奇怪竜 フルフルKhezuKhezuKhezuKhezuKhezuКезуKhezuKhezu푸루푸루奇怪龍奇怪龙خيزو
別名「奇怪竜」と呼ばれている。Loathsome wyverns that dwell in caves and other
dark places. All but blind, Khezu hunt by smell.
Their tail has evolved to cling to walls and ceilings.
After using an electric shock to paralyze their prey,
they extend their long neck and pounce.Une wyverne répugnante vivant dans les grottes et
autres lieux sombres. Presque aveugle, le Khezu
chasse avec son odorat. Sa queue a évolué pour lui
permettre de s'accrocher aux murs et aux plafonds.
Après avoir envoyé une décharge électrique pour
paralyser sa proie, il étend son long cou
pour l'attaquer.Wyvern ripugnanti che abitano in grotte e altri
luoghi bui. Non hanno la vista, ma i Khezu cacciano
usando l'olfatto. Le loro code si sono evolute per
aggrapparsi a muri e soffitti. Paralizzano le prede
per mezzo di scariche elettriche, poi estendono il
lungo collo e attaccano.Ein abscheulicher Wyvern, der in Höhlen und anderen
düsteren Orten haust. Der fast blinde Khezu jagt
nach Geruch und kann sich mit seinem Schwanz an
Wänden und Decken festklammern. Er betäubt seine
Beute mit Elektroschocks und stürzt sich dann mit
ausgestrecktem Nacken auf sie.Abominables wyverns que pululan por cuevas y lugares
oscuros. El Khezu es ciego y caza por el olfato
usando descargas eléctricas que paralizan a su presa
antes de abalanzarse sobre ella desde las paredes o
desde el techo.Жуткие виверны, обитающие в пещерах и других темных
местах. Кезу почти слепы и охотятся по запаху.
Умеют цепляться хвостами за стены и потолки.
Парализовав жертву электрическим разрядом,
вытягивают свою длинную шею и атакуют.Odrażające wiwerny zamieszkujące jaskinie
i inne ciemne miejsca. Khezu są ślepe
i posługują się węchem. Chwytny ogon pozwala im
przylgnąć do ściany lub sklepienia. Rażą
ofiarę prądem, po czym wysuwają długą szyję i
dają susa.Serpes repugnantes que habitam cavernas e outros
locais escuros. Quase cegos, os Khezus caçam pelo
cheiro. Sua cauda evoluiu para agarrar-se às paredes
e tetos. Depois de paralisar a presa com um choque
elétrico, eles estendem o pescoço longo e atacam.주로 동굴 같은 어두운 곳에 서식하는 음산한 비룡.
눈은 퇴화했지만 대신 후각이 발달했다.
빨판처럼 진화한 꼬리로 벽이나
천장 같은 곳에 붙을 수 있으며
체내에 있는 발전 기관에서 만든 전기로
사냥감을 마비시키고 목을 길게 늘여 습격한다.
「기괴룡」이라는 별명으로 불린다.人稱「奇怪龍」,主要棲息於洞窟等暗處的詭異飛龍。
人称“奇怪龙”。تنانين مجنحة مقززة تسكن في الكهوف وغيرها من الأماكن
المظلمة. تصطاد وحوش خيزو -جميعها عدا العمياء- عن
طريق الرائحة. تطور ذيلها ليتشبث بالجدران والسقف.
بعد استخدام الصدمات الكهربائية لشل فرائسها،
تقوم بتمديد رقبتها الطويلة وتنقض.
疲労させて電撃攻撃を弱化させるなどの対策を取ろう。The Khezu will cling to walls or the ceiling
to unleash its electric attacks from above.
Use Wiredash to get to it and knock it down,
or exhaust it to weaken its electricity.Le Khezu s'agrippe aux parois pour lancer ses
attaques électriques depuis les hauteurs.
Effectuez une propulsion pour l'atteindre
et le faire tomber ou épuisez-le
pour affaiblir ses attaques.Il Khezu si aggrapperà a pareti e soffitti per
scatenare il suo attacco elettrico dall'alto.
Usa il tuo insetto filo per raggiungerlo e
buttarlo giù, oppure fallo stancare per indebolire
la sua carica elettrica.Der Khezu krallt sich an Wänden oder der Decke fest,
um von oben anzugreifen. Führe einen Seilsprint aus,
um zu ihm zu gelangen und ihn herabzustoßen oder
ermüde ihn, um seine Elektrizität zu schwächen.Al Khezu le encanta trepar por las paredes y el
techo para lanzar sus ataques eléctricos.
Usa cordoesprint para llegar hasta él y derribarlo,
o también puedes cansarlo para debilitar su
electricidad.Кезу забирается на стены и потолки, чтобы
атаковать электричеством сверху. Чтобы добраться
до него, садитесь на Прутожука, затем сбивайте
Кезу вниз или ослабляйте его, чтобы снизить мощь
электрических атак.Khezu lubi się czepiać ścian i sufitów, aby
z góry przeprowadzać swe elektryczne ataki.
Użyj kablozrywu, żeby dosięgnąć potwora i go
strącić, lub doprowadź go do wyczerpania, aby
osłabić jego elektryczną moc.O Khezu gruda nas paredes e no teto para lançar seus
ataques elétricos de cima. Use a Cabinvestida para
alcançá-lo e derrubá-lo ou canse-o para enfraquecer
sua eletricidade.푸루푸루는 벽과 천장을 기어올라
위에서 전기 공격을 해 온다.
밧줄벌레를 사용한 공격으로 떨어뜨리거나
지치게 만들어 전기 공격을
약하게 만드는 등의 대책을 세우자.奇怪龍會爬上牆壁及洞窟的頂部,
采取各种各样的对策吧。سيتشبث خيزو بالجدران والسقف
لتسديد صدماته الكهربائية من الأعلى.
استخدم اندفاع الحرير لتنطلق إليه وطرحه أرضًا،
أو أرهقه لإضعاف قوته الكهربائية.
