6x | 20% |
Multi-target quest rewards Get one | Probability |
27x | 45% |
29x | 40% |
30x | 15% |
Multi-target fixed rewards Get one | Probability |
22x | 30% |
24x | 40% |
26x | 25% |
30x | 5% |
Special investigation reward
Quest rewards First one fixed | Probability |
8x | 18% |
2x | 20% |
1x | 5% |
3x | 18% |
20x | 10% |
15x | 5% |
10x | 4% |
4x | 20% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
8x | 35% |
9x | 45% |
11x | 20% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
27x | 45% |
29x | 40% |
30x | 15% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
5x | 30% |
6x | 40% |
8x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
3x | 30% |
4x | 50% |
5x | 20% |
Special quest rewards Get one | Probability |
3x | 35% |
4x | 45% |
6x | 20% |
Multi-target quest rewards Get one | Probability |
27x | 45% |
29x | 40% |
30x | 15% |
Multi-target fixed rewards Get one | Probability |
22x | 30% |
24x | 40% |
26x | 25% |
30x | 5% |
Move set
Internal name | Damage | Status | Guardable | Power | Type | To object | To other monster | Flags |
突進(角あり) |
| Yes | 60 | Flying away | PowerM | M | |
突進(角なし) |
| Yes | 50 | Flying away | PowerM | M | |
角突き上げ(角あり) |
| Yes | 50 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | M | |
角突き上げ(角なし) |
| Yes | 45 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | M | |
角振り回し(角あり) |
| Yes | 45 | Flying away | PowerM | M | |
角振り回し(角なし) |
| Yes | 20 | Flying away | PowerM | M | |
角振り回し・脚 |
| Yes | 15 | Tripping | PowerM | None | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPosAllDirGuardable |
角振り回し・尻尾先 |
| Yes | 30 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | None | CalcHitDirectionAllDirGuardable |
サイドタックル (左) |
| Yes | 35 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | S | AllDirGuardable |
サイドタックル (右) |
| Yes | 35 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | S | AllDirGuardable |
サイドタックル・尻尾 |
| Yes | 10 | Tripping | PowerM | None | CalcHitDirectionAllDirGuardable |
尻尾たたきつけ |
| Yes | 25 | Slam down | PowerM | S | AllDirGuardable |
尻尾振り回し |
| Yes | 20 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | M | CalcHitDirectionAllDirGuardable |
半尻尾回転 (左) |
| Yes | 25 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | M | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos |
半尻尾回転 (右) |
| Yes | 25 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | M | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos |
潜り移動 | Yes | 0 | Minor tremor | None | None | AllDirGuardable | ||
潜り飛び出し・角破壊前 |
| Yes | 50 | Flying up | PowerM | M | CalcHitDirectionAllDirGuardable |
潜り飛び出し・角破壊後 |
| Yes | 30 | Flying up | PowerM | M | AllDirGuardable |
バインドボイス | Yes | 60 | Strong roar 90 | None | None | CalcHitDirection | ||
噛み付き |
| Yes | 15 | Tripping | None | S | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPosAllDirGuardable |
尻尾叩きつけ岩とばし |
| Yes | 30 | Flying away | None | M | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPosAllDirGuardable |
確定操竜アタリ(突進) |
| Yes | 50 | Flying away | PowerM | M | CalcHitDirectionTriggerRidingStart |
確定操竜アタリ(角振り回し) |
| Yes | 40 | Flying away | PowerM | M | TriggerRidingStart |
操竜離脱突進【操竜】 | Yes | 30 | Quick recovery flying | AbsolutePower | None | TriggerRidingStart | ||
回避パリィ【操竜】 | Yes | 0 | Knockbacks | None | None | |||
組み技 | Yes | 0 | Turf war | None | None | |||
角刺さり用 | Yes | 0 | Invalid | AbsolutePower | None | |||
ジャンプ用ダメージあり |
| Yes | 20 | Flying away | None | None | CalcHitDirection | |
対空アタリ【中】 |
| Yes | 40 | Flying away | None | None | CalcHitDirection | |
対空アタリ【小】 |
| Yes | 40 | Flying away | None | None | CalcHitDirection | |
角地面ぶっさし |
| Yes | 70 | Quick recovery flying | PowerL | M | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos |
角地面ぶっさし(角なし) |
| Yes | 65 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | M | |
ヘドバン(角あり) |
| Yes | 55 | Flying away | PowerM | M | CalcHitDirectionAllDirGuardable |