Basic data
Base HP(LR/HR) 4200, (MR) 3600
Limping threshold(village) 25% / (LR) 25% / (HR) 20% / (MR) 12%
Capturing threshold(village) 28% / (LR) 28% / (HR) 23% / (MR) 14%
Sleep recovering90 seconds / recover 5% HP
Size881.28 (793.152, 960.5953, 1004.65924)
Threat level2
Type飛竜種Flying WyvernWyverne volanteWyvern volanteFlugwyvernWyvern voladorЛетающая вивернаWiwerna latającaSerpe Alada비룡종飛龍種飞龙种تنين مجنح طائر, (internal)Flying wyvern, Arial
GimmickVital(S) 100 / (M) 100 / (L) 100 / (KB) -1
Riding HP(S) 100 / (M) 100 / (L) 100
Caution to combat timer3
Caution to normal timer8
Combat to normal timer15
Enrage threshold(LR) 550 / (HR) 800 / (Rampage) 600 / (MR) 1400
State time(enraged) 60sec / (tired) 90sec
State time (rampage)(enraged) 10sec / (tired) 0sec
Motion(enraged) x1.3 / (tired) x0.95
Attack(enraged) x1.3
Defense(enraged) x0.9
Enrage add staying time30sec
Default move patternfly
Flying stance to movefalse
Sleep time500 ±50
Awake hour7 ~ 19
Eat time500 ±50
Quest | Size | HP | Attack | Parts | Defense | Element | Stun | Exhaust | Ride | Paralyze | Sleep | Stamina |
x0.82 | x1.1 | x0.82 | x1 | Ax0.95, Bx0.95 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x0.95 ①x1 | x0.95 ①x1 | x0.95 ①x1 | x0.95 ①x1 | x1 | 0 | ||
x0.79 | x1.41 | x0.88 | x1 | Ax0.95, Bx0.95 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x0.95 ①x1 | x0.95 ①x1 | x0.95 ①x1 | x0.95 ①x1 | x1 | 0 | ||
x0.79 | x1.41 | x0.88 | x1 | Ax0.95, Bx0.95 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x0.95 ①x1 | x0.95 ①x1 | x0.95 ①x1 | x0.95 ①x1 | x1 | 0 | ||
x0.79 | x1.41 | x0.88 | x1 | Ax0.95, Bx0.95 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x0.95 ①x1 | x0.95 ①x1 | x0.95 ①x1 | x0.95 ①x1 | x1 | 0 | ||
x0.7 | x1.85 | x1.03 | x1 | Ax1, Bx1 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 | 0 | ||
1% | x1.69(±) | x1.41 | x1.69 | x1 | Ax1, Bx1 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.1 ①x1 | x1.2 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 | 0 | |
x1.54 | x1.41 | x1.69 | x1 | Ax1, Bx1 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.1 ①x1 | x1.2 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 | 0 | ||
x1.69 | x2.1 | x1.87 | x1 | Ax1.05, Bx1.05 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.2 ①x1 | x1.25 ①x1 | x1.05 ①x1 | x1.05 ①x1 | x1 | 0 | ||
1% | x2.6 | x2.9 | x2.7 | x1 | Ax1.1, Bx1.1 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.25 ①x1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1.1 ①x1 | x1.1 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
1% | x2.6 | x2.9 | x2.7 | x1 | Ax1.1, Bx1.1 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.25 ①x1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1.1 ①x1 | x1.1 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
1% | x2.6 | x2.9 | x2.7 | x1 | Ax1.1, Bx1.1 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.25 ①x1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1.1 ①x1 | x1.1 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
1% | x2.6 | x2.9 | x2.7 | x1 | Ax1.1, Bx1.1 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.25 ①x1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1.1 ①x1 | x1.1 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
3%5% | x2.9(±±) | x2.9 | x2.7 | x1 | Ax1.1, Bx1.1 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.25 ①x1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1.1 ①x1 | x1.1 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
1% | x2.6 | x2.9 | x2.7 | x1 | Ax1.1, Bx1.1 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.25 ①x1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1.1 ①x1 | x1.1 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
1% | x2.6 | x2.9 | x2.7 | x1 | Ax1.1, Bx1.1 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.25 ①x1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1.1 ①x1 | x1.1 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
3%5% | x2.17 | x2.95 | x2.7 | x1 | Ax1.1, Bx1.1 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.25 ①x1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1.1 ①x1 | x1.1 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
3%5% | x2.14 | x3.6 | x2.75 | x1 | Ax1.2, Bx1.2 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.3 ①x1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1.2 ①x1 | x1.2 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
1% | x3.1 | x4.6 | x2.95 | x1 | Ax1.3, Bx1.3 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.3 ①x1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x1.3 ①x1 | x1.3 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
1% | x3.1 | x4.6 | x2.95 | x1 | Ax1.3, Bx1.3 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.3 ①x1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x1.3 ①x1 | x1.3 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
1% | x3.1 | x4.6 | x2.95 | x1 | Ax1.3, Bx1.3 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.3 ①x1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x1.3 ①x1 | x1.3 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
1% | x3.1 | x4.6 | x2.95 | x1 | Ax1.3, Bx1.3 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.3 ①x1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x1.3 ①x1 | x1.3 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
1% | x3.1 | x4.6 | x2.95 | x1 | Ax1.3, Bx1.3 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.3 ①x1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x1.3 ①x1 | x1.3 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
1% | x3.4 | x5.2 | x3.15 | x1 | Ax1.5, Bx1.5 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.3 ①x1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
3%5% | x2.7 | x5.3 | x3.15 | x1 | Ax1.5, Bx1.5 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.3 ①x1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
1% | x3.1 | x4.6 | x2.95 | x1 | Ax1.3, Bx1.3 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.3 ①x1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x1.3 ①x1 | x1.3 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
1% | x2.6 | x2.9 | x2.7 | x1 | Ax1.1, Bx1.1 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.25 ①x1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1.1 ①x1 | x1.1 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
1% | x3.8 | x6.1 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
1% | x3.8 | x6.1 | x3.45 | x1 | Ax1.9, Bx1.9 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.8 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
3%5% | x2.5 | x5.3 | x3.15 | x1 | Ax1.5, Bx1.5 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.3 ①x1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1 | 1 | |
6%10% | x6(±±) | x7.75 | x5.8 | x1 | Ax2, Bx2 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.85 ①x1 | x2 ①x1 | x2 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
100% | x3.9 | x8 | x5.8 | x1 | Ax2, Bx2 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.85 ①x1 | x2 ①x1 | x2 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
100% | x3.6 | x8 | x5.8 | x1 | Ax2, Bx2 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.85 ①x1 | x2 ①x1 | x2 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
6%10% | x3.9 | x8 | x5.8 | x1 | Ax2, Bx2 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.85 ①x1 | x2 ①x1 | x2 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
1% | x6 | x8.75 | x6.6 | x1 | Ax2.1, Bx2.1 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x2.1 ①x1 | x2.1 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
1% | x6 | x8.75 | x6.6 | x1 | Ax2.1, Bx2.1 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x2.1 ①x1 | x2.1 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
1% | x6.8 | x9.75 | x7.6 | x1 | Ax2.4, Bx2.4 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.05 ①x1 | x2.4 ①x1 | x2.4 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
1% | x6.8 | x9.75 | x7.6 | x1 | Ax2.4, Bx2.4 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.05 ①x1 | x2.4 ①x1 | x2.4 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
1% | x6.8 | x9.75 | x7.6 | x1 | Ax2.4, Bx2.4 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.05 ①x1 | x2.4 ①x1 | x2.4 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
1% | x6.8 | x9.75 | x7.6 | x1 | Ax2.4, Bx2.4 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.05 ①x1 | x2.4 ①x1 | x2.4 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
1% | x6.8 | x9.75 | x7.6 | x1 | Ax2.4, Bx2.4 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.05 ①x1 | x2.4 ①x1 | x2.4 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
1% | x7.6 | x10.9 | x8.8 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
3%5% | x6 | x8.75 | x6.6 | x1 | Ax2.1, Bx2.1 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x2.1 ①x1 | x2.1 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
100% | x3.7 | x10 | x7.6 | x1 | Ax2.4, Bx2.4 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.05 ①x1 | x2.4 ①x1 | x2.4 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
1% | x10.1 | x11.2 | x11.6 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
1% | x10.1 | x11.2 | x11.6 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
1% | x10.1 | x11.2 | x11.6 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
1% | x10.1 | x11.2 | x11.6 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
6%10% | x14.2(±) | x11.5 | x15 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x2 ①x2 | x2.15 ①x1 | x3 ①x2 | x3 ①x2 | x1 | 3 | |
1% | x10.1 | x11.2 | x11.6 | x1 | Ax2.6, Bx2.6 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.15 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x2.6 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
6%10% | x6(±±) | x7.75 | x5.8 | x1 | Ax2, Bx2 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.85 ①x1 | x2 ①x1 | x2 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
1% | x6 | x8.75 | x6.6 | x1 | Ax2.1, Bx2.1 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x2.1 ①x1 | x2.1 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
1% | x6 | x8.75 | x6.6 | x1 | Ax2.1, Bx2.1 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x2.1 ①x1 | x2.1 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
1% | x6.8 | x9.75 | x7.6 | x1 | Ax2.4, Bx2.4 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.05 ①x1 | x2.4 ①x1 | x2.4 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
1% | x6.8 | x9.75 | x7.6 | x1 | Ax2.4, Bx2.4 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.6 ①x1 | x2.05 ①x1 | x2.4 ①x1 | x2.4 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
1% | x6 | x8.75 | x6.6 | x1 | Ax2.1, Bx2.1 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x2.1 ①x1 | x2.1 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
6%10% | x3.6 | x9 | x6.6 | x1 | Ax2.1, Bx2.1 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1.9 ①x1 | x2.1 ①x1 | x2.1 ①x1 | x1 | 3 | |
Village tour (Village 3★) | x0.82 | x1.1 | x0.82 | x1 | Ax0.95, Bx0.95 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x0.95 ①x1 | x0.95 ①x1 | x0.95 ①x1 | x0.95 ①x1 | x1 | 0 | |
Low rank tour (Hub 2★) | 1% | x1.69(±) | x1.41 | x1.69 | x1 | Ax1, Bx1 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.1 ①x1 | x1.2 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 ①x1 | x1 | 0 |
High rank tour (Hub 4★) | 3%5% | x2.9(±±) | x2.9 | x2.7 | x1 | Ax1.1, Bx1.1 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.25 ①x1 | x1.5 ①x1 | x1.1 ①x1 | x1.1 ①x1 | x1 | 1 |
Master rank tour (MR 2★) | 6%10% | x6(±±) | x7.75 | x5.8 | x1 | Ax2, Bx2 ①Ax1, Bx1 | x1.4 ①x1 | x1.85 ①x1 | x2 ①x1 | x2 ①x1 | x1 | 3 |
Anomaly investigation
Appear as afflicted atA2 (Lv11)
Appear as normal at"A2" (Lv11)
Main targettrue
Sub targettrue
Extra monstertrue
Stats table as afflictedTable 2
Stats table as non-afflictedTable 0
Base zenny(A2) 210
Subtarget zenny adjust-
Base research point(A2) 220
Adjust point for requestx1.7
Allowed map
- 寒冷群島Frost IslandsArchipel de glaceIsole ghiacciateFrostinselnIslas heladasМорозные островаWyspy MroźneIlhas Gélidas한랭 군도寒冷群島冰封群岛الجُزر الثلجية
- 溶岩洞Lava CavernsCavernes de laveCaverne lavicheLavahöhlenGrutas de lavaЛавовые пещерыJaskinie LawyCavernas de Lava용암 동굴熔岩洞熔岩洞كهوف الحمم
- 獄泉郷Infernal SpringsSources infernalesSorgenti infern.HöllenquellenFuente infernalАдские ручьиPiekielne ŹródłaFontes Infernais옥천향獄泉鄉狱泉乡الينابيع الجهنمية
- 闘技場ArenaArèneArenaArenaArenaАренаArenaArena격투장鬥技場斗技场الساحة
- 塔の秘境Forlorn ArenaTour interditeArena desolataVerbotener TurmArena olvidadaЗабытая аренаOpuszczona arenaArena Desolada탑의 비경塔之秘境塔之秘境ساحة فورلورن
Hitzone data
Hitzone | Phase | Name | Slash | Impact | Shot | Fire | Water | Ice | Thunder | Dragon | Dizzy |
[0]A:頭 | 0 | 頭部HeadTêteTestaKopfCabezaГоловаGłowaCabeça머리頭部头部الرأس | 75 | 70 | 80 | 30 | 5 | 5 | 0 | 5 | 100 |
[1]B:首 | 0 | 首NeckCouColloNackenCuelloШеяSzyjaPescoço목頸部颈部رقبة | 75 | 50 | 50 | 25 | 5 | 5 | 0 | 5 | 0 |
[2]C:胴体 | 0 | 胴TorsoTroncTorsoTorsoTorsoТорсTułówTronco몸통身體躯干جذع | 45 | 45 | 25 | 25 | 5 | 5 | 0 | 5 | 0 |