ヘドバン(角なし) |
| Yes | 50 | Flying away | PowerM | M | CalcHitDirectionAllDirGuardable |
尻尾シェル飛ばし |
| Yes | 50 | Flying away | None | M | ShellCalcHitDirectionBasedRootPosAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
尻尾シェル飛ばし着弾 | No | 0 | Minor tremor | None | None | ShellIgnoreEndDelay | ||
風圧シェル | Yes | 0 | Major wind pressure | None | None | ShellCalcHitDirectionBasedRootPosIgnoreEndDelay | ||
【MR】頭突き地割れシェル |
| Yes | 65 | Flying away | PowerM | M | ShellCalcHitDirectionAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
Map behavior
大社跡Shrine RuinsTemple oubliéRovine sacreHeilige RuinenTemplo olvidadoРуины святилищаRuiny ŚwiątynneRuínas do Templo사원 폐허大社遺跡废神社أطلال الضريحTemplo olvidado
Allow area type
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 60sec | 120sec | false | ||||
2 | 60sec | 120sec | false | ||||
3 | 60sec | 120sec | false | ||||
4 | 60sec | 120sec | false | ||||
5 | 60sec | 120sec | false | ||||
6 | 60sec | 120sec | false | ||||
7 | 60sec | 120sec | false | ||||
8 | 60sec | 120sec | false | ||||
9 | 60sec | 120sec | false | ||||
10 | 60sec | 120sec | false | ||||
11 | 60sec | 120sec | false | ||||
12 | 60sec | 120sec | false | ||||
13 | 60sec | 120sec | false |
砂原Sandy PlainsPlaines de sablePiane sabbioseSandebeneLlanos arenososПесчаные равниныRówniny PiaskuPlanície Arenosa모래 평원沙原沙原السهول الرمليةLlanos arenosos
Allow area type
Special behaviorfalse
Eat itemfalse
Eat item type
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
2 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
3 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
4 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
5 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
6 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
7 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
8 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
9 | 150sec | 240sec | false | @5001. flag:true | @0. flag:false | ||
10 | 150sec | 240sec | false | ||||
11 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
12 | 150sec | 240sec | false | @2001,[2002],[2003]. flag:false |
#Rejected# Stage_Name_06#Rejected# Stage_Name_06#Rejected# Stage_Name_06#Rejected# Stage_Name_06#Rejected# Stage_Name_06#Rejected# Stage_Name_06#Rejected# Stage_Name_06#Rejected# Stage_Name_06#Rejected# Stage_Name_06#Rejected# Stage_Name_06#Rejected# Stage_Name_06#Rejected# Stage_Name_06#Rejected# Stage_Name_06#Rejected# Stage_Name_06
Allow area type
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 180sec | 220sec | false | ||||
2 | 180sec | 180sec | false | ||||
3 | 180sec | 180sec | false | ||||
4 | 180sec | 180sec | false | ||||
11 | 220sec | 220sec | false | ||||
12 | 180sec | 220sec | false |
翡葉の砦Red StrongholdForteresse rougeFortezza rossaRote FestungFortaleza rojaКрасная ТвердыняCzerwona TwierdzaFortaleza Vermelha비취잎의 요새翡葉要塞翡叶要塞القلعة الحمراءFortaleza roja
Allow area type
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 220sec | 220sec | false | ||||
2 | 220sec | 220sec | false | ||||
3 | 220sec | 220sec | false | ||||
4 | 220sec | 220sec | false | ||||
11 | 220sec | 220sec | false | ||||
12 | 220sec | 220sec | false |
獄泉郷Infernal SpringsSources infernalesSorgenti infern.HöllenquellenFuente infernalАдские ручьиPiekielne ŹródłaFontes Infernais옥천향獄泉鄉狱泉乡الينابيع الجهنميةCascada infernal
Allow area type
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 220sec | 220sec | false |
Allow area type
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 10000sec | 10000sec | false | ||||
11 | 0sec | 0sec | false | ||||
12 | 0sec | 0sec | false |
塔の秘境Forlorn ArenaTour interditeArena desolataVerbotener TurmArena olvidadaЗабытая аренаOpuszczona arenaArena Desolada탑의 비경塔之秘境塔之秘境ساحة فورلورنArena olvidada
Allow area type
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 10000sec | 10000sec | false |