[3]D:尻尾 | 0 | 尻尾TailQueueCodaSchwanzColaХвостOgonCauda꼬리尾巴尾巴ذيل | 20 | 20 | 30 | 20 | 5 | 5 | 0 | 5 | 0 |
[4]E:翼 | 0 | 翼WingAileAlaFlügelAlaКрылоSkrzydłoAsa날개翅膀翼جناح | 25 | 25 | 25 | 20 | 5 | 5 | 0 | 5 | 0 |
[5]F:左脚 | 0 | 左脚Left LegJambe gaucheGamba sinistraLinkes BeinPata izquierdaЛевая ногаLewa nogaPerna Esquerda왼쪽 다리左腳左腿القدم اليسرى | 36 | 20 | 35 | 15 | 5 | 5 | 0 | 5 | 0 |
1 | 46 | 30 | 45 | 17 | 5 | 5 | 0 | 5 | 0 | ||
[6]G:右脚 | 0 | 右脚Right LegJambe droiteGamba destraRechtes BeinPata derechaПравая ногаPrawa nogaPerna Direita오른쪽 다리右腳右腿القدم اليمنى | 36 | 20 | 35 | 15 | 5 | 5 | 0 | 5 | 0 |
1 | 46 | 30 | 45 | 17 | 5 | 5 | 0 | 5 | 0 | ||
[7] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
[8] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
[9] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
[10] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
[11] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
[12] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
[13] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
[14] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
[15] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Part | Stagger | Break | Sever | Extract | Anomaly cores (3x active) |
[0]ダメージアタリ_頭, 頭 | 200 | (x1) 400 | Red | 35% probability, 60 HP | |
[1]ダメージアタリ_首, 首 | 90 | Red | - | ||
[2]ダメージアタリ_胴体, 胴体 | 240 | Orange | - | ||
[3]ダメージアタリ_左脚, 左脚 | 130 | (x1) 260 | White | 15% probability, 30 HP | |
[4]ダメージアタリ_右脚, 右脚 | 130 | (x1) 260 | White | 15% probability, 30 HP | |
[5]ダメージアタリ_左翼, 左翼 | 120 | White | 10% probability, 30 HP | ||
[6]ダメージアタリ_右翼, 右翼 | 120 | White | 10% probability, 30 HP | ||
[7]ダメージアタリ_尻尾, 尻尾 | 90 | Orange | 15% probability, 25 HP | ||
[8] | -1 | None | - | ||
[9] | -1 | None | - | ||
[10] | -1 | None | - | ||
[11] | -1 | None | - | ||
[12] | -1 | None | - | ||
[13] | -1 | None | - | ||
[14] | -1 | None | - | ||
[15] | -1 | None | - |
Multi-part vital
Index | Part | priority | Attributes | HP |
Apex shutdown (rampage) | 4 | Unique | ||
Hellfire knockdown | All | 4 | UniqueRampage enableMulti rate EX | 1 / 150 / 700 |
Apex shutdown (normal quest) | 4 | Unique | ||
Unique0 | All | 2 | Unique | 30 |
Abnormal status
Threshold | Decay | Max stock | Active time | Add tired time | Damage | Additional information | |
Paralyze | 180 (+130) → 570180 (+130) → 570 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Sleep | 200 (+50) → 580200 (+50) → 580 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Stun | 120 (+100) → 520120 (+100) → 520 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Exhaust | 200 (+100) → 600200 (+100) → 600 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Stamina reduction = 300 |
Paralyze | 300 (+100) → 700180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 7 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Sleep | 150 (+100) → 550180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 40 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Stun | 120 (+100) → 520180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Exhaust | 375 (+150) → 1575180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Stamina reduction = 150 |
Flash | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 20 sec (-4 sec) → 5 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Activate count = 0, Active time = 0 Activate count = 0, Active time = 0 Ignore refresh stance = Distance = 8 ~ 3, Angle = 0 |
Flash | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 20 sec (-4 sec) → 5 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Activate count = 0, Active time = 0 Activate count = 0, Active time = 0 Ignore refresh stance = Distance = 8 ~ 3, Angle = 0 |
Flash | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Activate count = 3, Active time = 10 Activate count = 2, Active time = 5 Ignore refresh stance = stand, fly, diving, wall, ceiling Distance = 3 ~ 8, Angle = 120 |
Poison | 110 (+75) → 410110 (+75) → 410 | 5 / 5 sec5 / 5 sec | 0 | 40 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 5 / 2 sec | |
Blast | 70 (+30) → 67070 (+30) → 670 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Blast damage = 100 |
Poison | 100 (+90) → 370180 (+900) → 1080 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 25 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 10 / 1 sec | |
Blast | 70 (+30) → 670180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Blast damage = 100 |
Ride | 1000 (+800) → 54000 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 10 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 15 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Non-target monster first ride limit = 0 |
Ride | 500 (+2000) → 61000 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 15 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Non-target monster first ride limit = 65 |
Water | 150 (+100) → 500150 (+100) → 500 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 20 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Melee hzv adjust: hard = 25, soft = 3, judge = 60 Shot hzv adjust: hard = 25, soft = 3, judge = 60 |
Fire | 150 (+100) → 500150 (+100) → 500 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 30 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 2 / 15 sec | Hit-damage rate = 2 |
Ice | 150 (+100) → 500150 (+100) → 500 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 20 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Motion speed rate = 0.9 |
Thunder | 150 (+100) → 500150 (+100) → 500 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 20 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Stun hzv adjust: rate = 0.5, min = 0, max = 20, default = 1.1 Normal hzv adjust: rate = 0.5, min = 0, max = 20, default = 1.1 Stun active limit = 0 |
Pitfall trap | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-0 sec) → 3 sec | +5 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Quicksand | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Poison purr-ison | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Poison stacking = 0 |
Shock trap | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-0 sec) → 3 sec | +5 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Shock purr-ison | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Capture | 150 (+0) → 1500 (+0) → 0 | 5 / 10 sec0 / 0 sec | 200 | 3.402823e38 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Dung | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Steel fang | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 0 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Active limit = 0, Unique target param = true Distance = 5 ~ 10, Angle = 180 |
Water | 180 (+130) → 570180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 30 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Melee hzv adjust: hard = 25, soft = 3, judge = 60 Shot hzv adjust: hard = 25, soft = 3, judge = 60 |
Fire | 180 (+130) → 570180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 30 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 15 / 2 sec | Hit-damage rate = 1.5 |
Ice | 180 (+130) → 570180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 30 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Motion speed rate = 0.9 |
Thunder | 180 (+130) → 570180 (+720) → 900 | 5 / 10 sec5 / 10 sec | 0 | 30 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Stun hzv adjust: rate = 0.5, min = 1, max = 40, default = 1 Normal hzv adjust: rate = 0.2, min = 1, max = 20, default = 1 Stun active limit = 1 |
Pitfall trap | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-2 sec) → 3 sec | +5 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Quicksand | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Poison purr-ison | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 8 sec (-0 sec) → 3 sec | +5 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Poison stacking = 300 |
Shock trap | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 8 sec (-2 sec) → 3 sec | +5 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Shock purr-ison | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 8 sec (-2 sec) → 3 sec | +5 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Pitfall trap | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 8 sec (-2 sec) → 3 sec | +5 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Quicksand | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 8 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Poison purr-ison | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 8 sec (-0 sec) → 3 sec | +5 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Poison stacking = 300 |
Shock trap | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 6 sec (-2 sec) → 3 sec | +5 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Shock purr-ison | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 6 sec (-2 sec) → 3 sec | +5 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Capture | 150 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 5 / 5 sec0 / 0 sec | 200 | 3.402823e38 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Dung | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 120 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | |
Steel fang | 0 (+0) → 00 (+0) → 0 | 0 / 0 sec0 / 0 sec | 0 | 10 sec (-0 sec) → 0 sec | +0 sec | 0 / 0 sec | Active limit = 4, Unique target param = false Distance = 0 ~ 0, Angle = 0 |
Afflicted stats
Return to great activity time50 sec
Damage to releasex15 (carry over x9) / x20 (carry over x11.25) / x25 (carry over x13.5)
Release count to topple1
Maximum activity min continue time60 sec
Anomaly burst time90 sec
Add enragex1
Core break damage1.2%
Core break part break100%
Attack(normal) x1 / (great) x1 / (max) x1
Motion(normal) x1 / (great) x1.02 / (max) x1.04
Bloodblight timex1
Low rank reward
Target rewards | Probability |
1x | 15% |
2x | 29% |
1x | 20% |
1x | 8% |
1x | 18% |
1x | 10% |
Part | Carves | Probability |
Main body (x3) | 1x | 36% |
1x | 21% | |
1x | 28% | |
1x | 15% |
Capture rewards | Probability |
1x | 16% |
1x | 33% |
2x | 23% |
1x | 10% |
2x | 18% |
Part | Broken part rewards | Probability |
頭部HeadTêteTestaKopfCabezaГоловаGłowaCabeça머리頭部头部الرأس All of:
| 2x | 60% |
1x | 28% | |
1x | 12% | |
脚LegPatteZampaBeinPataЛапаNogaPerna다리腳腿قدم Any of:
| 1x | 100% |
Part | Dropped materials | Probability |
Drop 0 - 100% | 1x | 20% |
1x | 30% | |
1x | 50% | |
Drop 1 - 100% | 1x | 20% |
1x | 80% | |
Riding | 1x | 40% |
1x | 20% | |
1x | 40% |
From buddy | Probability |
1x | 24% |
1x | 19% |
1x | 32% |
1x | 25% |
High rank reward
Target rewards | Probability |
1x | 14% |
2x | 20% |
2x | 14% |
1x | 10% |
1x | 8% |
1x | 21% |
1x | 12% |
1x | 1% |
Part | Carves | Probability |
Main body (x3) | 1x | 37% |
1x | 24% | |
2x | 19% | |
1x | 20% |
Capture rewards | Probability |
1x | 16% |
1x | 34% |
2x | 19% |
1x | 10% |
2x | 18% |
1x | 3% |
Part | Broken part rewards | Probability |
頭部HeadTêteTestaKopfCabezaГоловаGłowaCabeça머리頭部头部الرأس All of:
| 2x | 52% |
2x | 20% | |
1x | 16% | |
1x | 12% | |
脚LegPatteZampaBeinPataЛапаNogaPerna다리腳腿قدم Any of:
| 1x | 100% |
Part | Dropped materials | Probability |
Drop 0 - 100% | 1x | 27% |
2x | 22% | |
1x | 1% | |
1x | 30% | |
1x | 20% | |
Drop 1 - 100% | 2x | 70% |
1x | 10% | |
1x | 20% | |
Riding | 1x | 50% |
1x | 20% | |
2x | 30% |
From buddy | Probability |
1x | 29% |
1x | 21% |
2x | 24% |
1x | 26% |
Master rank reward
Target rewards | Probability |
1x | 16% |
2x | 29% |
2x | 14% |
1x | 8% |
1x | 21% |
1x | 10% |
1x | 2% |
Part | Carves | Probability |
Main body (x3) | 1x | 37% |
1x | 24% | |
2x | 19% | |
1x | 20% |
Capture rewards | Probability |
1x | 15% |
1x | 33% |
3x | 16% |
1x | 10% |
2x | 18% |
1x | 5% |
1x | 3% |
Part | Broken part rewards | Probability |
頭部HeadTêteTestaKopfCabezaГоловаGłowaCabeça머리頭部头部الرأس All of:
| 2x | 52% |
3x | 20% | |
1x | 16% | |
1x | 12% | |
脚LegPatteZampaBeinPataЛапаNogaPerna다리腳腿قدم Any of:
| 1x | 100% |
Part | Dropped materials | Probability |
Drop 0 - 100% | 1x | 27% |
2x | 22% | |
1x | 1% | |
1x | 20% | |
1x | 30% | |
Drop 1 - 100% | 3x | 70% |
1x | 30% | |
Riding | 1x | 50% |
1x | 20% | |
2x | 30% |
From buddy | Probability |
1x | 29% |
1x | 21% |
2x | 24% |
1x | 26% |
Anomaly quest reward
Anomaly investigation reward (lv1 ~ lv20)
Quest rewards First one fixed | Probability |
1x | 5% |
1x | 25% |
2x | 10% |
1x | 25% |
2x | 10% |
2x | 25% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 30% |
2x | 40% |
3x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
5x | 60% |
6x | 40% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 70% |
2x | 30% |
Multi-target quest rewards Get one | Probability |
2x | 50% |
3x | 30% |
5x | 20% |
Multi-target fixed rewards Get one | Probability |
2x | 100% |
Anomaly investigation reward (lv21 ~ lv30)
Quest rewards First one fixed | Probability |
1x | 5% |
1x | 25% |
2x | 10% |
1x | 25% |
2x | 10% |
2x | 25% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 30% |
2x | 40% |
3x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
6x | 60% |
7x | 30% |
8x | 10% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 70% |
2x | 30% |
Multi-target quest rewards Get one | Probability |
2x | 50% |
3x | 30% |
5x | 20% |
Multi-target fixed rewards Get one | Probability |
2x | 100% |
Anomaly investigation reward (lv31 ~ lv40)
Quest rewards First one fixed | Probability |
1x | 5% |
1x | 25% |
2x | 10% |
1x | 25% |
2x | 10% |
2x | 25% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 40% |
2x | 60% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
6x | 60% |
7x | 30% |
8x | 10% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 30% |
2x | 40% |
3x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 70% |
2x | 30% |
Multi-target quest rewards Get one | Probability |
2x | 50% |
3x | 30% |
5x | 20% |
Multi-target fixed rewards Get one | Probability |
2x | 100% |
Anomaly investigation reward (lv41 ~ lv50)
Quest rewards First one fixed | Probability |
1x | 5% |
1x | 25% |
2x | 10% |
1x | 25% |
2x | 10% |
2x | 25% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 40% |
2x | 60% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
5x | 75% |
6x | 20% |
7x | 5% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 30% |
2x | 40% |
3x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 70% |
2x | 30% |
Multi-target quest rewards Get one | Probability |
5x | 50% |
6x | 35% |
8x | 15% |
Multi-target fixed rewards Get one | Probability |
2x | 100% |
Anomaly investigation reward (lv51 ~ lv60)
Quest rewards First one fixed | Probability |
1x | 25% |
1x | 25% |
2x | 10% |
3x | 10% |
2x | 5% |
2x | 5% |
2x | 10% |
2x | 10% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 40% |
2x | 60% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
5x | 75% |
6x | 20% |
7x | 5% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 30% |
2x | 40% |
3x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 70% |
2x | 30% |
Multi-target quest rewards Get one | Probability |
5x | 50% |
6x | 35% |
8x | 15% |
Multi-target fixed rewards Get one | Probability |
2x | 60% |
3x | 40% |
Anomaly investigation reward (lv61 ~ lv80)
Quest rewards First one fixed | Probability |
1x | 25% |
1x | 25% |
2x | 10% |
3x | 10% |
2x | 5% |
2x | 5% |
2x | 10% |
2x | 10% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
2x | 40% |
3x | 50% |
4x | 10% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
5x | 20% |
7x | 50% |
9x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
3x | 30% |
4x | 50% |
5x | 20% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 70% |
2x | 30% |
Multi-target quest rewards Get one | Probability |
3x | 20% |
4x | 60% |
6x | 20% |
Multi-target fixed rewards Get one | Probability |
2x | 60% |
3x | 40% |
Anomaly investigation reward (lv81 ~ lv100)
Quest rewards First one fixed | Probability |
1x | 25% |
1x | 25% |
2x | 10% |
3x | 10% |
2x | 5% |
2x | 5% |
2x | 10% |
2x | 10% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
5x | 65% |
6x | 30% |
7x | 5% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
12x | 40% |
14x | 40% |
18x | 20% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
3x | 30% |
4x | 50% |
5x | 20% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 70% |
2x | 30% |
Multi-target quest rewards Get one | Probability |
5x | 20% |
7x | 50% |
9x | 30% |
Multi-target fixed rewards Get one | Probability |
2x | 60% |
3x | 40% |
Anomaly investigation reward (lv101 ~ lv120)
Quest rewards First one fixed | Probability |
2x | 10% |
1x | 10% |
2x | 15% |
8x | 10% |
5x | 5% |
3x | 5% |
2x | 10% |
1x | 15% |
2x | 20% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 30% |
2x | 40% |
3x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
12x | 40% |
14x | 40% |
18x | 20% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 40% |
2x | 60% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
2x | 30% |
3x | 50% |
4x | 20% |
Multi-target quest rewards Get one | Probability |
5x | 20% |
7x | 50% |
9x | 30% |
Multi-target fixed rewards Get one | Probability |
5x | 30% |
6x | 40% |
7x | 30% |
Anomaly investigation reward (lv121 ~ lv140)
Quest rewards First one fixed | Probability |
2x | 20% |
1x | 10% |
2x | 15% |
12x | 10% |
8x | 5% |
5x | 5% |
2x | 15% |
2x | 20% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 30% |
2x | 40% |
3x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
16x | 30% |
18x | 40% |
20x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 40% |
2x | 60% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
3x | 30% |
4x | 50% |
5x | 20% |
Multi-target quest rewards Get one | Probability |
12x | 40% |
14x | 40% |
18x | 20% |
Multi-target fixed rewards Get one | Probability |
7x | 30% |
8x | 40% |
9x | 30% |
Anomaly investigation reward (lv141 ~ lv160)
Quest rewards First one fixed | Probability |
2x | 20% |
1x | 10% |
2x | 15% |
12x | 10% |
8x | 5% |
5x | 5% |
2x | 15% |
2x | 20% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
3x | 30% |
4x | 40% |
5x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
16x | 30% |
18x | 40% |
20x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 30% |
2x | 40% |
3x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
3x | 30% |
4x | 50% |
5x | 20% |
Multi-target quest rewards Get one | Probability |
12x | 40% |
14x | 40% |
18x | 20% |
Multi-target fixed rewards Get one | Probability |
7x | 30% |
8x | 40% |
9x | 30% |
Anomaly investigation reward (lv161 ~ lv180)
Quest rewards First one fixed | Probability |
3x | 20% |
1x | 15% |
2x | 20% |
12x | 10% |
8x | 5% |
5x | 5% |
2x | 25% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
3x | 30% |
4x | 40% |
5x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
18x | 30% |
20x | 40% |
24x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 30% |
2x | 40% |
3x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
3x | 30% |
4x | 50% |
5x | 20% |
Multi-target quest rewards Get one | Probability |
16x | 30% |
18x | 40% |
20x | 30% |
Multi-target fixed rewards Get one | Probability |
10x | 30% |
12x | 40% |
14x | 30% |
Anomaly investigation reward (lv181 ~ lv199)
Quest rewards First one fixed | Probability |
3x | 20% |
1x | 15% |
2x | 20% |
12x | 10% |
8x | 5% |
5x | 5% |
2x | 25% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
5x | 30% |
6x | 40% |
7x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
18x | 30% |
20x | 40% |
24x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
3x | 30% |
4x | 50% |
5x | 20% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
3x | 30% |
4x | 50% |
5x | 20% |
Multi-target quest rewards Get one | Probability |
16x | 30% |
18x | 40% |
20x | 30% |
Multi-target fixed rewards Get one | Probability |
10x | 30% |
12x | 40% |
14x | 30% |
Anomaly investigation reward (lv200 ~ lv200)
Quest rewards First one fixed | Probability |
3x | 20% |
1x | 15% |
2x | 20% |
12x | 10% |
8x | 5% |
5x | 5% |
2x | 25% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
5x | 30% |
6x | 40% |
7x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
18x | 30% |
20x | 40% |
24x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
3x | 30% |
4x | 50% |
5x | 20% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
3x | 30% |
4x | 50% |
5x | 20% |
Special quest rewards Get one | Probability |
1x | 25% |
2x | 50% |
4x | 25% |
Multi-target quest rewards Get one | Probability |
16x | 30% |
18x | 40% |
20x | 30% |
Multi-target fixed rewards Get one | Probability |
10x | 30% |
12x | 40% |
14x | 30% |
Anomaly investigation reward (lv201 ~ lv219)
Quest rewards First one fixed | Probability |
4x | 15% |
6x | 5% |
1x | 15% |
2x | 20% |
15x | 10% |
10x | 5% |
7x | 5% |
2x | 25% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
5x | 30% |
6x | 40% |
7x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
25x | 30% |
27x | 35% |
30x | 25% |
34x | 10% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
3x | 30% |
4x | 50% |
5x | 20% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
3x | 30% |
4x | 50% |
5x | 20% |
Multi-target quest rewards Get one | Probability |
18x | 30% |
20x | 40% |
24x | 30% |
Multi-target fixed rewards Get one | Probability |
14x | 30% |
16x | 40% |
18x | 25% |
22x | 5% |
Anomaly investigation reward (lv220 ~ lv220)
Quest rewards First one fixed | Probability |
4x | 15% |
6x | 5% |
1x | 15% |
2x | 20% |
15x | 10% |
10x | 5% |
7x | 5% |
2x | 25% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
5x | 30% |
6x | 40% |
7x | 30% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
25x | 30% |
27x | 35% |
30x | 25% |
34x | 10% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
3x | 30% |
4x | 50% |
5x | 20% |
Quest bonus rewards Get one | Probability |
3x | 30% |
4x | 50% |
5x | 20% |
Special quest rewards Get one | Probability |
2x | 40% |
3x | 50% |
5x | 10% |
Multi-target quest rewards Get one | Probability |
18x | 30% |
20x | 40% |
24x | 30% |
Multi-target fixed rewards Get one | Probability |
14x | 30% |
16x | 40% |
18x | 25% |
22x | 5% |
Move set
Internal name | Damage | Status | Guardable | Power | Type | To object | To other monster | Flags |
RabbitConv000 - | Yes | 0 | Invalid | None | None | |||
首伸ばし噛みつき直線 |
| Yes | 40 | Quick recovery flying | PowerS | S | |
壁威嚇 | Yes | 50 | Strong roar 90 | None | None | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos | ||
RabbitConv003 - | Yes | 40 | Invalid | None | None | |||
RabbitConv004 - |
| Yes | 10 | Invalid | None | None | |
尻尾回転攻撃(左脚) |
| Yes | 20 | Tripping | None | None | |
尻尾回転攻撃(右脚) |
| Yes | 20 | Tripping | None | None | |
向き替え(左脚) |
| Yes | 15 | Knockbacks | None | None | ||
向き替え(右脚) |
| Yes | 15 | Knockbacks | None | None | ||
RabbitConv009 - |
| Yes | 15 | Invalid | None | None | ||
RabbitConv010 - |
| Yes | 15 | Invalid | None | None | ||
素早い向き替え(左脚) |
| Yes | 15 | Knockbacks | None | None | ||
素早い向き替え(右脚) |
| Yes | 15 | Knockbacks | None | None | ||
RabbitConv013 - |
| Yes | 30 | Invalid | None | None | |
首伸ばしかみつき曲線 |
| Yes | 15 | Tripping | PowerS | S | |
RabbitConv015 - |
| Yes | 40 | Invalid | None | None | ||
RabbitConv016 - |
| Yes | 30 | Invalid | None | None | ||
回転攻撃 |
| Yes | 40 | Quick recovery flying | PowerS | S | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos |
RabbitConv018 - |
| Yes | 30 | Invalid | None | None | ||
RabbitConv019 - | Yes | 40 | Invalid | None | None | |||
歩き(左脚) |
| Yes | 15 | Knockbacks | None | None | ||
歩き(右脚) |
| Yes | 15 | Knockbacks | None | None | ||
RabbitConv022 - |
| Yes | 30 | Invalid | None | None | |
RabbitConv023 - |
| Yes | 30 | Invalid | None | None | |
移動噛みつき |
| Yes | 40 | Tripping | PowerS | S | |
瀕死歩き(右脚) |
| Yes | 10 | Knockbacks | None | None | ||
瀕死歩き(右脚) |
| Yes | 10 | Knockbacks | None | None | ||
発電攻撃(地上) |
| Yes | 50 | Flying away 60 | None | M | CalcHitDirection |
落下落下攻撃 |
| Yes | 40 | Flying away | PowerS | S | AllDirGuardable |
飛びつき攻撃 |
| Yes | 50 | Flying away | PowerM | M | AllDirGuardable |
飛びつき攻撃着地 |
| Yes | 50 | Flying away | PowerM | M | AllDirGuardable |
RabbitConv031 - |
| Yes | 50 | Invalid | None | None | |
バックジャンプ風圧 | Yes | 5 | Minor wind pressure | None | None | AllDirGuardable | ||
RabbitConv033 - | Yes | 10 | Invalid | None | None | |||
RabbitConv034 - 落下攻撃(空中)EM036_FLY26 |
| Yes | 40 | Invalid | None | None | |
RabbitConv035 - | Yes | 10 | Invalid | None | None | |||
【対モンスター】飛びつき攻撃 |
| Yes | 50 | Flying away | PowerM | M | AllDirGuardableTriggerRidingStart |
RabbitConv036 - | Yes | 10 | Invalid | None | None | |||
電気ブレス |
| Yes | 15 | Tripping | None | None | ||
RabbitConv038 - | Yes | 10 | Invalid | None | None | |||
地上フリッカー |
| Yes | 30 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | M | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos |
【対モンスター】地上フリッカー |
| Yes | 30 | Tripping | PowerM | M | TriggerRidingStart |
RabbitConv040 - |
| Yes | 20 | Invalid | None | None | |
発電飛びつき攻撃 |
| Yes | 60 | Flying away 60 | PowerM | M | AllDirGuardable |
発電飛びつき攻撃着地 |
| Yes | 60 | Flying away 60 | None | M | AllDirGuardable |
放電移動噛みつき |
| Yes | 50 | Quick recovery flying 60 | PowerM | M | |
【対モンスター】飛びつき攻撃着地 |
| Yes | 50 | Flying away | PowerM | M | AllDirGuardableTriggerRidingStart |
発電クンクン歩き |
| Yes | 40 | Quick recovery flying 60 | None | S | |
RabbitConv046 - |
| Yes | 40 | Invalid | None | None | |
RabbitConv047 - |
| Yes | 40 | Invalid | None | None | |
壁・発電攻撃 |
| Yes | 50 | Flying away 60 | None | M | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPosAllDirGuardable |
RabbitConv049 - |
| Yes | 10 | Invalid | None | None | ||
RabbitConv050 - |
| Yes | 40 | Invalid | None | None | ||
RabbitConv051 - |
| Yes | 40 | Invalid | None | None | ||
壁フリッカー |
| Yes | 40 | Tripping | None | S | |
地上2段発電攻撃:1段目 |
| Yes | 40 | Flying away 60 | PowerM | M | CalcHitDirection |
地上2段発電攻撃:2段目 |
| Yes | 50 | Flying away 60 | PowerM | M | CalcHitDirection |
フリッカー歩き |
| Yes | 40 | Tripping | PowerS | S | |
疲れ発電攻撃 |
| Yes | 30 | Quick recovery flying 60 | PowerS | S | CalcHitDirection |
RabbitConv057 - |
| Yes | 50 | Invalid | None | None | |
RabbitConv058 - 天井拘束攻撃中かみかみ:EM036_CATCH01 |
| Yes | 15 | Invalid | None | None | ||
RabbitConv059 - 亜種用天井拘束攻撃中かみかみ:EM036_CATCH01 |
| Yes | 15 | Invalid | None | None | ||
天井よだれ攻撃(胴体) |
| Yes | 4 | Tripping | None | None | |
RabbitConv061 - 乗られ振りほどき中の尻尾 1回目 |
| Yes | 30 | Invalid | None | None | |
RabbitConv062 - 乗られ振りほどき中の尻尾 2回目 |
| Yes | 30 | Invalid | None | None | |
RabbitConv063 - 乗られ振りほどき体 1回目 |
| Yes | 40 | Invalid | None | None | |
RabbitConv064 - 乗られ振りほどき体 2回目 |
| Yes | 40 | Invalid | None | None | |
RabbitConv065 - | Yes | 0 | Invalid | None | None | |||
壁噛みつき |
| Yes | 40 | Tripping | PowerS | S | |
【操獣】離脱突進 | Yes | 30 | Quick recovery flying | AbsolutePower | None | TriggerRidingStart | ||
【操獣】回避パリィ | Yes | 0 | Knockbacks | None | None | |||
ダッシュ攻撃 |
| Yes | 40 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | M | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPos |
天井噛みつき |
| Yes | 40 | Quick recovery flying | PowerS | S | |
威嚇 | Yes | 50 | Strong roar 90 | None | None | CalcHitDirection | ||
段差のぼり |
| Yes | 25 | Flying away | PowerS | S | |
横噛みつき薙ぎ払い |
| Yes | 30 | Flying away | PowerM | S | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPosAllDirGuardable |
横噛みつき薙ぎ払い(根本) |
| Yes | 20 | Tripping | PowerM | S | CalcHitDirectionBasedRootPosAllDirGuardable | |
【MR】咆哮 | Yes | 50 | Strong roar 140 | None | None | CalcHitDirection | ||
【MR】咆哮_首薙ぎ | Yes | 50 | Strong roar 100 | None | None | CalcHitDirection | ||
ボムブレス(放物線) |
| Yes | 40 | Flying away 60 | PowerM | M | ShellAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
ボムブレス(着弾) |
| Yes | 40 | Flying away 60 | PowerM | M | ShellCalcHitDirectionIgnoreEndDelay |
【対モンスター】ボムブレス(放物線) |
| Yes | 40 | Flying away 60 | PowerM | M | ShellAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelayTriggerRidingStart |
【対モンスター】ボムブレス(着弾) |
| Yes | 40 | Flying away 60 | PowerM | M | ShellCalcHitDirectionIgnoreEndDelayTriggerRidingStart |
ボムブレス大(放物線) |
| Yes | 40 | Flying away 60 | PowerM | M | ShellAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
ボムブレス大(着弾) |
| Yes | 40 | Flying away 60 | PowerM | M | ShellCalcHitDirectionIgnoreEndDelay |
地走りシェル |
| Needs Guard Up | 10 | Quick recovery flying | PowerM | None | ShellIgnoreEndDelay |
【対モンスター】ボムブレス大(放物線) |
| Yes | 40 | Flying away 60 | PowerM | M | ShellAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelayTriggerRidingStart |
【対モンスター】ボムブレス大(着弾) |
| Yes | 40 | Flying away 60 | PowerM | M | ShellCalcHitDirectionIgnoreEndDelayTriggerRidingStart |
拘束開始攻撃用コライダー |
| Yes | 40 | Catch | None | None | ShellIgnoreEndDelay |
よだれ |
| Yes | 10 | Knockbacks | None | None | ShellAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
設置雷三連 |
| Yes | 30 | Flying away | PowerM | M | ShellCalcHitDirectionAllDirGuardableIgnoreEndDelay |
Map behavior
寒冷群島Frost IslandsArchipel de glaceIsole ghiacciateFrostinselnIslas heladasМорозные островаWyspy MroźneIlhas Gélidas한랭 군도寒冷群島冰封群岛الجُزر الثلجية
Allow area type
Special behaviortrue
Eat itemfalse
Eat item type
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
2 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
3 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
4 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
5 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @1002. flag:true | |||
6 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
7 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
8 | 90sec | 120sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
9 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
10 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
11 | 150sec | 240sec | false | @1004. flag:true | |||
12 | 150sec | 240sec | false | @2001,[2002],[2003]. flag:false | @0. flag:false |
溶岩洞Lava CavernsCavernes de laveCaverne lavicheLavahöhlenGrutas de lavaЛавовые пещерыJaskinie LawyCavernas de Lava용암 동굴熔岩洞熔岩洞كهوف الحمم
Allow area type
Special behaviortrue
Eat itemfalse
Eat item type
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
2 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @1001. flag:true | @0. flag:false | ||
3 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
4 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
5 | 90sec | 120sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
6 | 150sec | 220sec | false | @2002,[2003],[2004]. flag:false | |||
7 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @1004. flag:true | |||
8 | 120sec | 180sec | false | @0. flag:false | |||
9 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
10 | 120sec | 180sec | false | ||||
11 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
12 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
13 | 90sec | 120sec | false | ||||
14 | 90sec | 120sec | false |
#Rejected# Stage_Name_06#Rejected# Stage_Name_06#Rejected# Stage_Name_06#Rejected# Stage_Name_06#Rejected# Stage_Name_06#Rejected# Stage_Name_06#Rejected# Stage_Name_06#Rejected# Stage_Name_06#Rejected# Stage_Name_06#Rejected# Stage_Name_06#Rejected# Stage_Name_06#Rejected# Stage_Name_06#Rejected# Stage_Name_06#Rejected# Stage_Name_06
Allow area type
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 220sec | 220sec | false | ||||
2 | 220sec | 220sec | false | ||||
3 | 220sec | 220sec | false | ||||
4 | 220sec | 220sec | false | ||||
11 | 220sec | 220sec | false | ||||
12 | 220sec | 220sec | false |
翡葉の砦Red StrongholdForteresse rougeFortezza rossaRote FestungFortaleza rojaКрасная ТвердыняCzerwona TwierdzaFortaleza Vermelha비취잎의 요새翡葉要塞翡叶要塞القلعة الحمراء
Allow area type
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 220sec | 220sec | false | ||||
2 | 220sec | 220sec | false | ||||
3 | 220sec | 220sec | false | ||||
4 | 220sec | 220sec | false | ||||
11 | 220sec | 220sec | false | ||||
12 | 220sec | 220sec | false |
Allow area type
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 10000sec | 10000sec | false | ||||
11 | 0sec | 0sec | false | ||||
12 | 0sec | 0sec | false |
塔の秘境Forlorn ArenaTour interditeArena desolataVerbotener TurmArena olvidadaЗабытая аренаOpuszczona arenaArena Desolada탑의 비경塔之秘境塔之秘境ساحة فورلورن
Allow area type
Zone | Idle | Combat | Disable move | Sleep | Eat | Escape | Special behavior |
1 | 10000sec | 10000sec | false |